Friday, April 02, 2021


I packed my laptop, keyboard, and mouse, loaded them into my cart, added information from Vanguard and BOA and started for the bank at 8:45. It's only a mile or so, but it was very warm--actually about 80 degrees that early.

Anyway, I was introduced to Liz, whose title is "relationship manager and lending specialist." (Where in the HELL they come up with these designations, I don't know; sounds as if she's a marriage counselor.) However, we set up my laptop and got onto the site and she walked me through it in about fifteen minutes.  I was pleased to finally have done with it and transferred a fair amount to Vanguard then and there.

Walked to The Market after for carrots and rice cakes. I had intended to bus home, but none came, so I walked. Boy, was it hot. Happily, though, my apartment is cool and comfortable. 

After lunch, I bused to town, not for any particular reason, but just to get out. Walked Main, bused back, and got home about 4:30. I surprised even myself by plunging into food prep--usually, I do that earlier.  I cooked spinach, stowed half in the freezer in one of my new little casseroles, and the other half, I reserved for dinner. Scrubbed and cut two pounds of carrots, mixed with olive oil, garlic, and seasonings, and popped them in the oven. I had bought a great big yam a few days ago, so I scrubbed and pierced that and baked it, too. I now have the middle shelf in the fridge stocked with veggies, which I'll enjoy for a vegan dinner or two. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...