Thursday, April 08, 2021


I wrote a letter (a real one, on paper!) to my brother and SIL in Bangkok, so walked to the P.O. for stamps and mailed it off. From there, I walked to Wal-Mart and happy day, the container I want is in. There were five of the same on the shelf, in fact, so I'm not too worried they'll be gone before I get there. When I got home, Suzanne's car was gone, so I knew she was out. In fact, she didn't get home until about 2:00 and, since I know she takes a nap in the afternoon, I didn't want to disturb her, so didn't ring her bell.

After lunch, I did some computer stuff and read. Close to 4:00, I got restless, so bused to the mall and Target. Got blueberries and broccoli, two of my favorites.

Called Suzanne and she said she'd take me to get the container at 9:30 tomorrow. Damn, I was hoping to get it today, but okay--I'll look over some of the stuff I want to store and get it out.

Again, I had a problem sleeping last night. Darn, I hope this passes, as it always had before. 


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