Thursday, July 29, 2021


After breakfast and attending to my duties (kitty-feed and litter box), I left for the bus stop at 9:01. It's a bit more than a mile and I thought I could get there in twenty minutes, but I just barely made it. I had to run the last few yards, frantically waving my arms to alert the driver. The Ojai buses run only every hour and I would have had a big problem if I hadn't gotten that one. 

Luckily, I got to the transit center just in time to get the 11 bus to Market Street; walked from there to Rolling Oaks Radiology and--wonders will never cease--I was more than an hour early, but was taken anyway. It was quick and easy and I was out of there and walking to the shopping center nearby at the same time my original appointment was.

Picked up peanuts, another pair of glasses, and some marinade I like, then hopped the bus to the center, transferred to the 6, walked home, and pulled together a few more things to take back to Ellen's, including my bed pillow. I'm just not comfortable with big, puffy ones--I've had this flat, nondescript pillow for years and I just like to sleep on it. Also packed up a chicken leg and thigh, a package of frozen vegetables, and some grapes an tangerines. Rang Suzanne's bell and welcomed her back from Seattle, where she attended yet another wedding. We exchanged a few words and I'll see her when I get home. 

Access Van came at 3:45 and I got back to El's at 4:30. Called her after dinner to be told she and Greg were about to go on a walk. El and I made tentative plans for the weekend. She has some plump and beautiful cherry tomatoes growing and I intend to put them in my salad today. 

Last night, I watched part of a ten-year-old movie called Contagion on Netflix (Matt Damon, Kate Winslett, Jude Law,  and others), which is oddly prophetic of present-day CO-VID.   

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...