Monday, February 06, 2023

Social Sunday

I noted Pat R.'s comment of yesterday and I, too, am puzzled. She was still attending St. Nick's, being three years behind me in school, yet here's her inscription in my '54 yearbook:

'Tis a mystery.... And how peculiar to think that was almost 70 years ago--the mind reels...

But back to the present: After breakfast and the crossword (mediocre), I spent the early part of the day changing the bed, doing two washes, going over the hard floors with the Bona system, and taking out plates and silverware for my little soiree at 4:30. Made the cocktail meatballs--so simple and so good: frozen meatballs, grape jelly, and chili sauce in the slow cooker for a few hours and they're done. I also made a dip, which turned out pretty good, too. To a kind of garlic spread, I added a splash of vignette, plus some mayo, and served it with sweet pepper strips. 

Vickie got here just at 4:30, bringing a non-alcoholic beer for Suzanne and non-alcoholic wine for herself. Suzanne came soon after, bringing the same things, so each drank her own. As for me, I naturally had my IPA (and damn straight it wasn't a non-). V. and S. loved the meatballs and, of course, we had a good time talking. Vickie is still in deep mourning and I know it helps to have sympathetic friends. She feels guilty for so much--I know the feeling--and it's hard to get over that crippling emotional problem. 

But we had fun, too: Suzanne mentioned that her family tends to give her expensive gifts to help with her fibro neuralgia, but if she had a choice, she'd as soon have a gift card or just the money. (Why she doesn't just tell them that is beyond me.)  Anyway, she went next door and came back with a foot massager, that also heats, and lights up with moving red balls--bizarre. Here's Vickie about to test it:
Suzanne then went and got another family gift: a back and other body massager:
It was so funny to see that it looked like little hands digging its fingers into her back. I tried it, too:
                                                              I guess it startled me, huh?
Then the third member of our little trio tried it, too.

Anyway, we had a fun time. It was 6:00 before the party broke up, Suzanne leaving first, Then Vickie and I, realizing Suzanne's birthday is next Sunday, knocked on her door to see when we could take her to lunch to celebrate. Comparing our calendars--we all have commitments--we decided on Monday, the 20th. I have Soaring Spirits that day, but it's the dinner meeting, so I'll do both. I'm lucky to have such friends.

And lucky to have my dear boy, Mike. He wasn't able to video message me this time, as he and Paula were out in the morning. By the time I got to him, he was on the subway and unable to do it. I asked if he'd postpone to next weekend, so I'll be able to see Paula, too. He will and that's good. Soaring Spirits lunch at the Stone Fire Grille today.


iloveac said...

My handwriting is terrible there. Maybe I was leaning on my lap or something. Those of us who were going to be on the 'Spotlight' staff may have come up to HSHS to meet with you. You were the editor, were you not? That foot massager sounds so good. BTW, does Suzanne have fibromyalgia? I'm not familiar with fibro neuralgia ---will have to look it up.

Mimi said...

I responded on email, Patti.


Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...