Monday, November 30, 2020

Carolyn B. And Co-Vid

I tend to be a hopeless procrastinator when it comes to mundane things and filing is no exception. I finally got around to it and now my "business" stuff is pretty accessible. Of course, I had earlier done my Sunday crossword, a good one. Walked over to Von's for romaine and the big mushrooms I like to roast, then had lunch.

After, I bused to town. Stopped in several shops and bought two more DVDs. The one I'm watching now is called Secret Window, one of Stephen King's. I probably read it and I think I've seen the movie before, but am not sure. (Don't think that doesn't worry me, considering my sibs' problems.) Johnny Dep is pretty good in this and I like the movie--well done and really scary.

While I was waiting for the 10 bus to start up, I was surprised, but pleased, that Carolyn B., Nancy's and my former happy hour partner, called me. Her eyes are still a problem, but we had a good chat for ten or so. When the bus starts up, though, I can't hear, so said I'll call her when I got home. I did, and we talked for another half hour. Carolyn never--never--goes out. Her children, both in college, go to the supermarket for her. She's only 59, but says she's at high risk for CO-VID, as she has diabetes.  

I'm not sure if "high risk" means you have a better chance of acquiring the disease or if you'll probably die of it if you get it. Since the survival rate is something like 99%, especially for the non-elderly and those without other conditions, maybe it isn't as worrisome as some other problems. Or maybe it is--I'm completely at sea about the whole thing, especially whether the cure is worse than the disease. Just dunno.

Sunday, November 29, 2020


Incredibly, I slept until 7:30 yesterday. I've been waking up lately at midnight or so, then having trouble getting back to sleep. This happens periodically, but should stop after a time.  I guess I needed the extra sleep, but I then didn't feel like breakfast until 9:00, so was off my usual schedule. 

Walked to Wal-Mart to exchange something, then caught a bus home. I don't even remember what I did until lunch, but after that, I took bus to Telephone Road, then walked to Barnes & Noble (about two). I wanted to get a "Forgot Your Password," which I did. I'm on my third one (over several years), as I keep crossing out and changing.

Going home, I intended to bus to the transit center, then take another bus home. However, nothing was coming, so I decided to walk. I did, to Thille Street, then noticed the bike/walking path I've seen before, but never tried. This time I did and was surprised that I got slightly lost, because it didn't lead where I thought it would. However, I corrected, got to Victoria Avenue, and was oriented properly after that. That was at least two more miles.

Called Jim when I got home and we had a nice chat about each other's Thanksgivings. He was with friends, but of course, I have no idea who they are, how he knows them, if they're male or female, married, straight, gay, from outer space or anything else. When I ask him a direct question, he'll answer it, but only just that question. "How many were at dinner?" "Four." Even I don't always feel brash enough to probe further. He did divulge that he had had two pieces of pie, which is downright decadence for him.

We also discussed wine, which we both like. When we have lunch together, though, he doesn't drink alcohol; says he only drinks wine with dinner. He's into the red mostly, but likes the whites, too, as I do. We made a date for lunch on Thursday, as usual, here in the middle of the complex.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Day After

Weight report: We didn't have T.O.P.S., but at home, I weighed 126.6, a gain of two tenths of a pound from last week. I'm no mathematician, so I don't know what that is in ounces, but it's surely insignificant, so okay.

Yesterday, I got a sudden urge to "tidy up," to use Marie Kondo's phrase. I piled all my long, short, and Capri pants on the bed, then rolled them and put back in drawers. Did the same with all my tops; I'm thinking of weeding them out, though, and donating some to the thrift store. 

I then walked to the Market, Ralph's, and Wal-Mart for items ranging from grapes to body wash to underwear. Took a bus back, stopping at Von's for frozen raw jumbo shrimp. When I approached my door, I saw that Suzanne had hers open. We chatted and discussed our Thanksgivings; she had gone to her cousin's up north and stayed overnight.

 Had lunch, then whipped up (figuratively speaking) my tomato, onion, garlic, oil, vinegar, Italian seasoning concoction, which I put in my salad every day, and popped it in the oven. After that, I didn't do anything very productive. (But why would I have to be "productive," anyway?) I did dig out a Christmas project I hadn't gotten around to: large stamps--that is, the kind you press on to an ink pad, then on paper--and plain white note-sized paper. I was going to make cards and write personalize verses, but probably just to close family. We'll see if I get to it this year. 

Other than that, being in a melancholy mood, I read over some of my blog entries. That made me not melancholy, but practically suicidal (NOT literally). My mother used to say the feeling happened often  after a pleasant experience--she called it "the letdown." Well, who knows--she was right about a lot of things. And wrong about plenty, too. 

Things improved later, anyway, and now I'm back on an even keel. (We nautical types like to use that expression.) 😁 

Friday, November 27, 2020

Thankgiving, 2020

Put a wash in before breakfast, then just putzed around after that. Betty called and we wished each other a happy. I showered and dressed, then Patrick, my ride, called and we met outside.

It was actually a pleasant ride to Ojai. Patrick is yet another (I know dozens) former R.C., now liberated into a kind of free-form "don't know and neither does anyone else" autonomy. He's 66 (he didn't tell me this, I looked him up on White Pages), but still working in home renovation sales. We mostly talked, wouldn't you know, about the damn virus and agreed on some points. I get the impression he's a conservative Repub, not unusual in that age and gender.

He dropped me off at Ellen's door about 1:00 and absolutely refused to take the twenty dollars we had agreed on. I tried to insist, but he shrugged it off. I hope I can do something for him sometime and told him that. 

Anyway, I went in and oh, boy, what a wonderful day! I had decided to dress in something other than my usual, so hauled these components out of the closet. El took a picture and here it is:

(Damn! Now I can't remember how to get this over to the left. Oh, well, I'll leave it like this.)

Anyway, while Ellen did most (all) of the work, we talked and laughed, I played with adorable kitties, watched the very first broadcast of The Twilight Zone, and enjoyed myself immensely. El made Margaritas and we drank them outside in beautiful weather.

Son Mike Facetimed us and it was so, so good seeing and talking to him and 12-year-old Violet. (It was the day after for them and Paula and Vivian were out.)

We ate about 5:00 and, of course, it was delicious. El had roasted a turkey breast, along with tiny potatoes and delicious Brussels sprouts, dressed with maple syrup plus. She had made her own cranberry sauce and other additions. Along with a good Pinot Grigio (I buy cheap wine, El doesn't), it was sumptuous. 
Here we are, about to feast:
Happily, Greg came in from work while we were still eating. (He eats only natural, organic, and, I guess, foods blessed by a vegan guru.) It was so good to chat with him--among other topics, we discussed his little granddaughter, who should be entering the world in about six weeks. Even Gwennie and Cessy like him; neither would let me pick them up, but they did Greg--unfair, I says!  

After pumpkin pie with whipped cream, El took me home about 8:00. It was a quiet--which I suspect it was for a lot of people--but a lovely Thanksgiving, thanks to my girl.     


Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Eternal Teeth And Not Much Else

I was going to see if Gail or Jim wanted to drive me to Ojai today for twenty bucks, but I ran into my neighbor in another building, Patrick H., asked him, and he will.

Michelle, from SCAN health insurance, came at 10 and stayed for an hour, discussing the dental plan . I don't want to go into it at length, but the upshot was, I'm not going to switch from Blue Shield of California, and I'll keep the PPO. Just for openers, there are maximum coverages of $1000 and $1500, for the HMO and the PPO, respectively. They wouldn't even put a dent in my bill. There's another option we talked about and she'll send me more information on that. Anyway, I liked her a lot--she was very knowledgeable, courteous, and not at all high pressure.  

After she left, I chopped four big onions and stored them in the freezer, as I usually do. Went over to Von's for lettuce, had lunch, then bused to Target. and got blueberries and kitty toys for my widdle grandkitties, Gwennie and Cessie.  Aside from that, nothing much else went on. 

I remember when Thanksgiving was--well, Thanksgiving, not this depressing pretense for a normal holiday. The only bright spot is I'll with Ellen and Greg--I'm grateful for that. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2020


 After getting the call from the dentist's office, I realized I had time on my hands, so I spent an hour or so cleaning the kitchen counters, dusting, and so on. This morning, the rep from SCAN is coming to fill me in on their supplement. I doubt if it would be better than what I already have (Blue Shield of California), and I'm more interested in their dental plans.

Finished my domestic chores and walked to the market for romaine, a nice acorn squash, and onions. Walked both ways, so covered three. After lunch, I bused to town and stopped in a few shops; bought pajamas, and a kid's game, which I may give Betty for Christmas or our joint birthday. I got another about one and a half, maybe two miles in, so that was good.

Called Ellen to tell her the buses don't, after all, run on Thanksgiving, so we'll have to devise a new plan. She volunteered to pay for Urber or Lyft, but the one time I used the former, the charge was thirty-five dollars. Think I'll see if I can find a friend or friend of a friend to do it for twenty. I'd rather give one of them the money, anyway.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020


BREAKING NEWS:  I had posted this about an hour ago at 6:45 am. Just got a call from the dentist's office, saying my 11:00 appointment today had to be cancelled. Why? Because Dr. K's wife just went into labor. Was I upset or disturbed over this? Hell, no, I feel wonderfully liberated. Made an appointment for December 10.

Stripped and re-made the bed and did a large white wash, then a smaller color one. This took most of the morning, along with my lo-o-n-g put-off chore of organizing and neatening up the miles of chargers and other wires I have. I think somebody sneaks in here when I'm asleep to add them.

Got a call from the SCAN health insurance person and she'll come here tomorrow. I doubt if I can improve my plan, but thought I'd look into it, especially for dental.

Walked over to Von's for lettuce and shredded cheese; I confess I also bought a jar of salted peanuts. After lunch, I walked over the footbridge to Kimball to put in a book and DVD at the Lending Library.  As I neared it, I was delighted to see my friend, Diane. When I told her where I had been in October, I was thrilled to hear she and her son had hiked the Grand Canyon, twenty miles from the south rim to the north! She's very active in the Sierra Club and hikes frequently, not only here, but in Europe.    

Anyway, we sat on a bench and talked for a good forty-five minutes. One of these days, I'll join her and the others at 7:00 am to walk the circumference of the park, as I used to do. We said goodbye and I walked a few yards further, then who hailed me but Carolyn S.   She was also a Kimball walker and we talked for fifteen or so. The last time I saw her, her daughter was hoping to become pregnant and now she told me the baby, her first grandchild, is due in two weeks. Happy news.

I didn't see anything I wanted to read (and I have enough books for the next two years, I think), but left off my donations. 

Monday, November 23, 2020


Fulfilling my housewifery duties at long last, I cleaned the hard floors. I use the Bona method: first, a fluffy duster-type head is put on the mop and I go over the floors with that. Then, I spray on the Bona cleaner and go back and forth with the "wash" head. It does a great job and is actually pretty quick and easy (then why has it been so long since I've done it--lazy, maybe?).

Did some food prep: scrubbed and cut two pounds of carrots, did the same to two large zucchini, and sliced up two packages of mushrooms. I had defrosted a big chicken leg and thigh, also.

Washed the bath rugs and lid cover and decided I was sick of them. I had looked at Bed, Bath & Beyond for replacements the other day and they had zilch--expensive zilch, too. So I took my cart and trekked down to Wal-Mart (there and back, I got in three). I bought two bath rugs and a cover, plus a hand towel and wash cloth, all in a lilac shade. Actually, I like the purple I had had before better, but this is okay. Damn, nobody's going to see it but me, anyway. 

When I got home, I put my chicken, carrots, and mushrooms in the oven; not all at once, but timed. Had them and the chicken for dinner. Decided to save the zucchini for today. 

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Jim, Betty, And Me

 Walked to the market for veggies and so on. While I was there, Jim called just to say he was at his office (Ventura College), but would finish up what he was doing and be here at 1:00.  Now I've added his name to my phone and when I want to call him, I simply start typing in his name and his number comes up. However, I'm not sure why, but when he calls me, only the number shows. Since I don't know it by heart, I'm always about to decline it. So far, I haven't, but I wonder why this is. We agreed he'd call me when he got home to see if we could figure it out, and he did, but we couldn't.

When Jim got here at 1:00, we talked about the phone puzzle, but didn't really settle the question. We did, of course, discuss a lot; this time, mostly politics and history. We are generally on the same wave length, but he's probably more forgiving of our blackhearted politicians than I am. He left about 3:30 and I took a short walk. 

Here's a picture of Betty and me on the porch at 15 South Rosborough, c. 1949:

 It's actually Betty's picture; I borrowed and will return it. I put it on Facebook yesterday and added this one; same porch, but about nine years earlier:

It breaks my heart.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Out And About Again

Noreen called me early to let me know she wasn't coming here to T.O.P.S. after all. It seems the doctor had a cancellation and she took it; it's related to her upcoming knee replacement.

Remarkably, I lost another 2.2 pounds, which brings me to 126.4 at T.O.P.S., well within my comfort zone. We "voted" (four out of five of us) to skip meeting next week, the day after Thanksgiving, which I think is stupid, especially since none of us are going anywhere, but oh, well...

Breakfast late, as always on Fridays, then I walked to the P.O. to mail a card. Got the 6 bus to Telephone, then the 11 to Barnes & Noble. I want to replace my password book and there's a particular one I always use; Internet said B & N stocked it, but they don't and I don't like the ones they do. I'll look further.

On the way home, I stopped off at the mall and Johnson Family Dental to be sure Angie had refunded my $4780 to my credit card. She had, but said it would take up to three weeks because her boss had to approve, then corporate, then the man in the moon, then God--damn! You can be sure I wouldn't have been eligible for this "promotion" if I hadn't paid it when they said I had to.

After lunch, I took off for town. Since I'm now in the habit of movie-watching, I bought five more DVDs. I finished watching The Painted Veil the night before last and boy, was it good. I now think Ed Norton is the sexiest man alive, surpassing George Clooney and even Matt Damon.

Betty called and we had a short conversation. I called Ellen to see if she can make overseas calls. She thinks she can and we'll try calling brother Jim in Bangkok when I'm there on Thanksgiving.  

Friday, November 20, 2020

Talking And Walking

 A fair amount going on. After breakfast, I called Betty just to chat. I'm feeling guilty about being somewhat impatient with her lately, but she seems not to remember that. Called Nancy to tell her about talking to our mutual friend, Carolyn B. and Nance and I had a long talk. Later, Nancy texted to ask for her phone number, so I assume will call her.

After breakfast, I took the footbridge to the Hill Street library branch and dropped off some DVDs. Hopped the 11 bus to get to Bed, Bath & Beyond, as I want to get some new bath rugs and a few other things. I was surprised and disappointed that they didn't have much of a selection and nothing in the deep purple I wanted. I did see a gorgeous star spread and would love to have it. However, I really don't need it and it's expensive--maybe I'll hint I'd like it as a birthday/Christmas gift.

Didn't buy anything, but stopped at the Cricket store nearby. Talked to a nice young man named Dylan, who did something to fix a minor problem on my phone. I asked if I could call another country--no, but for five dollars, that could be added. Good news...

...but he then noticed I have the cheapie plan and pay only thirty bucks a month. In that case. I'd have to upgrade to the forty-dollar plan, plus the five, so it would be an extra fifteen a month. I don't see any reason to do that, so I think I'll ask El to use her phone to call my brother in Thailand.

Went from there to Target and got blueberries. It annoyed me no end that my Target card was rejected; I had called twice about it and was assured it was okay. This time, I wouldn't accept my pin. I paid with my debit card, but vowed to call them again...

...which I did when I got home. It turns out my pin was changed in September. I don't remember doing that, so what gives? Dunno, but after I was sent here and there, I changed the pin.

Walked to the Dollar Tree for something they didn't have. While I waited for a bus home, I called Jim and we made a date for lunch here tomorrow (our usual, out in the middle).   

After lunch, I walked to Smart 'n' Final and the other Dollar Tree and got what I wanted. Picked up lettuce at S 'n' F for lunch today and found my sugar-free caramels at D.T. Walked home, so I got in about five yesterday, which felt good.

Thursday, November 19, 2020


 Did a wash, then spent virtually all morning on dental/financial stuff I'm not going to list here. After lunch, I did get out for a three-mile to Kimball park and the little lending library. I didn't see any books I wanted, but left two, plus a DVD.

I was called by the office person at Dr. K.K.'s in Oxnard to say that Dr. S., with whom I had spoken the other evening, wanted me to make an appointment there. I did, for next Tuesday; let's hope I can get a better dental deal than at Johnson.

Noreen called. She attends a different chapter of T.O.P.S., but asked if she could come to ours on Friday. Sure and I gave her the directions. 

Suzanne asked if I'd add a pair of slacks and a dress to the items I'll donate to the thrift store that will pick things up. I did and must call; I hope they're still accepting donations. 

Called Carolyn B.* and we chatted for a bit. She's now having problems with her eyes since her cataract surgery, although she's only in her fifties. I mentioned Sharon R.,** who having them, too. Called the latter and ditto. 

* I met Carolyn through the Soaring Spirits (widows and widowers) group. She, Nancy and I used to meet for happy hour.

** Sharon is in my T.O.P.S. group.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Teeth Travail

Having checked over the plan books for Blue Shield, I found that the HMO would be much more financially advantageous for me than the PPO plan, so I determined to change to that. Got an application on-line and filled it out. I couldn't get it to send electronically, so I walked to the P.O. and sent it, with proof of delivery form.

As scheduled, I met at 10 with Angie, the office manager/billing supervisor at Johnson Family Dental. Without going into the complete this, that, and who-struck-John, what transpired was:

1. Angie told me Johnson isn't in the HMO, only the PPO;

2.  gave me the name and number of a dentist father-and-son who are and do deep sedation

3.  said she would refund the $4780 I had already paid for the implants;

4. I left and when I got home, called the dentist duo. No, they aren't in the HMO;

5. talked to 16,000 people at Blue Shield and got names of some who are;

6. went on the website and printed out the ten pages of dentists who are in the HMO located within 25 miles of me; 

7. found Dr. Saadat's name on four of the offices. Called and made an appointment with him for November 24;

8. was called later to say the office takes HMO, but Dr. S. may not;

9. was told  he would call me himself.

10. got a text at 8:00 pm, adding to the confusion, as person thought I wanted to make an appointment at the L.A. office;

11. Finally, Dr. S. called me himself--at 9:00 pm, just as I was getting ready for bed. I told him my concerns--financial and that I needed to go the HMO route--and we talked. He said we could work this out and he'll talk to one of the Ventura dental groups and see what he can do. 

I had seen Dr. Saadat, who's an oral surgeon in January during my first visit to Johnson Dental. It seems he hops around from one place to another. His major office is in L.A. and I'm not going there. So, I hope to find out straight from the horse's mouth that I can use HMO.

I did manage to get to Von's before lunch and walk to the market (3 mi.) after, as daily exercise is essential for me. 

I received a nice letter from Marge's daughter, Sharon. She wasn't sure Fred had told me the sad news, but of course, he had, the day after Marge died. I'll write her back.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020


If I wrote a novel about yesterday, I would call it The Horrors of Modern Life. I won't go into the particulars, but just relate that I was on the phone with Blue Shield of California from 10:00 am to after 2:00. My travail including listening to the same damn recorded blurbs about sixteen times, which go on for the first 7 or 8 minutes; being on hold for twenty minutes at a time, and the lousy insurance company having multiple problems with their phone lines. Like what? Oh, like not being able to hear the caller right in the middle of a detailed listing of the problem...

And so on.  

But enough of all that. I prepared as well as I could and, after talking to Ellen for a bit, I dashed out and grabbed a bus. I had vaguely thought I'd travel to town, but didn't--just got off at the mall and went to Target for pretzels and diet 7Up. Yes, those two are my secret vices. Along with my mostly vegetable meals, I indulge in things like that during my hour of T.V. watching...

Which brings me to: Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, which I finished watching. I think it should be shoo-in for an award as the worst picture ever made by humans or aliens, maybe. Even Leo and Brad couldn't save it; in fact, they were two of the guilty parties.

Now I'm re-watching one of my favorites: Up In The Air. It's eleven years old, but so what? Clooney is captivating and the rest of the cast is spot-on. Terrific movie.

Re horrors: I'm also deeply into (ha!) Over The Edge: Death At Grand Canyon, which is no novel, unfortunately for those who went over, accidentally or on purpose. It's pretty horrible, all right, but absorbing. 

One more horror: My appointment in three hours with the billing supervisor at Johnson Family Dental.

Monday, November 16, 2020


 After the usual Sunday stuff (the crossword was annoyingly obscure), I tidied up a bit. Ellen came a little after 1:00 and we took our lunches outside. For the first time (I had always gone to the middle with others), we sat in the little area close to my apartment. It was very warm out, I'm glad to relate, and it's well shaded, so enjoyable.

We had a good talk. I always enjoy hearing about her triumphs and trials regarding home-teaching and I'm happy when she shares. We made tentative plans for Thanksgiving, too. El left about 3:00 and I then impulsively decided to bus to town. Didn't get there until almost 4:00 and I just visited a few shops. Bought a DVD of The Painted Veil which I think is a remake of an early movie.

It took an age (well, 19 minutes, which in Busworld is an age) for the 6 bus to come, but it did and at the transit center, I was able to board the 21 for home almost immediately. Had a fresh tuna steak and veggies for dinner.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Betty, BOGO, And Baskets

Got a call from niece, Carolyn, and had a good chat. She straightened out the thing about the Natural Café on Thursday; it's actually just that where Betty lives, the management usually gives a Thanksgiving party. This time, they'll leave the food at the door a week early.

I ran over to Von's because they had a BOGO sale on Brussels sprouts. Mostly, I want to do my own trimming, scrubbing, and cutting (I often say, "I want my vegetables to have dirt on them," meaning in the figurative sense: I want them fresh, not packaged or "prepared.") However, I'm changing my mind about Brussels sprouts. These were big, beautifully halved, and all ready to put in the oven for one of my favorites roasted veggies. I just added some olive oil and garlic powder, and oh, mama, were they good. I accompanied them with shrimp--raw, of course, I never buy cooked--which I just defrosted under cold water, and stir-fried quickly in--yes, olive oil.

Got a call from Ellen, which is always welcome. She asked if I'd like her to come over for lunch in the middle today and oh, of course, I would, so she'll be here before 1:00. Spent a lot of time on paper/financial work re the dental thing, preparing to meet Angie on Tuesday. Damn, I hate it--I wish I still had a secretary (not that Terry M. ever did my personal work).

After lunch, I intended to bus to town, as I haven't been there for awhile. However, when I got to the transit center, I remembered that the thrift shop across the street is open on Saturday from 12 to 4. This is a small, very high-end shop, with lots of neat stuff, and staffed by volunteers. It benefits families and children with problems and I've always liked it. I went in and, wouldn't you know, found three nice rectangular baskets--not for gifts or Easter, but for organizing and storage. I think I'll use them to organize the towels in the linin closet. Scuttling my plans for town, I got them home--awkward, but doable on the bus--then took my cart and walked over the footbridge to the park and the little lending library, taking the two books I had borrowed and read months ago. I was a bit disappointed in the offerings, but took one book. (With this sojourn and to and from the bus earlier, I got in roughly four miles.)

Note: In contrast to the situation in the U.S., here's the lowdown from son Mike:

There have been essentially zero cases within the Singapore community for the past month or two but there have been about 50 cases in the last month from people flying in. Everyone is isolated upon arrival for 14 days so none of the cases have infected others. There are, however, about 25 people in hospital overall - none serious.  Someone died in June.  

No comment.

Saturday, November 14, 2020


As ever on Fridays, I went to the T.O.P.S. weigh-in, right here, as usual. I wasn't surprised or upset that I gained some. At home, I weighed in at 127.8, a gain of 2.2 and at T.O.P.S., 128.7, a gain of 2.5. I'm still within my comfort zone of 125 to 130, so that's okay. Besides me, only Cheryl, Lennie, and Lolly showed up; our group seems to be dwindling all the time. (Bobbi had emailed she had an early doctor's appointment). 

To some extent, I like to make plans for my days. I had decided to bus to the hospital to ask the COVID people if I can walk up, rather than drive up (I was told I have to have a test before my dermatology appointment on December 8). I thought I'd then go to The Market, which is nearby.  So-o-o, after scrubbing and coring three big apples and putting them in the smaller slow cooker, I took off.

Accomplished my tasks and got back home about 1:30. Lunched, then walked to Smart 'n' Final for blueberries, romaine, and salad dressing. Back and forth, combined with my walk from the transit center to the hospital, I did roughly four miles, which was fine.

Betty called after dinner to ask if I wanted to go to some luncheon (or something) on Thursday at the Natural Café near her. I couldn't figure out exactly what she was talking about, but it could be some kind of charity affair, I guess. She said Carolyn could tell me about it and, when she calls, I'll ask her. 

Suzanne called after dinner, just to catch up and we talked for fifteen or so. It was pleasant, now that we know something of each other's families. It occurred to me, though, that she's one of those who seem not just cautious, but almost paranoid about IT. 😨 Once in a while, we've sat out front to chat (which I vastly prefer to phone or Zoom), and then, she pulls her chair way away from mine and wears a mask. Maybe the obedience thing has to do with her "calling." In my experience, sisters of mercy don't question authority; if they do, they don't stay sisters of mercy.   

Friday, November 13, 2020

Money Matters

I loaded the shipment to Singapore AND the little box for Japan in my cart, added the two books I was returning to to library, and set off first to the P.O. I used the P.O.'s "one cost box" (international) for the former and that cost was $77.50. The P.O. guy said if I used my own box, it would be only $63 and change. So, of course, I went home, removed the contents, found a regular box, re-packed it--NOT! Hey, I'm getting reimbursed and I wasn't about to spend anymore time and effort on it.

I had also put in a small box the bag of Atomic Fireballs that older son in Tokyo wanted. I  had bought them for a buck at the Dollar Tree and asked what the postage would be--seventeen dollars and a bit! Is he getting them? Only if he comes over and picks them up.

From there, I walked to the Hill Street branch of the library, as the DVD I requested months ago (Once Upon A Time In Hollywood) was finally ready to be picked up.  However, I had forgotten they were only open from 1 to 6, Monday through Thursday, and it was 12:30 when I got there, so I called Betty to chat for a half or so. Picked up the DVD and left off a few the loaner books, then walked home over the bridge footpath. 

I made an appointment to see Angie, the billing supervisor at Johnson Dental, next Tuesday. I'm going to try to negotiate a lower cost for the damn work I have to have done. Scrubbed and cut up a pound or so of carrots and put them in the slow cooker with some quartered tangerines and a little cinnamon. I then bused to Target at the mall and got blueberries and Dave's Killer Bread, the only kind I buy.

Stopped at Von's for romaine on the way home. Back on campus, I  saw neighbor Michelle outside in the middle and we talked--she, as ever, more or less hysterical about the rise in the utilities bill. 

Speaking of bills, I called the electric company, furious that I was charged a total of $45.27 for the period of October 7 to November 5--although I wasn't here the entire month of October!  It seems there's come kind of charge just for having a meter, plus this and that more. I tell you, one of these days, the revolution is coming and the powers-that-be have only themselves to blame.


Thursday, November 12, 2020

Betty And Bingo

Left at 9:00 and arrived at Betty's at 11:15. She was, of course, engaged in playing Bingo, courtesy of the Friendship Center Zoom program. She introduced me as her twin sister and I waved to the--well, the iPad. I'm not proud of the fact that I was vocal about my annoyance that she continued to play for forty-five minutes. If we didn't have a history, I would have shrugged it off and occupied myself with something else until she was finished, but--well, we do have a history.

It was finally over and I suggested we go to The Natural Cafe for lunch. ("Where's that? "Right down the street..." "Can we walk there?" And so on.) She's been there many times. After quite a bit of preparation, we got there and found a table on the patio. Betty complained that the food was expensive ("Ten dollars for a hamburger!") and she didn't like the patio because the seat was too low. To rememdy the second, I took her inside to a booth. (The restaurant was not crowded.) However, by then, she said her food (a roasted veggie dish) was cold, so I sent it back to be warmed up.  I'm not even including the rest of the problematic session--next time, I'll bring lunch for both of us.)  We finally finished and went back to her place to play Sorry! and Chutes And Ladders until it was time for me to go. I left at 3:00, which meant it was dark by the time I walked in at 5:30. 

Next time, maybe I'll try for a weekend. At least they don't have Bingo then.

For the very first time since I got back from New Mexico, I had trouble sleeping last night. I know it's from tension and--in this instance, probably, caused by a guilty conscience at my unkind reaction to the Bingo thing. The thing is, she most likely has forgotten about it, one of the few benefits of this rotten disease. I'll call my dear sis today just to chat. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


Changed the sheets and did two loads of laundry, then turned my attention to the Singapore shipment. Walked to the P.O. to get a box. Walking home, I ran into David W., on his bike. He's an apartment complex neighbor, whom I met when we were trying to protest the double utilities charge. We chatted a bit about the current big increase in the water bill.

Home and I packed up the things for Mike and family. I then looked on the P.O. website and saw that Singapore isn't allowing packages to come in from abroad. E-mailed Mike and he said they often get stuff sent from the states; suggested I go to FedEx, which I might after I question the P.O.

Walked to the Market and back for produce, so got three miles in. Finally got through to the dermatologist office and made an appointment for December 8 for the M.O.H.S. procedure. I was annoyed that they require a CO-VID test at the hospital five days ahead. Considering my last three couldn't be read, I wonder if I'll have to go through the same thing. Called El and while talking to her and Greg (he's had two M.O.H.S. procedures), I decided I really didn't need her to take off work to take me. I can easily get the Access van, so that's what I'll do. 

When I was taking trash to the containers, I saw Lauren and little Brindley and chatted with them for a bit. Lauren said she had worked on the voting places and had some interesting tales to tell. Leah then drove in from work and I was glad to see her, too. It's nice having young people around, especially these two.

Off to Santa Barbara today to see Betty. I hope it doesn't get too chilly, as I want to take her to lunch to The Natural Café down the street from her. Much as I dislike the place (it has pretentions and is overpriced), it's nearby and it beats staying in.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Jim, Teeth, And Roasted Chicken

I was pleased to get an early call from Jim, asking to meet for lunch yesterday. Sure, I had no other plans, so why not? I finished my letter to my great-niece, the bride to be,* added the picture and marriage certificate of my parents, and walked it to the P.O. I stopped at Von's on the way back to pick up romaine and several pounds of chicken legs and thighs (I prefer them to breasts--more flavorful). 

I then spent what seemed to be days (it was actually only about two hours) with Blue Shield about dental insurance I just picked up. Talked to several people on the phone, looked over my "dental plan" from Family Dental, and ordered the printed information concerning it. It's just too long and boring to go into all my questions and problems, and I'm still not finished.

I also called Dr. T.'s office about the skin cancer surgery, but hung up before I got anyone because I want to know what day is best for Ellen. I emailed and she doesn't care which--either the day before or after Thanksgiving, when she's off. I'll try for the latter.  

Hard-boiled some eggs and used one for a sandwich. Made it up and packed it with a can of beer, then met Jim in the middle at 1:00. We stayed talking until 4:00, as usual ranging over a variety of topics, this time including our esteemed President, about whom he's as rabid as most of those I know. As with my nephew, I asked if he had ever discussed--without the usual neo-lib haughty assumption of virtue--why someone voted for him. I wasn't surprised when he responded emphatically that those who voted for T. were either racists, intellectual Neanderthals, or out-and-out Nazis. Sure.

However, it was good, as ever, to talk to him. We parted about 4:00 and when I got back, I oiled and seasoned my chicken and put it in a slow oven for an hour, then at 425 for fifteen. I found this recipe on the Internet and consider it the best baked chicken. Had some for dinner, and it was excellent. 

Monday, November 09, 2020

Busy And Belief

A pretty busy day. After the usual Sunday morning routine, I set off for Wal-Mart about 10. They didn't have the Red Hots I've been looking for on behalf of my younger boy. I could have ordered them, but the postage would be more than the cost. Okay, it wasn't that much, but I'll be damned if I'd pay it. Stopped at the market and got cabbage, apples, blackberries (they had no blues), and carrots. Before lunch, I cut up the cabbage and apples and put them in the slow cooker. 

When I got home and looked on the Internet, which I should have done in the first place. I found that both See's at the mall and Rocket Fizz, in town, carry Red Hots. After lunch, I bused to the latter establishment and there they were! I bought two boxes of the horrid things, but will put them in baggies to send, so I can save on space and weight.

Finally wrote a letter to my great-niece, who's getting married. Actually, I kind of think she's already married, but this will be in the church. I enclosed a copy of my mother's wedding picture and of my parents' marriage certificate, along with a letter wishing them the best.

It was so fiercely windy that items on Leah's balcony upstairs blew into my patio. I got them back to her and she asked if I wanted a nice plant, which I did.

Watched the rest of The Exorcist.  It was interesting on several levels: For one, the acting was superb. Also, I was struck by the fact that this premiered in 1973, 47 years ago, when priests and nuns still wore uniforms. I had vaguely thought that went out after Vatican Two (1962), but obviously not. Of course, my friend next door doesn't wear a habit and, as far as I know, priests don't, either. Come to think of it, I never see priests, unless they're disguised in mufti. I hadn't remembered the strong language used in the movie--not only profanity, but actual blasphemy. Beyond all that, it was an absorbing story. Amazingly, demonic possession was taught and believed by those professing the religion in which I grew up. Did I believe it? Sure.   

Betty called and we talked for a bit. I told her I had talked to Frank and she noted that "he's really out of it." Yes, indeed, and she's right in the same ball park, I'm afraid. Hey, maybe Alzheimer's is not a disease, but the work of the devil.  

Sunday, November 08, 2020

Red Hots And Chilly

 Son Mike sent me an email asking me to buy and ship to Singapore various spices, seasoned salt, and "Red Hots" they can't get there. I found everything but the Red Hots (spicy cinnamon candy I wouldn't eat on a bet). I looked in CVS, but they didn't have them. The clerk was nice enough to look them up and said Ace Hardware did. Odd, but I walked there to see. It turned out they didn't, but I was glad to get the walk, a total of three miles, although it was extremely windy and chilly. I'll look at Wal-Mart, too.

Susan, my nephew, Patrick's, wife, called me back and I talked to her and my brother, Frank. He's getting more and more addled--didn't realize he was visiting them in Ohio or know he was staying a month. Patrick recently took the chair of the oto..(head and neck surgery) at the Cleveland Clinic after being at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore for twelve years.

For some reason, I went a little wild and had an early--and weird--lunch. Normally, I eat at 1:00; I had eaten my usual breakfast at 8:00, but was hungry about 11:30. I eschewed my usual big salad and ate--I should be ashamed to admit this!--half an avocado, the rest of a bag of popcorn, about a cup of salted peanuts, and a glass of iced tea. Hey, once in a while won't kill me. 

The rest of the day, aside from the walk, I really just lazed around on the laptop. I wish it wasn't so chilly--today, it's supposed to go up only to 59. Brr...I could have stayed in Jersey for this kind of weather.

Saturday, November 07, 2020

T.O.P.S. And So On

T.O.P.S.: I was pretty sure I had lost a bit in the five weeks since I was weighed last, but was surprised to see it was over three pounds. Since my scale and the "official" one weigh slightly differently, it was either 3.4 or 3.2 pounds. That brings me to 125.6 or 125.2; hey, I'll take either. We're still meeting here and everybody expressed that they were glad to see me again. I did the same.

The dermatologist called and said I need the M.O.H.S. procedure for the basal cell cancer next to my nose. I remember that from when my husband had so many. I'll see if I can have it done (in the office) in early December, maybe.

My neighbor, Olivia, knocked on my door and presented me with two nice avocados. She stood about twelve feet away and we chatted for fifteen or so. It's a little hard to understand her sometimes, as she wears not one, but two masks at all times. Fear, of course.

I called Betty to tell her I'd be over to see her on Wednesday. Also called my niece, Francine, to ask about my brother, Frank. It seems he's now with his son, Patrick, a head and neck surgeon in Ohio. I got phone numbers for him and his wife, Susan, and called and left a message with her.

Looked and looked for a picture of Carolyn as a kid on the beach, but no luck. Still can't find my mother's wedding pic, either. Decided to send my great-niece, the one who's getting married, a smaller copy of my mother's wedding picture, instead.

Restless, I left about 2:30 and took the 21 bus to Oxnard transit center; got off and boarded the 6 back to Ventura. I just needed to get out.

Ellen called after dinner and we had a good chat. She's very busy right now with report cards coming up, preparing for which should take her all weekend. 

One bright spot for me in this rather dull period is that I've been sleeping well. True, I get up too early (DSL, of course), now about 6:15, but I can live with that when I get up feeling rested.

Friday, November 06, 2020


 After breakfast, I took my cart and walked to the Hill Street branch of the library to finally return the book, The Talented Mister Ripley. This took me over the footpath bridge that crosses Route 126, then another half mile. From there, I walked to Ralph's for grapes, then bused home, so I guess I got in about four miles. 

I spent a lot of time looking--or looking again--for my mother's wedding picture, but no luck. I do have a smaller copy, so maybe I'll copy the copy and use that along with the marriage certificate.

Ran over to Von's for romaine, had lunch, then set off to the mall, searching for blueberries. Happily, I found them at Target and bought two. (I must have blueberries to snack on in the evening.)

Got home about 4:30 and Carolyn called. We discussed a good time for me to see Betty and decided on Wednesday. I'll try to take her down the street to the Natural Cafe for lunch, as they have outdoor areas.

Thursday, November 05, 2020

Lunch With Jim And Felicity Huffman

I finally got around to putting in the wash the clothes I had shipped home from NM; they weren't dirty, just wrinkled. I then spent a long time looking through albums, files, and drawers, trying to find my mother's wedding picture. I thought it would be nice to send my great-niece a copy, since I won't be going to her wedding in Jacksonville. I simply couldn't find it--I know it's here somewhere. I did find my parents' marriage certificate and will copy that, too, but it's no good without the pic.

Later, I made lunch and packed it into my insulated carrier along with a can of beer, and met Jim near the pool at 1:00. We ate and, as ever, talked and talked, this time about dentistry, religion, Marx and communism, Herbert Marcuse and his take on life, and similar topics. It was a good session, as ever, and I was glad to see Jim again.

He left about 4:30 and I walked over to Von's for lettuce. When I settled in for my daily hour of TV watching, I put in the Transamerica DVD.  I had heard it was good and boy, is it--I didn't know Felicity Huffman had it in her.  

Wednesday, November 04, 2020


I got a text from my tenant, telling me the house should probably be power washed. She sent pictures of the siding, and yes, I guess so. I texted my guy, Bill, and asked him to take a look and give me an estimate.

Got a lot more done, including paying bills, calling the dermatologist office (he and I will consult on the phone on Friday). Also dealt to an extent with Blue Shield; they did get my application for dental insurance, so I'm in, I guess. That doesn't mean my extensive upcoming procedure will be completely covered--far from it--but it will chip off some of the cost. Also cleaned up the patio a bit, trimmed the daisy and so on, but must do more.

Called my brother to tell him--reluctantly--that I wouldn't be going to his granddaughter's wedding on the twenty-first.  I just can't face getting on another plane, for one thing. Besides, with their huge family (there are about thirty people in the wedding party alone), I don't think I'll be missed. Larry and I had a good talk, though.  

Took off for WinCo after breakfast. I walked to Telephone Road, intending to take a bus the rest of the way, but none came, so I continued on. This totaled roughly three and a half miles, which was fine by me. I did take a bus back to the transit center, then another home.

Back to de-packing from the trip: I still haven't finished, but finally opened the three large packages of clothes I had sent from NM. I had washed them first, but they came out all wrinkled, of course, so I'll put them n the wash again. 

What remains is 1. going over the presents I bought and deciding what goes where--most will be Christmas presents; 2.) putting in various designated suitcases and bags, the various smaller bags (jewelry case, etc.) I took; and 3. most prominently, calling Lisa of Johnson Family Dental to make an appointment and nail down the cost. At the same time, I'm going to do my darndest to negotiate a lower cost. (My policy is, "Everything's Negotiable" and it surprises me how so few people take that to heart.) 

I'm looking forward to seeing Jim here for lunch today.


Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Getting Settled And Gandhi

 I'm still digging out from under. Did a load of wash and a lot of food prep: chunked the huge cauliflower I had bought, seasoned, and put it in the slow cooker; scrubbed and cut two pounds of carrots and roasted in the oven; chopped two large onions and stowed them in the freezer. In the meantime, Betty called and we talked, plus I spoke to the Discover card people because of a bizarre happening. I got a letter from them saying an amount was overdue. How much? $3.00; with fees added, $4.50. After calling and being transferred to no fewer than five people, I got it straightened out, I hope. I'm most concerned that my credit rating, which is above 800, may go down. Will call the rating people today. Called Nancy and we had a long, good talk. She still is experiencing shortness of breath, although her hemoglobin and iron test okay. Her knee has improved with the shots.

After lunch, I bused to town. Stopped in a few shops and enjoyed being there; bought a DVD and a beer stein that can be put in the freezer; I needed it like a hole in the head, of course. According to "My Tracks," I did just three miles, but no prob, I was pretty active otherwise.

Home and I discovered there were still problems with the time. My laptop was somehow showing the time three hours later than it actually was. It was still on New Mexico time and, I guess, DST was involved. Luckily, I was able to fix it. Unfortunately, the "antique" battery clock in the kitchen seems to have given up the ghost. Must buy new batteries to test. But on the happier note: All three of the packages of clothes I had sent ahead arrived yesterday.

Sharon R. called. She's still having a problem with both her vision and her edema and hasn't been to T.O.P.S. in months. She also asked me to call Luisa, as yesterday was  her birthday.  Shortly after I got home, Suzanne rang my bell and we sat outside for a bit, catching up on each others' recent trips. She had gone to her niece's wedding in Idaho, just before I went to NM. Enjoyed chatting with her, as ever.

Family Medical, or whoever they are, called. I know I need to catch up with Dr. T. about the skin cancer on my nose, but when I called back, I was on hold for so long, I gave up. Will call again today.

Started watching the DVD Bugsy last night. It's okay, or would be if Warren Beatty wasn't such a ham. I'm intrigued and amused though, by Ben Kingsley playing a Bronx-accent gangster. He can't escape Gandhi, I guess.


Monday, November 02, 2020


Busy day yesterday, natch, but morning included my favorite Sunday activity (no, it sure as hell isn't church). I'm referring to the big crossword puzzle, which was very satisfying to do again after a hiatus of more than a month. 

After, I took my little cart and walked to the market and back (three miles total) for cauliflower, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, and onions. Combined the last two and baked with garlic and seasonings for the usual addition to my salad lunch. Because of the time change, I was late with everything--still am--so didn't eat until after 2:00.

I thought I'd bus into town after that, but got waylaid by going through, categorizing, and otherwise dealing with the gigantic pile of mail sent while I was gone. That generated a list of the things I still have to do, plus I haven't completely unpacked and want to wash some things, but will do that today.  

On my way to the market and around the complex, I ran into Don, who used to live here and we chatted for a bit. Within the complex, I also saw Gordon and later, Chuck, who do live here. More significantly, as I was coming in the gate, David was going out on his bike. We talked and he pointed out that the utilities bill for November contains a seventy-nine percent increase in the water charge. So what gives, we want to know, and will pursue this. Speaking of guys, I want to call Jim today and see if he can come over for outdoor lunch this week. Will also call Betty, as I want to visit her.

I still haven't been able to figure out how to change the time on my phone, which tells me it's two hours earlier than it actually is. I'll look it up.    


Sunday, November 01, 2020

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety, Jig

(Initial note: Boy, it's interesting when you travel over time zones while Daylight Savings Time ends. I slept like a stone, but awoke to see my phone telling me it was 5:36. Got up to turn on the coffee and saw the battery-run clock in the kitchen read 6:36. This laptop? 7:36! Okay, I'm going to trust my computer now, at 8:11--I think.)

As for yesterday: I was up at 6:30 and left for Albuquerque at 8:00. Boarded the plane for Phoenix, landed and rushed about a mile (it seemed like) to the plane headed for LAX. Because of the one-hour time change (California is earlier), I got there about 2:45. Airporter came at 3:30 and took me to Five Points where Ellen picked me up. She had gotten Thai takeout--spring rolls (so-so) and glass noodles with chicken (delish).  She also--sweet girl--brought me a Blue Moon and I had that with dinner.

She left, I unpacked about twenty percent of the mountain of things I had brought back (and the three large packages I had sent from NM are on the way), then jumped in the shower. Settled down to watch part of a DVD tribology of James Dean's three major movies. It started with a twenty-year-gone "remembrance" of him by a number of big Hollywood stars, including Natalie Wood, Sammy Davis, Jr., Rock Hudson, and many, many others. This was eerie because it's forty-five years later and every single one of them has now died.  Unfortunately, it was also pretty boring, maybe because Dean's over the top style of acting is now as dead as he is. I turned it off and enjoyed more Marie Kondo's "Tidying Up."



Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...