Saturday, February 16, 2019

Day Before Art Comes Alive

Virtuous me, I walked Kimball, even though it was overcast, my least favorite weather, and I didn't feel like it. I'm glad I did, because I saw Carolyn and Bob and gave them an invitation to Art Comes Alive, which is----today!  
Wouldn't you know, I have T.O.P.S. on Fridays, so I went to that and suffered through another aimless, meandering, no content, meeting. However, I was mollified, since I lost a pound and a half; I weighed in at 128.4, pretty much my desired place.
After breakfast, I started buckling down for the event, honing my talk, plus rehearsing and timing it over and over. It runs from noon to 4:30, but I want go early to try on the new bodice Connie found, so I'll leave about 10:30.
Took a load of wash to the place before lunch, then discovered I had no lettuce, so went over to Von's for Romaine. They had some great looking salmon on sale, plus fabulous fresh tuna, so I bought some of them, too.
The rest of the day was more or less just Art Comes Alive prep. I did drive out in the late afternoon to East Ventura. Stopped at the Goodwill there, just to stop somewhere, and bought a large ceramic plate shaped in holly leaves. I knew it would match the holly-leaf cream and sugar set I had had for years. WhenI got home, I remembered that I had sold or given them away when I moved here. Oh, well, I like the plate.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...