Monday, February 12, 2018

It's Alive!

Kimball, breakfast, crossword--the usual Sunday morning.  Ellen called and asked if I wanted to have her look at my computer and see if she could follow older son's suggestions to see if the problems could be remedied. Sure thing, and I suggested she bring her lunch (we're both following different diet regimens) and eat it here. She agreed and got here about noon.
She spent at least an hour and a half on the damn thing, doing the drive/sync thing and vacuuming the innards. She called her brother-in-law in NM and he walked her through some of it. She didn't finish until almost 2:00, when we had lunch.  So far, so good--I was thrilled to see it was "alive" when I got up and it seems a lot faster.
After, we went to Office Max to look at Laptops for me. It was a tossup as to whether I should get the same one she just bought (it's lighter) or one that's a hundred bucks higher. I got  all the facts on the latter and that may be the way I'll go. It's  on sale until Saturday, so I'll mull it over.
El drove us to the other shopping center; while she went to Target, I stopped at Cricket to see how I could get my e-mail updated on my phone. Amanda showed me how, but damned if I could do it once I got home.
I spent ages deleting stuff from my documents and I hope that helps the overall speed of this thing. It does seem to be doing better--with some quirks--and so far, hasn't suddenly stopped, as it had been doing. We'll see.
Got an e-mail from Nancy, suggesting we see the movie Wonder on Tuesday. I looked at the trailer and frankly, it looks as if it's predictable and saccharine: Little boy with a facial deformity (or injury) goes to school, is sad and lonely, then befriended by classmate or two, and becomes BMOC. Or something along those lines. However, I'll go if Nance wants to see it.

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...