Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Soaring Spirits Dinner

Walked Kimball.  Did a few chores after breakfast, then went a-shopping and got blueberries, mangoes, spinach, and other goodies. Lunch, then drove to the bank to get change (I need exact change for the six buses I'll take today to Santa Barbara, so twelve quarters and two dollars), forgetting it was Prez Day and closed. Driving home, I noticed a number of people with signs demonstrating against Trump and his immigrant wall. Hey, my kind of people, so I parked and joined them. 
This was a combination of groups, including Veterans for Peace and Democratic Socialists. I was not thrilled to be told it MoveOn was also there. That outfit, which pretends to be politically neutral,  shills for the Democrats, as I well know from Jersey. I spoke to some , expressing my support, but it was close to 1:30 and almost over, so I didn't stay long. 
Home, I finally examined my finances (bank accounts on-line) and saw I'm paying fifty bucks a month (plus other charges from 4 to 7 bucks I don't even know what for) for the Ventura County Star. I decided to start paring down my outgo by doing what I've been meaning to for months: switching from daily to only the Sunday edition, which will drop my payment to $16.58 a month. Called to do that and after some frustrating delays, did so. Now we'll see if they follow through.
Had lunch, then took off for town. It felt so good to get back to The Promenade loop, even though it was windy and cool. Walked back to Main and got the bus home. Called Nancy to find she has a bad cold and wasn't going to the widder dinner. I'll see her tmorrow at H.H.
Showered, dressed, and took off for the bus to Telephone Road down Victoria. It finally came, I got off and, not seeing the bus to Portola Street coming, I started to walk. I got all the way to Stone Fire Grille--almost two miles--and it still hadn't come. No prob, I was glad to have walked it, as I know I won't get much in today in Santa Barbara. I got  my usual roasted cauliflower and Chief Peak beer and joined my friends.
What a great time we had! There were two newbies, Hana (in her fifties and born in the Czech Republic) and Carol (about my age), both of whom were lively, intelligent, and interesting. There were about twelve of us, a good group. Carolyn B. was there, but at the other end of the table; I'll see her at H.H. tomorrow.
Greg, who lost his wife less than a year ago, took me home. He's in his late fifties, I guess, no children, and is a great guy. Some lucky lady will snatch him up before long, I'm sure.

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...