Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Tuesday And Turkey

Yesterday's entry ran on so long, I'm going to make this just bullet points to chronicle my goings-on:

1. It was again--or still--raining c.s and d.s, and Margarita texted me to suggest we postpone our lunch date. We did, until Sunday, although late, it stopped anyway.

2. Suzanne stopped in about 10:00to see how I survived being cooped up all day; I told her about the business with the covered dish, Jim, and missed connections. She asked if I wanted to play cards later; I said okay.

3. Sharon called from rehab to tell me she has lost fifty-one pounds. She went in last week at 322 and now weighs 271. I reacted with what I know she needed: amazement and great praise. I realize that a lot--probably most--of loss is water, and I hope she'll be able to get serious about her nutrition when she gets out.

4. I called the Access Van to take me to my doctor's appointment today.

5. Suzanne came over at 2:00 to play cards. I told her I know only gin rummy and that's what we played. In truth, I still wonder if she actually enjoys my company or is simply following a charitable agenda. Anyway, it was fun in a mild way. We played for about an hour.

6. As soon as Suzanne left, I got my coat and my cart and walked over to Von's. Bought some so-so frozen dinners, which I like to have on hand if I want something quick. Also bought ground turkey.

7. Home, I made a large pot of my signature turnkey stir-fry. I vary the ingredients often and this time they included sweet pepper strips; mandolined onions which I had in the freezer; mushrooms I halved;  garlic, of course; and, for a change, I added a can of peas. 

8. My cousin, Sally, from San Diego called and we talked for about a half hour. I was actually in Von's at the time, but I didn't care; it was good to hear from her.

9. Had the stir-fry for dinner and it was yum.

10. Best news: Slept soundly and just got  up at 5:30--YAY! 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...