Thursday, February 16, 2023

Whistlin' Wednesday*

I discovered a terrific new writer, thanks to my newly subscribed "Food" site. He's the "angry chef" Anthony Warner. A resident of the U.K., he cuts through a lot of the hogwash about obesity, nutrition, and diet and also writes generally about food and eating topics.  I printed out some of his stuff, which I'll bring tomorrow to T.O.P.S. and also sent for his book: The Angry Chef's Guide to Spotting Bullshit in the World of Food/Bad Science And The Truth About Healthy Eating.  

Wrote a letter to Muckie and included pics, many of which I've posted here; also gave her the address for this blog. She doesn't use electronic communication in any way (not even text), but her son, Matthew does, of course; if she's so inclined, she can read 1,606 entries on his computer 😲. Speaking of...nor does Noreen--use anything on the web, that is. I had left her a message and she called me back to invite her to H.H. She's busy Saturday, but can come Sunday. I left Diane a message inviting her, too, and will call Nancy ditto.

Otherwise, I pretty much kept my nose to the grindstone yesterday. Did some household chores, then wrote Muckie a letter and mailed it, as I had told her I would. Went over to Von's to stock up on veggies and ran into Michelle coming back. She had a long tale about somebody trying to take her phone and keys in the washroom, jumping to all kinds of conclusions, as she regularly does.  I accompanied her back to the building and we discovered that somebody had left his or her keys in the lock. Michelle was sure it was part of some nefarious scheme by "outsiders," but having no reason to believe that, I took the keys to the office and gave them to Bianca. I also asked--again--about reserving the all-purpose room and she said it hadn't been secured yet. I might just have the acting group in there, anyway; I doubt if many people would be walking through.

The Ventura Star had an article on how the IRS will do people's income tax, so I scanned and emailed it to Jim. Ellen sent me a darling Valentine card and I called to thank her--had a nice talk. This mosaic below is at the entrance to CMH (Community Memorial Hospital) and is about 20 feet high. I took a photo the other and started a jigsaw of it but it was so difficult, I abandoned it and will start another. The problem isn't the intricacy of the scene; it's the fact the mosaic is much paler than it looks here.

I made a big batch of my signature roasted tomatoes, onions, garlic, olive oil, and vinegar. I used to put it, cold, on salads, but I had it hot for dinner, along with fresh shrimp and the last of the herbes de provence potatoes.  Delish.

* I know that makes no sense, I just like the sound of it 😜.

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Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...