Tuesday, January 17, 2023

My Monday

Donning my virtuous little housewife guise, I dry- and wet-mopped the hard floors, vacuumed the soft, and cleaned the bathroom, having washed the throw rugs on Monday. Before that, I made a batch of my signature ice cream, adding chocolate syrup to one half, caramel to the other. I had a terrible time trying to fit the (loaf) pan in the freezer; had to take out a few things, which will have to be in the fridge until I get around to eating them. 

Took my cart and went over to Von's for laundry detergent and, after much travail, a "carbonated mixture"--actually flavored Selzer water. I hate the stuff, but it was free, because I'm such a valued customer, so I took it, thinking Jim or Noreen might want it. Later, I thought I'd walk to The Market, but when I started out, the wind was so fierce, I changed my mind and went back to Von's for laundry detergent.  

Home, I did some other getting-ready-for-company chores. It occurred to me that, as Jim has more or less indicated he enjoyed reading scripts, that maybe Noreen would, too. I looked over the outlander ones (those I hadn't written myself) and decided they were either too complicated, had too many characters, or would have required me to copy a lot. The only one for which I have several copies of scripts is Oscar Wilde's The Importance Of Being Earnest, which first hit theaters in 1895. I'm familiar with it, and in the right hands--right players, that is--it can be fun, but in my living room, with Jim and Noreen? Oh, no, no, no, no.......

So I dug up some of my old plays and chose two comedies, The Potato Family and Tootie Looks at Real Estate, and a drama, Telephone. All went over big in Little Egg Harbor and Big California, so I think it'll be enjoyable for the three of us. 

On the social side, Leslie PMed me that she misses me and so on and I wrote back. I fear she's in some kind of depression; wish she lived closer. Julie called to ask if I want to go to the BCNN Happy Hour tomorrow and hell, yes, I do. She'll pick me up at 3:30. LaVonne called to say she had moved from her daughter's place here in Ventura to Oxnard. We'll get together soon.  

One more: the passport pic I took of Jim last year, and I emailed it to him:


iloveac said...

Not sure I'm counting my attempts at Wordle correctly. I consider the first five letters I type to be a start. I consider the next entry as my initial attempt. How about you?

Mimi said...

But that's not how it works: Wordle includes all attempts and when you "save," that's what comes up. Today (Wednesday), it took me four tries.


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...