Monday, April 19, 2021


After the usual Sunday (all but two in the crossword), I tackled my financial stuff. I successfully transferred some dough to Vanguard, thanks to consulting my financial advisor, son Mike. I also consulted my electronic advisor, son Patrick, about Jim's Facebook problem, so that's done.

PLUS: I think I finally, finally, finally resolved the Ventura County Star billing problem, but at the cost of my remaining few brain cells. We'll see how it goes.

I walked to Smart 'n' Final for produce, came home and put cabbage and apples in the slow cooker. I'm not sure why I wanted to, as I think of that as cold weather food, but I had some with dinner and it was good. Also made rice. I can never understand why anyone would buy instant; it's so simple to prepare the real stuff and it's a million times better. Other than the above, it was an interaction day, which for me, is always a good thing; to wit:

For one, my brother, Larry, called to tell me that Andy McElroy had died. I was so sorry to hear that. I remembered when he, Larry, and Jack Bihlmier had visited us in Sunrise Bay; in July, 2007, as I saw on this blog. I'm not sure what Andy died of, but saw his obit on George Wimberg's site. I'll write a note to Katherine. 

For two: Suzanne texted me to ask if I wanted to have Happy Hour out front at 4:30. Sure thing, and we did. The weather was wonderful: about 80, but with no humidity. We caught up with each other's lives and it was enjoyable.

For three: Sharon R. called to ask if I wanted to have lunch with her and Carolyn M. today. However, I told her I'm already book with Lolly for lunch. Asked her to call me next time because I would like to see both of them.

For four: niece Carolyn called and we had a good talk. She has some "issues" with the administrator where Betty is and it's being dealt with, so that's progress.


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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...