Friday, February 16, 2018

H & D Toastmasters

Walked, then spent hours--well, it seemed like hours--on the phone with the doctor's office, plus CVS.  Finally, I got the pharmacist at the CVS on Kimball (yes, just down from the park).  I had specifically told the Primary Medical staff I wanted Rxes sent to the  store on Victoria, just a short walk from me. They don't seem to have understood that.
Anyway, the pharmacist said Dr. J. had ordered 15 pills. The cost? Sixty-five bucks!  Hell, no, I won't pay that. Called Caremark and was told--this time--that it was in the mail and would arrive by Saturday. Okay, I give up. I just hope it gets here before I succumb to cholesterol poisoning or whatever.
I agreed to bring the "snack" to Toastmasters (the Humor & Drama group; Poinsettia was on Monday) last evening, so assembled frozen and fresh fruit. Decided to bring some rice cakes, too, and put them in a basket. For myself, I cut up a head of cabbage and put it in the slow cooker with sesame seeds and chipped (or whatever) garlic. I had some when I got home from my town walk and yum, was it good. Stopped on the way to town to get the car washed. Got a valentine card from Betty and called her to thank; also got one from Deb Mansfield and I called her, too.
I arrived early (so what else is new?) to put out the fruit and rice cakes at the meeting. I was evaluater for Cherie's talk about the fire, as she lives in Oakview. I gave her good marks, although she has a tendency to ramble. Remarkably, she has three large dogs. And three large cats. And two cockateals (I don't know how to spell it and neither does illiterate SpellCheck). She brought pictures of the animals.
The other speaker didn't show up, so Perennial Fern filled in with a mentor/mentee talk. Jeez, I wonder if it was aimed toward me. She's my mentor, but I  just don't want to get further involved in this. I enjoy the meetings and so on, but have no desire to "progress" through their tiers of membership. She keeps urging me and I don't wanna. Well, the fruit and rice cakes went over big.
Got home a bit after 9:00, then had to unwind, so didn't get to bed until 10:00.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...