Sunday, July 18, 2021


After breakfast, I got three errands accomplished in record time: walked over the footbridge to the Hill street library branch and picked up Full Service, an exposé of sex in old Hollywood* and Anthony Bourdain's last book, World Travel: An Irreverent Guide; went down Victoria to the bank for cash; then stopped at The Market for lettuce and other produce. Bused home and put the chianti in the fridge, made sandwiches for Jim and me, and otherwise prepared for lunch.

Jim got here, as usual, at 1:00, and we had good wine and talk. He was more than usual forthcoming about his childhood and his mother and I was interested. He enjoyed the chianti as I did and he like seeing my pictures of Pasadena. I also showed him Aline's enthusiastic reaction to his piece about Maria Callas and he was very pleased to read it. 

Jim stayed until 4:00, then I walked him out and got the mail. Video-messaged son Mike--it was early Sunday morning in Singapore--and chatted with him for a bit. I then lay down on my bed--this was about five o'clock--and, incredibly enough, fell asleep. Woke up refreshed.

Speaking of sleep, I took the RLS med an hour before I went to bed the past few nights and have been sleeping well.  Of course, that may be meaningless, as I never had the leg/foot movements every night, anyway, but I guess I'll continue.  

* I love books like this, the racier, the better.

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