Saturday, February 02, 2019

Fun With Bobbi

Walked Kimball (Betty declined), changed,, then my twin and I left for T.O.P..S. Betty fit right in to the group, who were very cordial. As for the program, there wasn't any: Nobody had signed up for it and leader Lennie doesn't seem to have grasped it's her responsibility to provide one.
It wasn't too bad, although it had nothing to do with weight loss. Lennie started talkng about "love"--in the platonic sense--and there was a discussion about that. After the usual announcements of overall weight loss and gain for the group and the trite truisms ("quote of the day" and "inspirational message:), I managed to maintain at 128.7, a slight gain (.08), but I was okay with it.
After a late breakfast (10:30), we walked to the bus stop, boarded, and rode to town. Had a ball visiting the different thrift shops, then lunched in a Thai restaurant. Got back about 4:30 and we drove to Dollar Tree, where Betty got a few things, then to WinCo, where we both got a few things, such as ice cream and cookies, naughty girls that we are.
By the time we ate, it was 7:30, very late for me. I served tilapia, baked potato, mushroom and carrots.  I went over next door to Suzanne's to ask if she would drive us to the mall to get the SB bus today. I had planned to simply take a city bus; barring that, I could have called for the Access van. But heavy rain is predicted and the first would mean we'd have t walk a distance, the second, we'd have to wait outside for up to twenty-five minutes and Betty has some heavy stuff with her. Suzanne  kindly agreed to tak us, but as she works until  12:30, we won't get the bus until 2:04.
After dinner, Betty talked to her grandson--she'll see the Super Bowl tomorrow with him and his dad--then she played solitaire, while I sat at the table with her chatting and shamelessly eating half my pint of salted caramel with chocolate chunks (but Betty had already had some of hers--so there!).
Bed after a fun day with Bobbi (childhood nicknames: Mimi and Bobbi).

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...