Thursday, April 01, 2021

Lunch With Lolly

Did a white wash, then putzed around until noon, when I left to meet Lolly for lunch. We went to Rice, a Thai restaurant and I was pleased to see they had Singha, a good Thai beer. I ordered that and something called bahr, which was a kind of rice salad. Lolly had pad Thai and insisted on giving me some. Boy, was it delish--I'm going to order that next time I go Thai.

We talked and talked, of course; Lolly's been married and divorced twice and has two sons. Besides the condo she just sold, she has three others, one of which she's moving to. I was surprised when she told me we aren't, after all, meeting at Trinity Lutheran next time. Lennie, another member, who husband is the retired minister there, had told us we could go back there, but Lolly found out only church groups could. Just as well for me, as we'll meet here tomorrow again. I told Lolly that I may very well drop out after that. Now that I have a scale, I don't need to be weighed there anymore, plus I don't really get much out of it.

We parted about 3:00 and I walked to the library to pick up If It Bleeds, a year-old Stephen King book, which I had requested. Actually, I may have read it already--don't quite remember. I want to read his new one, Later, but will have to wait until earlier requesters are served.

Back to Ventura Avenue for the bus and on the way, I stopped at a few of my haunts and bought three more DVDs, including a documentary on The Enchanted Hill, the William Randolph Hearst castle, where I've been several times.

I meet the bank person this morning at 9:30 and fervently hope I can get this wire transfer thing settled.      

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...