Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Another Lunch With Lolly

 Had a fine, unwakeful sleep, and got up a little early--5:30--but felt wonderfully rested. Changed the bed, re-made, and did a wash. After breakfast, I jumped in the shower and washed my hair. Impulsively, I decided to go over to Great Clips and get it trimmed. Did so, and it looks okay, but not really much different.

Left for town at noon and met Lolly at Rice at 1:00. This time I had the Pad Thai and it was good, but I suggested next time we meet that we go to Finney's Crafthouse ("craft" as in "craft beer," not "arts and"). I like a variety and I've had enough Thai for a bit.

We ate and talked until 2:30, then parted. I toured Main Street, as I frequently do, stopping into shops here and there, but I didn't buy anything. After an hour or so, I bused to midtown and got off to go the The Market for rice cakes and bathroom cups. 

Stella called--several times, in fact--and we'll meet tomorrow at the Ventura Botanical Gardens, where she said, everything's in bloom. We'll then go to lunch and that means--AAGH! I'll have beer five days in a row! What a lineup:

Saturday, when Jim was here for lunch; Sunday at Suzanne's suggested Happy Hour; Monday lunch with Lolly; Tuesday, virtual H.H.; Wednesday, lunch with Stella. Hey, that leaves Thursday and Friday--maybe I can fill them in. 😄

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...