Friday, February 01, 2019

Twin Time

It started to rain when I was halfway through the Kimball walk, so I turned back, but still, I guess, completed the mile and a half. After breakfast, when I drove to the mall, it was coming down pretty heavy.  However, I parked and caught the 9:43 bus to Santa Barbara without incident. It was eerie to see the beautiful oceanic views on the Pacific Coast Highway so dark and heavy, but it was still an awesome sight.
I called Nancy and we talked almost the whole way I was riding, firming up our plans for Tuesday:  Mary, Queen of Scots at the Regency, then Chardonnay at The Cave. The rain had slowed by the time I got  to the SB transit center and I had to wait only five or so for the number 3 to Hitchcock Way. Disembarked and was just a few yards from the steps to Betty's place 11:30.  After chatting for a bit, we took off for Islands Restaurant at the mall a block from her.
Niece Carolyn met us there shortly and we had a good lunch. She drove us back to the apartment and we picked up Betty's things and walked to State Street to get the 6 bus (I'm actually getting to know the bus routes in both municipalities--wow!) back to midtown.
By then, the sky to serenely blue, which was wonderful. We got off at the library and, since we were forty minutes early, went in and looked around--very nice and sometime I want to spend time there. The Big Blue Bus (that's what they call it) took us back to Ventura, the mall, and my car. On the way, Betty called Ellen to thank her for the amazing amaryllis and I got a call from someone else whom I love. Home, and I just had time to slice bananas into the fruit salad I was bringing to Toastmasters and freshen up a bit when we left for the Toastmasters "covered dish" or whatever. 
This was fun. There were only eight people there, but Fern did a good presentation pretending to be the owner of "Fiesta Catering"; she had the ingredients for 7-Layer Dip in different containers and illustrated how to make it. She then put it on the buffet table and we ate it with the other stuffs. Since Betty and I hadn't had time for dinner, we were glad Joy had brought Kentucky Fried Chicken; I dislike it, but was hungry, so had a drumstick.
We had assembled at 6:00, so got home just before 8:00 and, while I watched an episode of Frazier, Betty played solitaire (with an actual hard deck of cards). We turned in at 9:00 after an enjoyable twin time, which will continue today.

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