Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Mundane Monday

A this and that day--not particularly interesting, but not bad, either. It rained again (this is getting to be annoying), but mostly in the morning, which I spent with the ever-present "paperwork." I also went next door to Suzanne's to ask her to do me a favor and take the bowl of chocolate pudding left over from Jim-Lunch. (I don't trust myself.) She did, with thanks and we chatted a bit. Said she was going to WinCo on Thursday and did I want to go? Yes.

It cleared up in the afternoon, so naturally, I high-tailed it to town. Bought a scarf and four nice glasses I had seen the other day. Do I need them? Absolutely...sure, I do...I tell you I do! All right, I don't, but I wanted them and I bought them, so shoot me. 

Home about 4:45 and started in on some food prep. I small-diced several onions and peppers and large-diced others. Stowed them in the freezer for later use; I still have four onions and will reserve them for more immediate dinners. 

Aside from that, I did a jigsaw of the Ventnor complex with which I grew up. The small building on the right housed the library, where I spent so much time as a child. You could sit reading in wicker chairs and in the background was always the ocean, endlessly rocking.* A library? To me, it was a cathedral. 

From Walt Whitman's epic poem, Out Of The Cradle Endlessly Rocking (1860). The title, it seems to me, is the perfect metaphor for the ocean. He's the only one I'll forgive for free verse. 

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...