Tuesday, April 06, 2021


After breakfast, I put the Easter decorations away, emptied the dishwasher, and otherwise cleaned up. Took off for The Market about 9:30, walking both ways. It was another nice day: breezy, but warm, which felt good. I got broccoli and Equal, among other good things.

Betty called with yet another litany of complaints about the staff at Villa Riviera. I can understand how people can be so easily made to believe whatever politicians and their minions, the "newscasters," want them to believe. If you hear something repeated over and over with great conviction, you begin to consider the idea there must be some truth in it.  I'm positive the staff there is kindly, but every once in a while, I have to force myself not to believe otherwise.

I got an Easter card from brother and SIL, Jim and Therese yesterday. Gee, only a day late--maybe the P.O. is improving. Also got a long email from my old Rider colleague, Dave Perry. I'll write him back.

Hopped a bus to town after lunch and browsed here and there. I found a darling little shadow-box type Christmas decoration, which I just had to buy (AAGH!) Also picked up the DVD The Others, which I started watching last evening. 

Ugh, I had a terrible time sleeping last night. I was stressing over a few things, woke up about 4:00, and couldn't get back to sleep for an hour or more. Maybe I'll take a nap today.

 On Easter evening, I put this on Facebook: 


Snooky Lanson used to sing that on "Your Hit Parade," but this is from me: I'm stepping away from Facebook for a time. I enjoy seeing posts and pictures from family and friends, and it's going to be hard to give it up, but I think, for me, it's healthier. I take comments too much to heart, maybe, depending on who's writing. Anyway, it's no big loss to the Internet world. I'll probably get back into it some time, but not very soon.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...