Saturday, February 18, 2023

Festive Friday

Why festive? Because I followed through with my new resolve and at home, was down two pounds. That was nothin' though, when I saw the result at T.O.P.S.: a 3.7 loss, to 128.4 YAY! 

Diane and I had planned to meet near O'Leary's and eat our lunches there, but she texted me early that it was cold and very windy. She suggested instead I go to her place and she'd make lunch, and I agreed. Home from T.O.P.S. at 10:00, I had breakfast, then prepared to go to Diane's. I had intended to walk to Telephone, then take the 11 to Petit, but it was so windy, I hopped on the 6 to Telephone first. Got there, as planned, at 12:30. 

Diane had made salad, fried rice, and apple something; all very good. I had brought my beer, and after, we both had Chardonnay while we talked and talked and talked. We don't agree on everything--Diane has a great interest and belief in all kinds of supernatural, pseudo-science topics, which she insists had been "proven," but I don't share them. However, although we disagree, we conversed without animosity. Incredibly, I didn't leave until almost 4:00 after also hashing over our childhoods, marriages, love life histories, her years in Mexico, and the Dionne quintuplets, among much else.    

I thought I'd call Jim and invite him for lunch today, but I might hold off: call him tonight and have him over tomorrow. Not sure--maybe I should consult one of Diane's psychics for advice 😁.

The pieces below are by granddaughter, Violet. She's only 14 and I think they're evidence that she may have inherited her designer/artist mother ability.  The first is batik, which involves using wax and dye on fabrics (Thailand is especially well-known for this technique); I love the delicate rendering of the flowers. The second seems to me pretty powerful; Violet hand-painted the rat's head.

I haven't asked Violet, but I think the montage could be interpreted as a commentary on the corruption of the media. According to polls, fewer and fewer people trust what they're fed concerning the news--in print, on television, and on the Internet. Hmm...I wonder why.


iloveac said...

Your granddaughter shows major talent. I love her rendering.
We had two Batiks Rich brought back from Japan when they lived there. I think I gave them to his daughter...darn.

Mimi said...

I have a tablecloth and napkins from Thailand my mother brought back years ago when my brother lived there. Always liked it and batik.


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...