Wednesday, February 27, 2019

SB And So On

Because I was up late on Monday, I purposely didn't set the alarm and slept until 6:30., so no Kimball. Did some computer stuff before breakfast, ate, then left for the city bus at 9:00. Took the 9:43 to Santa Barbara, hopped a city bus there, and got to Betty's exactly at 11:30.
We thought we'd walk up to a restaurant on State Street called Jeanine's, but Betty said she was out of  breath before we got there and I suggested the nearby Sun Sushi, a Japanese place. We went there, but never again. I had California roll, Betty salmon roll, and just five each came. They were puny, unadorned, and I've had better almost anywhere else, including, of course, in Tokyo. They have a 2:00 coffee hour where Betty lives and she invited me to that, but I wanted to meet Diane and her sister at Cafe Fiore, so begged off.  I said I'd stay for it next week.
Followed the reverse of what I did to get to SB and arrived downtown in Ventura at about 3:30; walked to Fiore to find Diane and Nancy. We had a good time, natch, and Diane's friend, Susan, joined us later. She's the one Diane brought to the Maritime Museum; she lives near Colony Park, where I used to, but wants to get into Silvercrest. She's a retired teacher, not Hispanic, but has lived in Mexico (where Diane met her) and is fluent. She goes to the same Toastmasters in Oxnard that Carolyn B. used to and for the same reason: It alternates at its meetings between English and Spanish and she wants to keep up her Spanish skills.
I stayed until about 5:00, then took off. Got home shortly before 7:00 and was glad to get into my jammies and flannel robe.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...