Friday, July 02, 2021


My life seems to have speeded up lately, what with one thing and another--lots going on. 

Yesterday, I saw the attorney. Consultation about a living will took about 45 minutes and it isn't nearly as cut-and-dried as I thought. A major reason is that my house is in Jersey and I live in California. A CA living trust would be valid there, but still would entail some expense. Probate, though, would be avoided; I was horrified to hear that would cost my estate about $10,000.  Also was surprised to learn neither Mike nor Patrick could act as "Successor Trustee" (I'm not sure if that's the term), which is similar, it seems, to the executor of a will, because they live in other countries. 

Anyway, the attorney was nice and very forthcoming, plus no charge for the consultation. At his suggestion, I'm going to look up (or ask my children to look up) info on this topic in New Jersey. 

Got home and Suzanne stopped in. We had a nice visit and she gave me her mailbox key; she's going up to Watsonville until the ninth or tenth. 

I called the oral surgeon's office (VC Oral And Facial Surgery) and made an appointment for next Thursday for a consultation. I want to know the cost of full sedation and the extractions. 

Stella texted me to say her sister said we must see Cruella. Ugh--at first I thought she meant a cartoon movie, but no, it's live. It IS from the Disney universe, which I consider responsible for the collapse of any kind of viable culture in this country and... 

Okay, okay I'll get off my high horse; I looked at the trailer and it actually looks like fun. Stella asked me to find out where it was playing; I did and we made a date for lunch and the movie on Wednesday.   

Jim came at his usual 1:00. He brought me James Joyce's The Dead, which I haven't read for an age. I put it on my ever-growing pile of "books I intend to read, but haven't yet." He (Jim, not James Joyce) and I got into a heated discussion involving Jesuits, science, Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas, abortion, and the pope. Considering neither of us are religious, it's a little weird, but old habits die  hard and I doubt if we'll ever get over the Irish Catholic thing.  

Said goodbye to Jim about 4:00, then hopped on the bus to go to Green Thumb to try to get something for my ailing geranium. For some reason, they closed early, so I didn't get in. Stopped at The Market, though, for blueberries and pretzels. 

Called Ellen, but she and Greg were about to go to the Hip Vegan for dinner and she said she'll call me today.

T.O.P.S. this morning, damnit. I'm still on the fence about continuing, but Lora's picking me up at 8:30. 

1 comment:

iloveac said...

OK, here's my test comment....let me know if you get it.
Rich and I had 'living wills' drawn up years ago. So far no problem.
I'd love to join your discussions with JIM. My current book group reading Richard Rohr lends itself to good discussion. Ask Jim if he's familiar with Rohr.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...