Sunday, February 17, 2019

Art Comes Alive--Saturday

Skipped Kimball, as I knew I'd be standing for a long period at the Maritime Museum. I called Susan G. (Sunrise Bay) and asked about Judy K., who hasn't posted on Facebook for some time. I was so sorry to hear Judy has cancer and it seems to be pretty advanced. I had called her husband and left a message, but he didn't return the call. Susan said they didn't want to talk about it. I did have a good chat with Susan, whom I'll see when we meet in L.A. in a few weeks.
Showered, washed my hair, donned my costume and set off for Oxnard early. I was so early nobody was even there and the place wasn't open. However, some of the staff came in shortly and I went up to the library/changing room and got my cap, left my coat and purse, and arranged my area.
It opened at noon and people started trickling in. It was the usual mix of couples, groups of friends, families, and so on. I introduced myself ("I'm Anja Deyon--who-den-dach"; good day in Dutch) and launched into my spiel about the oldest picture in the museum (1622), by Adam Willearts.
Yes, I was on my feet for most of the time. Left my post for about fifteen minutes for lunch (the museum provided sandwiches, fruit, water, and coffee, along with a few poisons, such as candy and "health" bars.
I was pleased to have these friends come in: from T.O.P.S., Bobbi R., and her husband and Sharon;  from the Kimball walk, Carolyn and her friend; my good neighbor, Suzanne and two of her sister sisters, Julia and another Suzanne; and Happy Hour Diane and her friend. Today, my relatives are coming, so I'm looking forward to that. Ellen will be there, if she recovers from her bad cold. She called to wish me luck in the morning, then texted me after I got home, the sweet thing.
I got a call from Noreen, too. Her homeowners insurace was dropped because if where she lives ("near brush" and had to take what she called "crappy" insurance, plus she needs a new roof, and so on. Boy, I'm feeling her pain.

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