Wednesday, April 07, 2021


A kinda draggy day. Changed the sheets, did a wash and a few other chores, then spent a fair amount of time on financial matters. Transferred some dough to Vanguard and got the utilities bill problem straightened out. That took a lot of the morning.

I walked to Smart 'n ' Final and back, so got three in. Put black beans in the slow cooker, along with onions, spinach, and spices, and let it cook. Had some for dinner over the rice I had made before.

Did the virtual Happy Hour thing at 5:00 with Nancy and Carolyn, which was semi-enjoyable. I'm still pondering about how they could be so content following the mandates of Big Brother for avoiding COVID. It's understandable that they're compliant, I guess, but they seem never to rail against it and/or try to strategize to modify. Okay, each to her own.     

Called Ellen after dinner and we chatted. Aside from all that, ain't nuthin' much going on here. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...