Wednesday, July 31, 2024


My neighbor, Lorraine, called me at 7:00 am, as she has before (good thing I get up early) and we had a chat. We'll meet for lunch some time soon in the middle of the complex. Washed and changed the bedclothes after breakfast. 

Packed lunch and walked the footbridge to the library. I was early, returned two books, and read for a bit. Went out at quarter of twelve and a few minutes later, Diane came up. As ever, we ate, talked, laughed, talked some more, and generally enjoyed ourselves for three hours--a marathon session, even for us.

Finally parted and Diane bused one way, I the other. I went from there to the mall and Target for grapefruit, bread, and an IPA six pack. Didn't do much else except watch some of a murder case in the U.K., then heated up some turkey stir-fry for dinner.

Ellen called. She'll get her blood test tomorrow, then will pick me up and we'll go to lunch. We also had a long talk about my damn homeowners insurance. It's imbelievable that I srent it registered mail on July 20 and it still hasn't gotten to Jersey. El suggested we go to Office Depot today, have it scanned, and send it that way. Will do.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


At noon, having packed my lunch, I took off for town to return a blouse and buy another. It was very quiet, as it usually is at the beginning of the week, as I ate at my spot across from the mission, and enjoyed the lovely sun.

Bused home, watched a little of Cursed Bloodlines (the Romanov segment), then took a nap. Called Jim to give him the number and reservation information for the Access Van and we had a good talk. I was glad to hear that the doctor had postponed his procedure to the middle of August and that his friend will take him there and back. He seemed a little more with it, which was a relief; told him I'll have him over for lunch one of these days. 

Diane and I will meet for a lib lunch today and I'm looking forward to telling her all about the great visit of Frank's kids. On that topic: nephew Jim had been very interested in the following picture of my father, brothers, and Betty and me, which I had brought to show at Carolyn's on Saturday. Here it is, the patriarch and the younger Byrne clan on the Ventnor beach, c. 1939. Judging by the placement of the pier in the background, it looks like Newport Avenue:

I was able to enhance it a bit, and emailed Jim to say I would give him the hard copy if he'll send his address.

Monday, July 29, 2024

More Traveling Memorial

Another prize from the Traveling Memorial and I was stunned, as I didn't remember this at all. However, I think it's just that my memory is faulty, as I'm pretty sure Marybeth and Frank wouldn't have neglected to ask permission. It was written 52 years ago:


July 6  5:30 am
This is my last will and testament on the eve of Frank's and my departure to New York. Should it be God's will that anything should happen to us, I would like either of the following persons to raise our children in the love of God
Pat and Rosemary Molloy
Mike and Marcia Grimball
Paul and Kitty Geidler
My request (is) that they get all the love possible and a knowledge of our living nd true God. Everything will fall into place with God's help. In regard to material goods--if what is left after their support and upkeep, that is divided equally among the four!
With God we will pray for you daily--we are going on a Marriage Encounter mission only because we feel it is His Will!
With Love:
Matybeth Byrne
13 Pajaro Way
Salinas 93901
Witness: Marie Dainow 


Nothing very exciting, as I didn't do much except walk to Ralph's for plant milk, oatmeal, blueberries, and cherries. Took my lunch and ate at the nice fountain park near it. Bused back, but at least I got a mile and a quarter in. 

I was surprised and pleased when I got a phone call from the Tokyo trio. Little Mr. K. was about to leave with friends to go to a train museum in a neighboring town. I chatted with his Dad and Mom and realized again he's not so little: only ten years old, now wears a larger shoe than his father. Anyway,  it was great to talk with them. 

Aside from that, I hardly remember what all I did--it sure wasn't very interesting.


Here's darling granddaughter, Vivian, at two, who today turns twenty years old. Grandson Joel is 42, so there's a big age gap between first cousins.  

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Friday And Saturday: The Traveling Memorial

Hey, I can't possibly convey the fun and enjoyment I had--and we had--over the past two days, so I have to make this just a quick pass-through:

Friday: The Byrne family texted Ellen to ask for a suggestion where to meet and she said the the Café Nouveau, a perfect choice. We got there at 7:00 to find my brother, Frank's four, Jim, Maureen, Patrick, and Francine, along with Carolyn, Dana, and Claire, already there. We had a room all to ourselves just the right size for nine, wonderfully decorated, and proceeded to have a ball. There was all kinds of getting reacquainted talk and frank discussion of the four marital and semi-marital split-ups, augmented by good wine and great meals. At the end, to my enormous surprise, the server set before me a large kind of ice cream sundae in a big Margarita glass with a candle atop and everyone sang me happy birthday.    

Hey, wait--what? My birthday's in December, but it was explained with much hilarity that the wait staff saw what they thought was a celebration and just assumed I was the guest of honor and it was my birthday. My nieces and nephew didn't want to embarrass them, so went along with it. After the birthday, I ate half, then offered it around and everybody took it and had a few bites. Same spoon, of course, and it amused me think that some of my friends would have the vapors at the germs being passed around. However, Patrick is a well-respected otolaryngologist at the Cleveland Clinic and Jim the medical director of three hospitals. When I mentioned what my friends would think, Patrick said we have a well-developed defense system and that was enough for me. Jim picked up the tab for all nine of us, shushing any protest. Considering this is a pretty expensive restaurant and we all had entrees, wine, and beer, this must have come close to four hundred bucks, thanks, Jimbo! I stayed over at Ellen's and 11:00 or so on Saturday---read on:

Saturday: Sacco subs at Carolyn's in Santa Barbara. The whole gang was there, along with Steve,  Robyn, and Dex, and we had a fab lunch. I brought a lot of family pics and artifacts, including my father's 1922 yearbook from Villanova. Everybody enjoyed seeing and discussing them:

 After, we went to see Betty at Villa Alamar and she smiled and laughed, seeming to know she's part of this big extended family. 

Here's most of the gang at Villa Alamar:

Standing from left: Jim, Ellen, Carolyn, Patrick, Steve, and Francine; seated: Maureen, me, and Betty. 
Couldn't resist adding this--Carolyn with Betty's pretend baby.

We kissed Betty goodbye, then it was back to Carolyn's, where we had a little ceremony involving Frank's and Marybeth's ashes. Maureen and Carolyn sprinkled some of the combined ashes in the flower garden and I was presented with some, which I'll take to Ventnor when I go to Jersey in September. I plan to put a pinch in three places that are part of Frank's (and my) heritage: 15 South Rosborough, the Ventnor beach, and St. James.  

We said goodbye then, telling each other of our love, and off went the Byrne contingent. They'll be stopping and leaving some of Frank and Marybeth at various other places from their heritage. Ellen and I left soon after and we drove to my place. 

Every once in a while, I understand how lucky I am. These last two days it was so evident, I couldn't miss it.  

Friday, July 26, 2024


There will be no post of Mimi's musings tomorrow, Saturday, July 27!! I know that my legions of readers are sobbing and lamenting over this news and wondering, WHY? WHY? WHY? The reason: Mimi is staying over at Ellen's tonight and has a lot to take with her (including artifacts of the Byrne/Figenshu families) and just doesn't feel like dragging her laptop along. 

It's now 10:43 on Friday, El is to pick me up at noon and then we go to the Pierpont Inn to meet up with my nieces and nephews. What I've done today so far is to pack all the stuff I'm taking. Also called the Access Van to ask questions on Jim's behalf--more about that later. 

Later: Ellen came and she and I went to the Hill Street Café for lunch. I hadn't realized we weren't meeting the Byrne gang until 7:00, as they visited Monterey and Cal Lu first. El and I strolled the Ventura harbor, then went back to my place. We heard back and forth from the visitors, who asked El to suggest a restaurant for dinner. She chose Cafe Neuvou and I took an hour nap. More published Sunday!



Lots of extended family goings-on: For openers, niece Carolyn called early and I'm so glad she did. I had put down that my brother, Frank's, children (two sons, two daughters) were coming on the twenty-ninth for the "traveling memorial" for their Dad, but in fact, it's the twenty-sixth--today!  They're staying at the Pierpont Inn in Ventura, then on tomorrow, we'll all go to Carolyn's in Santa Barbara and have Sacco Subs. Carolyn and I also had a long talk about various family situations. 

And more on visitors: I talked to my 92-year-old brother, Larry, who said he'll be here from the ninth to the thirteenth of September, with his daughter, Terry. They'll stay in Ventura, but we'll all go up to Santa Barbara, too, to Carolyn's and to see Betty. I texted Carolyn's brother, Wes, in Chicago, with the dates, as he had said he'd like to see Larry, too. He hopes he can get here.

After that, I spent time going over my family pictures and documents to show Frank's gang. Will take them tomorrow to Santa Barbara, maybe both.

Called my neighbor, Lorraine, to see if she could bring her lunch and meet in the middle of the complex, but she said she had to wait for the cable guy. I took my lunch and my book (The Body, by Bill Bryson, which is enthralling). I had just finished my sandwich and beer when Lorraine came up; she had left the cable guy a note. We had a nice time in the beautiful sunshine chatting; I'm getting to know Lorraine better and, while we're not exactly on the same wave length, I enjoy talking to her. She got a phone call from nutty Michelle, told her she'd talk to her late, but as soon as she hung up, she got another and told her the same thing. The third call she didn't answer and darned if Michelle didn't come up to us. I excused myself about two minutes later, lying in my teeth by by saying I had to go, but I just can't stand listening to Michelle. 

Earlier, I had washed the bathroom and hall rugs and dusted and washed the hard floors. Did a color wash and a few other chores. Called Cheryl to tell her I won't be going to T.O.P.S. today. as I'll be with family. Ellen called and will pick me up at noon. She suggested I stay over at her house, then we'll go to Santa Barbara from there; will do. 

Jim called to tell me he was getting some kind of procedure on his heart on Tuesday. A stent, maybe? He thought so, but it's being done in the doctor's office, which seems odd. The problem is, he was told not to drive after and he doesn't know how to get there. I'll see if I can help.

I got a kick out of this, which came up on Facebook. I'm one of the tyrant's subjects, all right.

Thursday, July 25, 2024


Jeanne Painter texted me some more about her new great-grandbaby and other things. I suggested she call me, she did, and we had a twenty-minute talk. Notably, her long-time paramour, John, is now 95, but no dementia, although he needs care of other kinds. 

 After breakfast, I called Ellen and we caught up with each other. Also called Stella to see if she was available for lunch, but she had planned to do some volunteer work for Family to Family. 

I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted to do with my day, aside from getting some walking in. Finally, I packed a lunch and walked the mile and a half to Wal-Mart. Got Stevia and crackers, then ate in the area between the office buildings on Ralston Avenue. I was surprised to see the decorative fountain wasn't operating, but it was still a nice place to lunch: 

After, I stopped into the rental place to say hello to Dominique, my acquaintance, LaVonne's granddaughter. Had a nice chat and one of these days, I'll call LaVonne. 

Bused to the transit center, then took another bus home, stopping at Von's for a few staples. I was a little tired when I got home, so took a half hour--nap.  

Here's a pic of the roses on my patio. I'm just amazed at how lovely they are--little credit to me, as I don't pay them much attention, but I'm glad they're here. I hadn't even realized before it's one plant with two different colored flowers: 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Nothing much going on. I paid attention to some paperwork and financial stuff in the morning, took trash to the place, and did some other household chores. By the time I had completed them and packed my lunch, it was after twelve. Bused to town and my spot across from the mission, but the weather has gotten hot and there wasn't enough shade, so I strolled down Main Street to a table, chair, umbrella set up and ate there. It was very quiet in town--this early in the week it usually is--and pleasant just to sit there and enjoy my lunch. Stopped in a few shops, then bused home.

At the transit center, I detoured to BevMo to replenish my supply of IPA. I'm always amazed at being asked my birth date, but it's a law. I'm not sure if it's just in California or not, but it strikes me funny. Next time, I'm going to give the clerk my son's birth date, June 28, 1959, and see what happens. 

When I got home, I cored, seasoned, and roasted the dozen big apples I bought the other day. Stowed some in the fridge, others in the freezer, and will enjoy them. Also enjoyed a good piece of ahi tuna for dinner, along with spinach and roasted tomatoes.

Jeanne Painter texted me several long texts and sent five pictures. Two were group shots of her family (five daughters and assorted sons-in-law and grandkids) and the others of her first great-grandchild, whom they've named Aurora Ocean Pier. Here's the new pic of herself Jeanne put on Facebook: 

She's several months older than I am, which is why she looks so horribly decrepit. 😁

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


I'm having a lot of problems with the printer. Put the new ink in and a copy came out smeared. Darn, I wish I had my old printer back. Did a few other things--so important I can't remember what--then readied myself to meet Diane. 

We weren't supposed to meet for lunch (at the hospital) until 1:30, but I bused to the transit center and got there more than an hour early. It takes only about a half hour to walk to the hospital and Jim lives more or less on the way, so I called him, and said I'd like to stop in and say hello. He was agreeable and I did.

It's been a month or so since I saw Jim and he looks and acts not only considerably older, but is alarmingly thin. He said he thinks he's stayed the same, but I wouldn't be so sure about that. He has a doctor's appointment tomorrow and I told him he should mention his shortness of breath. He has never smoked, but that's an alarm signal, it seems to me.  We did have a pleasant enough chat, although his memory problems seems worse. While we were talking, Diane texted that she had gotten out of her dentist appointment early and was already at the hospital. I said goodbye to Jim, but will have him over for lunch sometime soon.

Got to the hospital, met up with Diane, and as ever, we enjoyed our long, long, marathon talk session. Left about 3:00 and walked together to the transit center. There we parted, she to bus home, I to stop at Target. I was puzzled when Diane texted me a few minutes after we parted to ask if I was taking an Uber. Why would she think that? Before I could answer, she called and we laughed over the fact that I had said I was going to get blueberries and she heard only what sounded like "get...uber...."

Vickie called about 7:00 to tell me she was watering Suzanne's patio; she didn't want me to be alarmed (I wouldn't have been), as I know Suzanne is still away. As for Suzanne, she posted a picture on Facebook--unusual for her--of her family reunion. She should now be up in Burlingame with her sister Sisters. 

Monday, July 22, 2024


Sunday crossword was so-so and I lost interest in it early on. Just putzed around until 11:15, when I left to walk around to Vickie's and off we went to Cliff House. I like this place so much and hadn't been there since Lora and Julie took me for my birthday in December. The weather was just superb and we had a great time. Darn, I wish I had remembered to ask the server to take a picture of both of us, but I didn't.  I took a mediocre on of Vickie, then she took me; I'm sorry we didn't get one together:


Here's the other side, with a pier in the background:
Seagull in the pool:

Vickie and I talked and talked, ranging over our backgrounds, sexual orientations, religion, likes and dislikes, and a multitude of other topics. We had already been open and frank with each other, but yesterday we happily enjoyed a new level. BTW, Vickie has a thing about the number seven: She was born on the seventeenth day of the seventh month in 1957, so she's sixty-seven, and there are a lot of other "sevens" in her life. Also, since I'm twenty years older than she is, that includes me. We smiled over the fact that she finds this highly significant and I find it a coincidence.  

We lingered over brunch for two hours, then at my request, drove to Office Max so I could exchange the printer ink I had bought the other day (got the wrong number). Home after that and for some reason, I was sleepy, so took an hour nap. I then roused myself long enough to do a little trimming of my ailing geranium, taking trash to the receptacle, and a few other items. Felt up to par after that and walked over to Von's for coffee filters, apples, and fifteen-calorie ice pops. 

Late (1:30) lunch today with Diane at the hospital.

Happy day--I slept pretty well and just got up at 5:45--YAY!     

Sunday, July 21, 2024

The day started with three loads of wash in the morning: sheets, whites, and colors. After that, I tackled the homeowners insurance problem.. Copied what I had to sign and walked to post office to send it registered mail. Stopped on the way at Hallmark to get granddaughter Vivian a birthday card--she'll be twenty on July 29. Although I like to give actual gifts, I didn't want t add to her luggage, so just put some dough in it. She's interning at Cornell and will be back in Singapore after, then back for her junior college year in Hawaii. 

Bused from there to the WinCo shopping center, but first went to Dollar Tree for a few items I haven't been able to find, including those little items to repair eye glasses. My scale battery is dead and I didn't have anything to fit in the tiny screw to open the compartment. Also, needed large paper clips, which I hadn't been able to find. Happily, I got both at Dollar Tree. 

After, I ate my packed lunch on the only bench I know of in that shopping center. It's next to the movie theatre and, annoyingly, is in full sun. However, I was hungry, so ate there anyway. Went from there across the street to Office Depot for black printer ink. When I got home, I realized I had gotten the wrong one, dammit. I'll ask Vickie to take me back to exchange it today after we go to Cliff House for brunch. 

Boiling Blood Department

Yesterday, I received a letter from Dermatology Medical Group that made my blood--yes, boil. In May, I had had a skin cancer spot on my nose sprayed, which took Dr. S. about six seconds. Yesterday, I got a co-pay bill of a paltry ten bucks, but it was what was added fee that incensed me--a 3 percent "convenience fee" for paying on-line! I know, I know, it's miniscule, but it infuriates me. Is there no end to the lengths business will go to get the last possible penny out of the consumer? It's similar to Conservice charging me five dollars a month to prepare my bill! As for Dermatology Medical Group,  I'm going to send them a check, along with this letter: 

--It is absolutely incredible to me that you charge a three percent "convenience fee" for paying on-line. You do this for a lousy thirty cents? Wow, the medical profession--oh, no, let's call it what it is--the corporate enterprise has changed since I was a kid.

So here's my ten dollar co-pay in a check. I pay virtually all bills on-line and I guess thirty cents won't put me on the street, but as the saying goes, it's the principal of the thing.

Sincerely And With Disgust, Rosemary Molloy--


Saturday, July 20, 2024


T.O.P.S.: Gained 1.6 at home and 1.7 at T.O.P.S. for respective weights of 125.6 and 126.2. Both are well within my comfort zone, so no prob. The meeting was of the therapy sessions genre, with Leader Lennie injecting both political and religious notes, all very predictable. (Trump is a monster, so you have to vote for Biden.) Attendees then offered the usual third-grade clichés about how to live your life. Of course, these are all offered with great seriousness and soulful expressions. Boring.

However, something interesting happened. Cheryl, who is our weight recorder (and my chauffer) found a notebook of stats (names and weights) from years ago, which started in 2015. She asked if I wanted it, I took it and found my own info--at my first meeting in May, 2016, I weighed  187.6! That means I've lost 61.4 pounds with T.O.P.S. and first reached what I call my "comfort zone" (125 to 130 lbs.) almost exactly four years ago--on July 24, 2020.  

Didn't get breakfast until 10:30 and after that, dealt with the home insurance thing. I was hoping I could electronically sign the documents, but unfortunately, when I called Maureen at the agency, she said I couldn't. Annoyingly, my scanner doesn't seem to be working, so I'm just going to sign, and send her the hard copy.

Walked over to Von's for veggies and pretzels, had lunch late, then did this and that--nothing very interesting. What was interesting and a big source of relief is that Ellen called to say she had had her new doctor appointment, already was x-rayed and was referred to an orthopedist. That was so good to hear, as she had a terrible time getting her new insurance--Kaiser--to kick in. She and Greg are seeing a fair amount of each other--as friends--had dinner last night and had planned to play cards last night. Unfortunately, she texted later that he's tested positive for the big bugaboo; hope he recovers soon.  

Friday, July 19, 2024


Left at 10:30, walked down Victoria to Telephone and caught the 11 bus going east. For a change, I was earlier than Diane for our noon lunch across from her place, but she got there about ten minutes after I did. We settled in to eat our lunches and embark on one of our marathon talk sessions, which always includes what's going on with family and friends, plus our emotional states. I asked Diane to give me some info on the various groups she runs and wrote some down to convey to Noreen. It was after 3:00 when we broke up, but no prob--I'll see her again for Monday when we meet at the hospital. 

I walked from there to Grocery Outlet and found some nice cod fillets; bought them and almond milk, then bused home. I was happy to get a text from Ellen, saying she had gotten a doctor's appointment--for today, thank Zeus--to have her knee looked at. Also got emails from Maureen at Groendyke Insurance to tell me a better deal couldn't be found, so damn, guess I'll just have to go with shelling out the extra five hundred bucks.  

I didn't get in until 5:00, but that was okay. Felt a little hungry, so heated two of the cabbage fritters I had reserved in the fridge and enjoyed them as a pre-dinner snack. 

Mike Facetimed me to show me around his new digs. It nice--three bedrooms, two and a half baths, and has spectacular views. It's especially good that it's just a five-minute walk from Violet's school. She'll alternate every two weeks staying at Mike's and her mother's.

I had a terrible time sleeping: got up for the usual at 3:16 and wasn't able to get back before I got up at 6:30. I considered calling Cheryl to say not to pick me up for T.O.P.S., but I guess I'll go and maybe nap later.

Thursday, July 18, 2024


Right after breakfast, I dealt with the home insurance thing. Emailed Maureen, at the agency, to answer her question as to whether we ever had the roof, HVAC OR heater replaced; I'm pretty sure we never did. It seems the insurance agencies now raise the premium if a roof is more than 20 years old; mine is twenty-one, wouldn't you know. She will search out alternatives to the highway robbery being proposed, but it it doesn't work out, the hell with it, I'll just pay it. 

After attending to some other business-type crapola, I packed lunch and left for the mall. On the way, I dropped off Vickie's card (yesterday was her birthday) and included an offer to take her to lunch. She texted her appreciation later, then called me and I asked her to suggest a day and place. We settled on this Sunday and she said there's a brunch at The Shoals, and suggested we go there. Coincidentally, that's where Lora, Julie, and Regina had taken me for my birthday in December after we visited Betty. I like the place a lot and here it is (what's not to like?):

Ate at my usual place in the middle of the mall,  then picked up grapefruit, blueberries, peppers, tomatoes, and onions at Target. Home, I did about an hour of food prep: diced the onions and peppers, cut up the tomatoes, and added garlic and seasonings, oil and vinegar, for a batch of my roasted tomatoes. I also put the small potatoes I bought the other day in the small slow cooker. I had planned to have both those items for dinner, but forgot I had taken home some of the good pasta from lunch with Noreen. Had that instead and will hold over the other (with salmon) for tonight.  

While I was working away on food prep, it occurred to me that my parents' descendants and their families include almost every variety of human there is. We have plenty of Asians (Japanese, Korean, and Chinese); certainly a lot of Latinas (from Mexico, Ecuador, and other parts of South America).Most family members are straight, but at least two are gay (my nephew and my granddaughter). Thanks to the new bride of my nephew, Wes, we have a Black family member, too; Heidi's son is from Ethiopia. Of course, there are lots of different countries of origin, also, Irish, German, and so on, but those are just political constructs. There are a remarkable number of different places where they live, too, in both Europe and Asia. 

Lunch with Diane across from her place today; I offered her these decorative boxes:                                                                 

Unfortunately, the two larger ones won't fit in my cart, so she'll just get the smaller ones. She and I have a date for lunch on Monday, too--at the hospital after she goes to the dentist. 

Called El last night and we had a nice chat. She seems to have gotten into cooking and made a chicken dish in the slow cooker. Sounded delish and, as I often do, she planned to have a portion for dinner and freeze the rest for another day. 


While I was working away on food prep, it occurred to me that my parents' descendants and their families include almost every variety of human there is. We have plenty of Asians (Japanese, Korean, and Chinese); certainly a lot of Latinas (from Mexico, Ecuador, and other parts of South America).At least two are gay (my nephew and my granddaughter) and thanks to the new bride of my nephew, Wes, we have a Black family member; Heidi's son is from Ethiopia. There are several other adoptees, notably my older brother's two children. Of course, there are lots of different countries of origin, also, Irish, German, and so on, but those are just political constructs. There are a remarkable number of different places where they live, too, in both Europe, Asia, and--I think--South America. If the world followed this pleasant path of inclusion, maybe we wouldn't be so avid to slaughter each other. Yay for diversity!


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Left at about 11:00 to bus to town and meet Noreen. It was a lovely day--sunny and cloudless and lower seventies, so we ate outside at Café Fiore. Here's Noreen:

I'm sorry I didn't include more of the lovely greenery, which consists mostly of succulents.

We had a good lunch--virtuous Noreen ordered a big salad with chicken, but naughty Mimi had pasta la something with plenty of high-cal ingredients. Of course, N. had her white wine and I my hazy IPA. We then proceeded to talk and talk and enjoy the day. We parted after two hours or so and I strolled Main Street--very quiet on a Tuesday--and stopped in a few shops. In one, I saw this and thought it was made for my crew: 
Of course, that does NOT include my absolutely ideal and perfect children--or me, for that matter--just all those others. (HA!)

Bused home and actually watched T.V. (again! in the daytime!), a fascinating Netflix piece called Hitler Home Movies. Here he is in color (not sure if that's colorized or original), at the Eagle's Next high above Berchtesgaden, along with Eva Braun and other cohorts--wow.  

Earlier, I received an email from Maureen at Groendyke about the insurance and was incensed to find Orchid (the carrier or whatever they are) had listed an increase of almost five hundred bucks! Damn, if this is because the inspector made a mistake, I'm going to pursue it. I also want to know if the increase would have been made if my earlier tenants had remained. I'll bet not.

Unfortunately, my sleeping well phase ended at 3:45 am. Got up for the usual and, although I stayed in bed, I haven't since. Darn.    

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Because I didn't have time on Sunday, I did the big crossword yesterday. At first, I thought it was a dud, but later realized it was a good one--very absorbing and with a twist. I solved all but three, then walked away. Did a number of other minor chores--to wit:

1. Took the crystal pickles over to Vickie's; got a thank-you note from Suzanne for the same; 

2. Sent for three more Crypto-Families, the cryptogram puzzles I enjoy;

3. Sent Laura, my tenant, the water bill;

4. Set up my night meds in the containers;

5. Called Bobbi, my T.O.P.S. buddy, to see how her broken leg is doing. She's now able to walk without help, but has a P.T. come to supervise--or something.

Okay, these aren't "minor chores," but I also:

6. Texted older granddaughter, Vivian, to see how she likes her summer internship at Cornell and the surrounding area. She wrote back: "It's going really well! Definitely challenging, but in a good way and upstate New York is beautiful, the town of Ithaca is really pretty, there's lots of greenery and hiking and trails and stuff!"   

7. Showered and washed my hair in anticipation of dinner with the Soaring Spirits gang...

...speaking of: I left about 4:30, bused to Telephone, then took the 11 to the Stone Fire Grille for Soaring Spirits. It was a small group, consisting of Vera, Susan, Lendel, Renee, somebody whose name I forget, me, and--guess who? We were all amazed to see Donna, who met Mark at an S.S. lunch years ago and they've been married for eight years now. Donna's dad, Joe Rocca, graduated from Rider in the nineteen-forties and had lived in the Townehouse until his death a few years ago. Donna introduced me tot him and we visited back and forth. Donna and I had a fine reunion and, after a good talk session, she took me home. I gave her my card and we'll get together for lunch sometime.  

Lunch with Noreen at Café Fiore, downtown next to Lure. I haven't' been there for at least five years and thought we'd give it a try. 

Monday, July 15, 2024


I didn't have a chance to do the crossword as the Access Van picked me up at 7:45. Got to Ojai and Ellen's to find all quiet; Ellen was dressing and Violet was still asleep. We woke her and waited for nephew Wes, who arrived about 10:00. It was so great to see him and he brought me a wonderful surprise:

Now this is on loan--he does want it back, but he said I could keep it as long as I wanted. He didn't quite remember where he found it, but he thinks maybe at a yard sale. If I could find one, I'd buy it in an instant, but this is the next best thing--I've already started reading it. I'm going to look into the possibility of having it copied, too.

We then went to The Farmer and the Cook for breakfast burritos and had a fine time:
(Violet next to me, Wes and Ellen)
Back at El's we talked and talked and talked, Violet contributing to the conversation occasionally (when she could tear herself away from the phone). We then said goodbye to Wes, that great guy, who drove back to Santa Barbara and is leaving this morning to fly back to Chicago. 

Ellen oversaw Violet's packing for camp, then we drove up there in the hills, which is beautiful all around. Here's the outside of Violet's dorm,"Phoenix ":
And the entrance room:
Interestingly, there's a microwave there, too:
And here's outside the door of her room, which obviously, she'll share with a girl named Andrea:
And here's the room--there's a nice lovely view out the windows, which I didn't get:
A sign of welcome, which was nice to see:
Ellen helped Violet make her bed and put some things away, then we said goodbye. Stopped at a little restaurant where, at El's suggestion, we shared an antipasto salad, plus garlic bread, which just hit the spot. Back to El's then hung out until the Access Van came. I thanked El for a great weekend and zipped back to my place. What an excellent sojourn it was! 
Ellen took a selfie and I looked so horrible, I excised me:

A fun day with these three! 💗

Sunday, July 14, 2024


She's here! Ellen and Violet blew in at 12:30 and, after chatting and catching up, off we went to Raising Cane's, a fast food place V. had somehow heard about in Singapore. Because it was Saturday in Oxnard at the huge, incredibly busy mall, it was jammed, noisy, and a lot of fun. The chicken fingers weren't bad, however.

From there, El took us to the harbor, where we looked for seals, but didn't find any, and strolled around. Went to the small museum and otherwise enjoyed. Here's a pic of the two beauties and a raddled old lady: 

And two frogmen. (Yes, this was was at suggestion of the old lady):  
Just looking over the harbor, Violet with her volley ball jacket:
A height check; I think El is about five five(?) Violet inches higher:
After we left the harbor, we stopped at Crumbl, a cookie place I never even knew existed. El and Vi bought cookies and we took them back to my place. After indulging (I had only half of one), El and I chatted (actually, we had a lively discussion or maybe you could call it a heated debate. Topic? Abortion.), and the little darling fell sound asleep:
After a sixteen-hour plane trip and a full day, I'm amazed she lasted that long.

I made reservations with the Access Van and will get to El's about 9:00 this morning, as we're meeting nephew Betty's two, Wes and Carolyn for brunch at The Farmer And The Cook in Ojai. Checking the Messages back and forth just now, it may be be closer to lunch, but that's fine, too. Thought I'd skip breakfast, but now I think I'll indulge.  

Saturday, July 13, 2024


Yoicks, I was down 3.94 pounds at home and 3.2 at T.O.P.S., weighing in respectively at 123.6 and 124.5 (of course, I had skipped last week).  That made me the big loser--not too impressive since there  only Cheryl, Lennie, and me were there. Sharon had called me at 6:15 am (she knows I get up early) to say she's sick, Bev is in Alaska, Lora back in Portugal, and Bobbi, I don't know, I'll have to check. The non-regulars, Mary Ann and Maria haven't been attending in some time.

During the meeting, if you can call it that, I got a call from SCAN and we went all through the wrong pickup place problem, which seems to have to do with Uber or Lyft or the man in the moon. Anyway, the next time I call for the ride to the doc, I'll simply call the driver when he or she gets close (I get notified via text when they are) and tell him or her where to go. (I'd like to tell the damn insurance company where to go.)

Home at 10:00, breakfast, then I started on the chores and activities that essentially filled the whole day. I had gotten the crystal pickles out of the freezer and now prepared them to give Vickie and Suzanne. I had had some pretty "glass" (well, plastic) bowls and I filled both, then decorated them for V. and S.:  

I'd better give Suzanne hers today, as she's leaving on Tuesday for a family reunion, then to see her Sisters (of Mercy) in Burlingame; she won't be back until August 6. I'll pick up her mail and offer to water her big patio tree which she planted when she moved here 25 years ago. Vickie's birthday is on Wednesday, so I'll drop hers off, too. After all, she gave me the cucumbers they're made with (with which they're made, damnit!).

Maureen from Groendyke called, I'm happy to say, to tell me the error is straightened out with Orchid (that my house is not owner occupied) and she'll be sending me revised documents to sign electronically. Luckily, the cost will change by only a few dollars; actually, it'll be a few dollars less.  

Finally got my hair cut--went over to Great Clips at 2:00, then next door to Von's for coffee and ground turnkey, both on sale. Met up with Lorraine in the middle and we chatted. Hair looks okay, I guess. Got back and spent time tidying up in the garden. The geraniums are suddenly looking peaked, I'm afraid. I dead-headed and trimmed them, then gave them a Miracle Grow cocktail. Tore up some bread and scattered it, hoping maybe this time the birdies would eat it. I have my doubts.*  

I then tackled my bedroom. I had some large decorative boxes and wanted to trade them out for the fancy hatboxes in which (HA!) I had stored some items. I traded them off and I like these better. Will donate the others.   

Texted Ellen about 7:00, asking for a progress report. El wrote back that she was at LAX arrival area and the airport and Violet was due in five to 20 minutes. They must be in Ojai now--can't wait to see the teenage traveler! 

* Uh-huh, just now (6:00 am), I looked and the bread is gone--it's got to be squirrels or groundhogs. 


Friday, July 12, 2024


My nephew, Wes, from Chicago, plus Ellen and I, went back and forth on Message, trying to see if we could get together this weekend. Wes is visiting his brother in L.A. and drove to Santa Barbara to Carolyn's last night. The complication is that Ellen will pick up Violet today and will be taking her to camp on Sunday. Tomorrow, El has to get a number of things V. will need for camp, including a sleeping bag, so she can't very well drive me to SB. I don't want to ask Wes to drive here an back, so am thinking about the possibility of taking the bus there and back on Sunday. 

I met Stella in front of City Hall at 11:00 and we went off to the Botanic Gardens. It was pretty strenuous and I wish I hadn't turned down Stella's offer of one of her walking sticks. It was lovely, of course, and it felt good. Here's Stella and some of the terrain: 

We spent about an hour and a half hiking up, then down, then went to Aloha for lunch. Sat on the patio on the ocean side--very pleasant. We then strolled to the pier, finally open after several years of repairs, which was nice to walk. We saw a huge crab somebody had brought up and that a little boy wanted to take home. Hope he made it:

We saw a young woman with twin boys and stopped to chap with her. The little ones, eighteen months old, look different here, but are actually identical, which was evident in real life:
We were on the pier for an hour or so, then Stella asked if I wanted to go to the Odd Lots store. We did and she got covers for her outdoor furniture, then dropped me off at the transit center and I bused home. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024


I did, indeed, change the bed. Finished that up, then filed some of the never-ending paper work. Called SCAN to complain about the wrong pickup place problem and left a message. Ordered turmeric and calcium citrate from Amazon. Called Groendyke home insurance to ask why Orchid (their subsidiary or something) said wouldn't be renew my home owners insurance after July 31. Talked to account rep Maureen M., with whom I've dealt before and found that the inspector had put down the house was owner occupied.  What? I haven't lived there for eight years; policy should sat it's tenant occupied, as it has been. Maureen will take care of it and, incidentally, I've always found Maureen to be the epitome of courtesy and professional know-how, unlike the idiot at SCAN. 

I called her--"Evelyn"--as I have several times before, as her grandiose title is "Grievance and Appeals Coordinator." After one of the complaints from yours truly, I received two almost identical two-page letters, one on May 10 and one on June 10. The letters were semi-literate and almost incomprehensible.  I assume the point of both was that the problem was resolved, but obviously, it wasn't and hasn't. When I called, I got a recording from Evelyn herself to leave a message and frankly, she sounds like an incompetent ninny.    

Stella texted, asking if I could go to the botanic gardens either today or tomorrow. Yes, today--the gardens are above city hall, which is where we'll meet at 11:00, then do a little hike up the hills, then go to what she calls "brunch." (For me, it will be lunch, but she always gets breakfast at noon or after.)

My darling granddaughter, Violet is 16 today.  She'll be here tomorrow, as I've mentioned before; Ellen will pick her up at LAX and we'll take her to dinner for her birthday on Saturday. I Messaged her mother, Paula, for a suggestion for a gift and she mentioned jewelry, so I bused to town after lunch and picked up a pretty necklace:

And here's the birthday girl, all cleaned up after Mongolia: 

Can't wait to see her!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


I debated with myself whether to change the bed or not, but decided to wait. After I showered and had breakfast, I scrubbed the counter tops in the kitchen, something I've been putting off for too long. After, I called Muckie--I hadn't spoken to her for two months or so--and we had a long talk. Her grandsons will be visiting for a week from Michigan, so she's looking forward to that. She gets the pancreatic cancer check every few months and that's coming up before too long. 

Packed my lunch and readied myself for Uber (courtesy of my SCAN insurance) to pick me up. When I called to schedule the ride, I emphasized the pickup being in the front, since I've had problems with having them go to a different entrance in the past. Went out to wait about 12:15, as the pickup was for 1:00 and, incredibly, the same thing happened! I had to call the guy, David, to tell him he was at the wrong location--AAGH! I'm definitely going to make a lot of noise about this.

Got to HEARUSA, gave Amanda my hearing aids (only the right one wasn't receiving) and was embarrassed to find the problem was wax. You can't really see it--at least, I can't--and I guess I got careless about brushing it anyway. Also, I had lost the tiny brush that comes with the aids and was using a toothbrush. It's working fine now and Amanda cleaned it and  gave me a new brush.  

From there, I bused to town and had a late (about 2:30) lunch in my spot across from the mission. It was very quiet, but pleasant. I looked in a few shops, then bused home. 

My pal, Vickie, had left four very long cucumbers from her friend's garden and I also had the cauliflower I had bought the other day. Feeling energetic, I then spent a fair amount of time on food prep. Decided to make crystal pickles with the cukes, but realized I had no onions except those in the freezer I had already diced. Ran over to Von's to get some, then used the mandolin to thin-slice them and the cukes. (I managed to slice my little finger on the device, too (bled like crazy), but I think I'll live.) I then prepared the cauliflower using my usual recipe: boil for four minutes, cover with a parm/mayo rub, sprinkle with garlic salt, and back for twenty minutes. 

Suzanne rang my bell (she still has her piggy-back COVID, so stood back) and gave me four small, but ready to eat, avocados. The pickle preparation has to be refrigerated for two hours before the sugar and vinegar are added, so I put that in, then had one of my peculiar dinners: About half the cauliflower and one of the avocados--vegan and good. 

El called later and we chatted. She's still in the process of getting her new insurance settled, so her bad knee, too. She and Greg had gone to the beach in Santa Barbara--not to swim, but to contemplate nature, it seems. Their relationship is on a different footing than it had been, but I'm glad they're still friends.   

I forgot to mention that when I was in town on Saturday, there was a kind of street fair and I saw this apron:

That's funny, but kind of gross, but I thought the tee-shirts in the back would be a cute thing to give Greg. Unfortunately, I don't know how to find it now. Maybe I'll look on line.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024


Just a this and that day. I did two loads of wash--bleach and colors--and a few other chores I don't remember. After lunch, I set off for Smart 'n' Final and The Dollar Tree. I got about a quarter mile, but found the wind blowing my hat so annoying, I turned back and took the 10 bus there. At The Dollar Tree (now a dollar twenty-five, of course), I got a number of small items and at S & F yummy Brussels sprouts and cauliflower. I did walk home and after that, roasted the sprouts with olive oil and seasonings. Had them for dinner with salmon.

Called the audiologist about my right hearing aid and got an appointment for today at 1:30. Called SCAN Transportation and will be picked up at 1:00. As I usually do, I'll bus from there to town or whatever, as I really don't need door-to-door when I leave.

The picture below appeared on Facebook, which amused me, as it's right on the side of my lunch spot across from the mission.  You'd think the photographer could get a better shot than somebody's rear end. For that matter, considering the sign, maybe somebody's belly? 😅 

Monday, July 08, 2024


As usual, I followed the Sunday routine; crossword pretty good.

Unfortunately, Suzanne texted Vickie and me that she had started feeling ill again, took the C test and found herself once more positive for COVID. V. and I both expressed our condolences. Vickie then called me and we had a long talk. She said she had already known she was number 41 on the list to be a resident of Seacrest, but asked me to thank Diane for checking it out. She also said a friend of hers would like to see the apartments--would I ask Diane if she would allow her? I suggested that Vickie ask Diane herself; I don't really want to act as a go-between and Vickie understood.

Met Diane at the library at noon and we were there talking until three! Lots to discuss, new and old, so we talked and talked. Said goodbye and we both headed for the 11 bus--two different ones, though, as we were going in opposite directions. I had the idea I'd go to WinCo for a few items, but changed my mind and decided on the mall. However, two buses passed me before I got to the stop, so I just continued on walking until I reached the general area. At that point, I had walked about two and a half miles, and didn't want to go further. Got the 11 bus to the transit center, then took the 10 home.  

I'm still having a problem with my right hearing aid and will call the audiologist today.

Sunday, July 07, 2024


Lots of annoyances early on, but things improved later. No newspaper, so I had to have my oatmeal and cereal with just the cryptograms. Then my laptop screen suddenly went black and the whole computer would do nothing. After trying the few--very few--remedies I could think of, I put it in the carrying case and walked over to Asurion ("UbreakIfix") right across the street in the Von's shopping center. The guy there thought it was the charger, tried his and it worked, but I hadn't brought mine, so needed to walk  back to my place, got my it, and return. Yup, it worked and I'm sure the darn plug had fallen out of the wall. When I got home, I put it in another outlet and it works fine. 

I know it's weird, but I'm interested in the Laci Peterson murder, so went off to the library to get the book by Amber Frey, who was the murdering Scott Peterson's illicit romance. Prepared my lunch and walked out to get the bus to town and just missed the 6 and the 21, so had to wait fifteen for the 10. Got the the library and found the book was out, although that wasn't indicted when I looked it up on-line. Took out Laci-'s mother's book, instead.

A major annoyance: My right hearing aid suddenly seems not to work; this may be something I did, but am not sure. Audiologist and HEARX isn't open on Saturday, so I called and left a message that I'll come in tomorrow. 

Things improved after that. I ate at my usual across from the mission place and it was very pleasant. Lots of people in town, but not oppressively, just enough to be festive. Took the 6 bus home, stopping at Von's first to add to my IPA supply. 

Lib lunch (lunch at the library) today with Diane.

Saturday, July 06, 2024


Well, I'm back at my place. Yesterday, I packed up all my stuff--it's remarkable how much I used while staying over only two night--after straightening up the guest room a bit. El went out to get burritos at the Hip Vegan for our breakfast and boy, were they good. We said goodbye and the Access Van came about 11:00.

Home, I unpacked, disassembled, and put things away, which took a surprising amount of time. Went over to Von's for salmon, plant milk, blueberries, and several other items. In the late afternoon, I  indulged myself: poured a small glass of wine and took it and some pretzels to the patio, where I sat and read my book for 45 or so. 

My brother, Larry, had called when I was at Ellen's to say he'd like to come visit in September. One, or possibly more, of his daughters will come with him. I told him that would be great, but I'm going to Jersey in September, also. Called him back yesterday to discuss and we set a tentative time of a few days during the first two weeks of the month. He wants to see Betty, too, of course.

Violet is coming in next Friday and El will pick her up at LAX. She'll stay over that night, then go to camp for a month. Her sixteenth birthday is on the tenth when she'll be in the air, so El and I will take her out to dinner on Saturday. And that very same granddaughter is back from two weeks roughing it in Mongolia. They weren't allowed to bring their phones, but one of the girls (or boys) brought a regular camera and my daughter-in-law posted some great pictures:


Violet is the tall and beautiful girl on the right; she'll be sixteen next week. I can't imagine what it's like to be tall, but I've always wanted to be, as being short is a real pain in the you-know-what. 


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...