Thursday, July 22, 2021


 Walked to The Market after breakfast for tomatoes, mushrooms, and a few other things; bused home. Unpacked when I got home, then took the cart over to Von's for paper goods. Had lunch, then did a fair amount of food prep.

Such as? Such as chunking three pounds of tomatoes, chopping onions, adding oil, vinegar, garlic, and Italian seasoning, and roasting. I do these every week or so and put it in my salad every day. And such as slicing the mushrooms, adding this and that and baking. 

Also made crystal pickles for the first time in many years. I want to serve them when I have Suzanne, Vickie, and Mary over for lunch. I had them years ago when I was in the Bucks County Postcard Card and we had a potluck picnic. Somebody brought them and I liked them so much, I asked for the recipe. It's pretty simple: just a matter of slicing thin cucumbers and onions, adding salt, then putting in the fridge for two hours. You add sugar and vinegar, mix, then freeze for a few days. Defrost and serve. It's very easy and everybody likes them.

For the first time in an age, I didn't go out after lunch--was busy with food prep and so on. Interestingly, I got an email from Primary Medical, telling me Dr. Jennings, whom I've "had" since I moved here, is no longer with the group. I have decide on a new doc and I think I'll take a guy this time--why not?

I go to P.T. this morning. I'll just walk down there--it's only two blocks away. Must remember to stop in the post office after, as I need a box for great-grandson, Tristan's, birthday present. I can't believe he'll be fourteen--and he's the younger one!


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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...