Friday, April 23, 2021


For the first time in weeks, I walked to the park over the foot bridge. Met Suzanne as I was going out; she was on her way to the laundry place. We wondered where the good weather had gone, as it was overcast and cool.

There were slim pickings (another oldie!) at the lending library, but I picked up two. One contains mystery short stories and the other is called The Media Lab: Inventing The Future at M.I.T., published in 1987. Now, why would I be interested in such a treatise?  Two reasons: one, I want to see if what they "invented" is flourishing 34 years ago and two, because my granddaughter, Vivian, had said a while ago that she wants to go to MIT. I'm going to ask her Dad if she still does and maybe eventually, will send her to book.

Took the 11 and 10 buses and got home about noon. Had lunch, then, since I hadn't slept well the night before, I actually took a nap. Slept for only an hour, but felt much better when I got up. I then bused to the mall and looked around, but didn't buy anything. Before I went, I chopped two onions and stowed them in the freezer, then zapped a bag of fresh spinach. I put that in the fridge with the tilapia filet I had gotten out earlier and, with leftover rice, had a satisfying dinner.  

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