Sunday, February 05, 2023

A Long Post Re Saturday Because--Read On...

Busy day. After breakfast, I got something done I've been meaning to for years. I put my rosters of the members of various groups and organizations I'm in into a binder, including T.O.P.S., Fractured Actors, Dudley House docents, and others. I had had them all stuffed in the top drawer of the chest next to my desk and it was messy.

Packed my lunch, took my cart, walked to Telephone, then bused to Office Depot for toner. Went across to WinCo and got frozen meatballs, grape jelly, and chili sauce to make "cocktail meatballs" for our little social session at 4:30 today. It makes a fair amount, so I'll freeze some for later. Stopped nearby at The Dollar Tree for nail polish, then ate my lunch outside. 

From there, I bused to the transit center, but didn't board just then. Instead, I went across the street to a shop advertising "Gold Coast 1/2 off." Wow, I bought two blouses and a skirt for half price--my kinda place.

My final stop after got off at Victoria was to CVS, where I picked up my Atorvastatin prescription, plus an ever better something I prescribe for myself: a fresh bottle of cream sherry.  Home, I got the mail and was surprised to see a renewal of Ramipril from CVS Caremark. I have no idea why sometimes my medications comes in the mail and sometimes at the physical CVS. Well, no matter.

As soon as I got home, I started some food prep. I had picked up cauliflower and Brussel sprouts the other day and fixed the former my favorite way: blanched, then spread with half mayo and parm cheese and roasted--quick and easy and, oh, mama, is that good! I used the blanching water for the sprouts, added  some burgundy wine, and cooked until tender. Had some of both for dinner and skipped anything else.

I then wrote out my Valentine cards; I don't sent to the sons, do to the daughters, and to the grandchildren and great-grands. Which brings me to this: When Jim took me to lunch the other day, I saw this license plate in the parking lot and immediately took a picture:

Why? Because my precious little (okay, not so little; he's fifteen and getting on to six foot) great-grandson, Tristan, is nicknamed "T" and his dad often calls him "T-Bone."  I printed a picture of it and will send it off to Jersey in a few days.

Speaking of pictures: I accidentally came across the following today; incredibly, it was 16 years ago. I'm adding the entry describing this: 

Monday, August 13, 2007
Lunch with Pat R., Muckie, and Betty was the best fun I've had in ages! Pat arrived about 12:30 and what a gal! She's so full of life and energy--not to mention funny stories--that she kept us all laughing.
Pat is much more attractive in person than in her pictures. She has a strong--but feminine--face, thick hair she wears in a warm red shade, and a very pleasant, animated manner. For two years, decades ago, she worked for Muckie's ex-husband, who was an internist, so she and Muckie go way back. She and Betty go even further back , as they were both members of the Catholic Alumni Club (where Betty met her late husband, Wes). We were all amazed to find that Pat and I go back even longer than that: I pulled out my 1954 yearbook and there was a "wish you well" note from Pat McH., class of '57! As I don't remember ever seeing Pat before, this came as a fascinating surprise to all of us. (I took a picture of Pat with her entry but, unfortunately, it's too light to make out.)
Pat brought me a darling, hand-painted wine glass with "wine goddess" and a picture of a jazzy lady painted on it. She also brought Muckie, Betty, and me gifts of porcelain boxes with little round earrings inside. Muckie and Betty showed off their grandchildren's picture--well,l guess I did, too, but mine were framed in the study.
My Pat stayed home long enough to meet Pat R. and say hello to Muckie, then took off for the bay. I put lunch on the table--just a typical summer meal of cold cuts, several kinds of bread, a big green salad, fruit salad, devilled eggs, and crystal pickles--and we sat and talked, ate, and laughed for hours. It was just a terrific day, but of course, had to break up eventually.
Pat left late in the afternoon and I walked her outside. Before she drove off, she pulled out her baton and demonstrated her prowess--fifty years on!--with twirling. You go, girl!
Muckie went home soon after and Betty and I agreed it was a terrific day. She and I had leftovers for dinner (always a pleasant part of entertaining) and I got takeout for Pat. Today, we'll drive over to Sweetwater to have lunch with Betty M., a friend of Betty's, and tomorrow, I'll take Betty to Muckie's for her to stay with her for a time.
The only down note for my date yesterday was the realization that Pat R. and I don't live closer to each other. Hey, someday, I'll show up at her door in Virginia Beach!

1 comment:

iloveac said...

Rosemary it was great to read that entry again I loved it but it also made me sad to think how those lives have changed. It seems like it was yesterday but I know it was not. Thank you for posting it. You said such nice things about me which of course were all true. LOL. That yearbook entry still puzzles me. I would have been at St. Nick's when you got your yearbooks.


Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...