Saturday, July 10, 2021


A pretty busy day. Lora was late picking me up (she had overslept), so we didn't get to T.O.P.S. until 9:00. No matter, though, as only Bobbi and Julie, the new member, were there. Sharon had called me to say she'd be late. I thought I had gained and I did--I was 1.2 up to 130.8 at home, same amount up at T.O.P.S. to a whopping (joke) 131.8. Actually, that's a wake-up call; I don't want to go over my range of 125 to 130 and I'll get serious about it this week. 

I had been asked to conduct the meeting in Lennie's absence and I did. I came up with a number of questions for the rest to discuss and it went well. For the most part, I was able to keep Sharon from spouting on and on and did it kindly, so she wouldn't feel squelched. It's so clear that she has a major low (that's sort of an oxymoron, but not really) self-esteem problem, along with her physical ailments, many of which are serious.

Home and had breakfast, then spent a horrible time on various calls and on-line stuff to medical and dental arrangements--I don't even want to list them, but it was hours. Now I've got a number of these freakin' appointments, but at least they're done. Emailed Jim to see if he wants to come for lunch today; my new book about science should interest him. We talked later and yes, he'll be here today.

After lunch, I bused to town and enjoyed my usual sojourn around town. Stopped at the library first, still thrilled and overjoyed that it's open. I sat and read some of a new bio of Prince Philip, now 99, the old goat, and borrowed two documentaries, one of the Titanic, the other on Harvey Milk.

Home a bit after six and had a nice chicken leg and thigh for dinner, plus a potato. I forgot I had had mixed veggies in the fridge, so will eat them tonight. 


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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...