Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Tiptop Tuesday

Maybe not tiptop, but a pretty good day. 

I left early, about 10:30, for town. Took my little cart and went first to the library to pick up the book I had requested after Patrick suggested it for Ellen and me: 

However, it wasn't on the "hold" shelf and when the librarian and I investigated, we found I had requested it be held at the Hill Street branch. I apologized and will pick it up today. Today, that is, sandwiched in between the BCNN meeting and Dudley House. Rather than waste my trip, I took out the new bio of Ted Kennedy, just published two months ago. 

From there, I stopped into a shop and bought a decorative bowl in which I'll put my crystal pickles for the covered dish. I then enjoyed the lunch I had packed in my usual place across from the mission. Before going home, I stopped at the Ventura Street Von's for green peppers and Brussels sprouts. Home early, about 3:00, and I prepped both to add to my dinner, which was delish. Made a little sign for the pickles; I thought it was cute because the trim suggests crystal: 
Out to get the mail, I ran into my neighbor, Gordon, and we talked for twenty or so. What a nice guy, and I was thrilled to hear he's been accepted by Arizona as a kidney receiver. He's on the list in California, too, but he's looking at about ten years. In Phoenix, it will be much sooner, although not next week or anything. There is a very arduous preparation, for one thing, which includes all kinds of tests, diet, and other requirements and restrictions. Gordon is a recovering alcoholic; he ruined his liver and  got a transplant for that several years ago; he also has neuropathy, although his isn't as advanced as Diane's. Gordon is a good-looking guy--tall, slender, attractive face to which he recently added a mustache, but he does have a fair amount of wrinkles. I assumed he was in his early seventies, maybe, and when I asked, I had to cover my shock: He turned 60 last week--damn.

Speaking of the really elderly, I called Jim after dinner and we had one of our talks. I reminded him of Dudley House tonight and we also finally settled on my birthday lunch, his treat. I proposed we go to Jasmine Thai--it's far from cheap, but probably less expensive than many others--then to his place for a change and have a glass of wine. He said he didn't have any wine, so I said I'd bring the stuff I gave him when he was here with Diane last week. Okay, that's settled and we then discussed income tax and the IRS. 

Note: I misspoke--rather, miswrote--yesterday; the BCNN meeting and the Dudley House affair are today, Wednesday, not tomorrow. That's dinner and the show at the college with Diane.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...