Friday, April 16, 2021


Got to Santa Barbara at 11:00,. Carolyn picked me up and took me to Villa Rivera. She left and I spent the next excruciating three-and-a-half hours with the imposter.  

Betty is getting more and more paranoid about people taking things from her (actually, she goes into other residents' rooms and takes their things). She also insisted on taking a lot of wholly unnecessary things to the activities room: two large purses, her barrettes, some kind of plug, several magazines that aren't even hers, plus a wooden plaque on her wall that reads llegitimi non carborundum.  That must have been old when Caesar was a kid and isn't even real Latin. 

When I just refused to go down to the activity room while she was carrying that load, she accused me of not liking her. (Believe me, in that moment, I didn't.) I finally got her to just take her (large purse) and off we went.  I wasn't permitted to eat lunch  in the gathering room, so we sat out on the very lovely veranda. However, Betty thought it was cold and we later went up to her room to eat. 

Well, there was a lot more, one incident more disheartening than the other, but there's no point in elaborating further. Carolyn came to pick me up at 3:00 and drove me to the bus stop and we had a good conversation before it came. She's the best thing that ever happened to Betty.

Got home at 5:30 and, after dinner, called one of the best things that ever happened to me: Ellen, of course, whose school experience continues to evolve. I went to bed early, even for me, but that was a mistake, as I had a very restless night. I'll now get ready for T.O.P.S., to which I'm not looking forward.     

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