Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Blood Work And Props

Walked over to Von's at 8 to get my blood work done. That took only a half hour there and back. After breakfast, I drove to the store for blueberries. tomatoes and other things, plus a card for my younger great-grandson, T., will turns 12 on August 2.  Went to the bank to get a little something to put  in the card
Spent a few hours on food prep, including roasted tomatoes and acorn squash. While I was eating lunch, Stella called, saying she was on Kimball (Ave.) and did I want her pick me up and drop me off in town on her way home?  Now, I should have begged off and made some excuse, but I thought, oh, well, why not. She said she'd be there in fifteen minutes, so I put some of my salad back in the fridge, changed my top, and went out to wait for her.
And wait...and wait--damn! A half hour went by and she still didn't come, so I called her, none too happy. Oh, she was talking to her sister...I cut her short and said we'd have to do it another time, then took off for the bus. Next time, I'll think I'll fabricate a previous commitment.
Went to the post office in town to mail the card, then stopped at Goodwill and found a bassinet-type carrying basket. I took a picture to show Jeff, thinking maybe we can use it in the show. Just walked a bit after that and bused home.
I again watered Suzanne's patio--I guess Gordon isn't doing it, as it was dry as a bone--and picked some of my own (cherry) tomatoes. Jumped in the shower, changed, had dinner, and got ready for rehearsal, starting at 8:00--practically the middle of the night for me.
I brought some props from home to see if Kat can use them in the show. She took my grey wig, a rubber chicken, and the framed cartoon-picture I usually hang in my bathroom: a hugely-smiling girl tap-dancing while playing an accordion, with the caption: "The desire to perform isn't necessarily a sign of talent."
Boy, did that ring bell: We have a person in our play who still isn't secure in her memorization, although she has the fewest lines. Since some of her lines are my cues, I have to be alert when she garbles it. She's the only one who hasn't acted before and I have a strong suspicion she's in because she's a member of Vineyard church, where the show is being held. Besides me, she's the only one in our cast of seven who's over forty; the other five are in their twenties and thirties. But hey, that's show biz.
Didn't get home until, incredibly, almost 10. Nevertheless, I did my T.V. and fruit thing, then slept soundly all night.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Tomatoes And Nancy

Got some water on Suzanne's patio flowers, but it was difficult to manage with her hose. She had said our neighbor, Gordon, was going to do it, but it looked dry as a bone to me.
Headed out after breakfast for cages (for my unruly tomatoes) and quarters (for buses and laundry). Green Thumb had only large cages, so I got some stakes and tied up my three beautiful tomato plants. I actually have some to harvest soon--I'm just a farmer at heart!
Took the bus to meet Nancy at 2685 (hate that name, but like the place). We had planned on 1:00 and I was concerned when she was late. Then she called to say she was lost. After this, that, and lots of travail, I was able to find her. Why was she late? Because I had told her it was on Telegraph Road and it's actually on Loma Vista! Gawd, I can't believe it--I knew it was on L.V., just accidentally repeated the road where I live. Anyway, we finally connected and I treated her to lunch for her birthday. I also gave her some tomatoes I had made myself--well, in a manner of speaking.
While we were eating, who came in but Shannon and Amanda, from Fractured Actors. S. wrote the play I'm in and in it, too. We hugged hello happily, after which Nance and I finished our meal, then she and I went next door to the 99-Cent store. After, I asked her to leave me off in town, which she did. I walked The Promenade, then up to Main, then caught a bus for home.
I didn't put sweetener in my coffee this morning, as I'm going to Von's to have blood work (routine) done. They open at 8:00, an hour later than they used to, and I want to be the first one there.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Here And There

Finally got a lot of paperwork crap cleared up, including a new landscape problem at my house in Jersey. I had gotten a letter from the homeowners association to the effect I had to have any trees overhanging "public walkways" trimmed to seven feet up." Texted Tony C., the landscaper who did the bushes last month, and he said he look at it (I think there's only one next to the sidewalk). Texted my tenant, Eileen, to let her know.
Called my dear friend, Marge, who's now 92. Talked to Fred, a few years younger, who is a hard of hearing, impatient, full-time caregiver for her (and believe me, I understand and sympathize completely) then Marge. I hadn't spoken to  her for months and sadly, she seems even more hesitant and slow on the uptake, but certainly not with dementia. We talked for just a few minutes, as I didn't want to tire her. She did say and this was good to hear, that her physical problems (back, leg, etc.) are less painful. I dread the call from Fred or Marge's daughter that I know is coming before long.
Stella, my ever-needy friend, called about 11:00 to ask if I wanted to go to the Green Thumb Nursery. (She has a big property and a regular gardener and wants bamboo--maybe a mistake, as I understand they're very invasive.) Since I've been thinking I might like a night-blooming jasmine on the patio, I agreed.
We went, but neither of us bought anything. We also stopped at Lowe's, where Stella had already bought several plants half price before she picked me up. She showed me a geranium she said was for me.What? I hadn't asked her to get me anything and am not necessarily looking forward to planting--and taking care of--something else, but after protesting, I thanked her and said okay. We then went to lunch at the Stonefire Grille, after which I asked her to drop me in town.
I like Stella okay, but she's very clingy and a little flaky at times. She asked me to come over for dinner, then said she'd love to have me stay a few days--oh, no, no, no. This isn't all about her; some of it's my fault. My mantra is  "never turn down an invitation" and I should rethink that once in a while. Next time Stella calls, I think I'll beg off, even if I have to invent another commitment.
Called Nancy, Diane, and Ellen from the bus. Nance and I made a date for today when I'll treat her to her birthday lunch. Diane was sure there was a Yolanda's (for Happy Hour on Thursday) on Victoria Avenue in Ventura, but I knew there isn't. We looked it up and found it's actually on Victoria Avenue in Oxnard, so we'll have to come up with a new place.
Went out after dinner to look at Suzanne's patio; unfortunately, it seems Gordon hasn't watered, as he promised he would. I tried to do it myself, but couldn't  turn the faucet, which seems to be stuck. I'll try again today.
Took the car to Wal-Mart to look for tomato stakes for my larger tomato plants, but they didn't have any. Maybe I'll get some cages today.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Paint Day And The Friggin' Internet

Busy, busy. After breakfast, I went to the store for this and that, then rushed home to change into my ragged old jeans and sloppy shirt. Got to the Vineyard, where we're having the show, about 11:00 to find a crew of fellow actors painting black with rollers the raised area that will serve as stage, the backdrops, the walls, and some of the floor.
I pitched in, but used only a brush and just did a few edges. Chatted with Kat, the props manager and her assistant, Alex, who's married to Dean (no, not an inner sex couple, Alex is female), and Becky, the only other doddering old lady besides me, plus several others. I asked Kat if she could use any of the wigs and other things I have and she asked me to bring them to rehearsal Tuesday. Shannon went out for pizza and we all had that, then broke up about 1:00. I went home to change, then took off for Oxnard on the bus.
I wanted to go to Party City for hair spray. Got white and gray, which Robyn had recommended. I'll see how it looks; if no good, I'll get Tips and Streaks on-line. Took a bus from there to The Collection and Whole Foods, where I dropped in on Greg.
While I waited for him to finish with a customer, I bought some beautiful peaches which I'll add to my store of grapes, blueberries, cherries, and watermelon, all fresh and ready to eat. Of course, I  have others in the freezer. Talked to Greg, then hopped the bus to the bus to the bus home (yes, there and back takes six).
It occurred to me that I hadn't had a proper dinner at home for a long time, and I was determined to remedy that. I cooked a nice piece of salmon, which I browned on the stove, then finished in the oven; cut up and sauteed shiitake mushrooms, and cooked some fresh spinach, which I seasoned with olive oil, lime juice, and garlic. Added a big, cold glass of iced tea and yummy, yum, yum.
P.S. AAGH, AAGH, AND AAGH! Last night, I suddenly lost the Internet and the T.V.  Called those devils from hell, Yandoo Communications (who, just, BTW, raised their fee thirty bucks a month), and their night person took the info, said he'd report it, and I went to bed frustrated. Same thing this morning and just got it back. I was told to unplug the modem and router, then plug in the former first. Because I often use this as a reference, I'm recording the "trouble ticket" number here: 2791308 and my modem number: MAC 203D66073FCB; the yellow wire connecting that the the router says "WAN," just how I felt dealing with all this. 

Saturday, July 27, 2019

T.O.P.S., El, And Charles Manson

I was happy to have slept long and deep--didn't wake up until 7:15 and that was because Fern called me back. Talked to her and was invited to a going-away party in a few weeks for Judi, who's moving back to her native Minnesota next month.
Went to T.O.P.S.; I'm up a tad,but at 130.5, half a pound over my ideal, I'm okay with it. While there, my brother, Larry, called. He and sixteen of his family are in Budapest; I had a great time talking to him and was just as glad to go in the other room and skip some of the meandering meeting.
Home, I had breakfast (at 10:30, dammit), changed the sheets, took them and other whites to the laundry place, and paid a few bills on-line. I had just gone back to put them in the dryer (not the bills, the clothes--ha!) when El called. We were going to to get together today, but since I have "paint day" for the play from 10 to 4, we decided we'd just meet for lunch yesterday. I simply left my clothes--I knew nobody would take them--and El picked me up.
We went to the Hill Street Cafe, sat outside on the patio, and I had a lovely time with my girl. She showed me a lot of pictures and videos from the trip to New Mexico. I had had breakfast two hours earlier, so just had a cup of soup and a Corona.
El dropped me off and I got my clothes, re-made the bed, folded, and put away.  Did more computer stuff, then walked over to Von's. Stella had texted me, asking if I was going to the Manson Family talk at the museum. Yes, but she can't, so why she texted me, I'm not sure. I bused there and got to the museum in plenty of time.
The Manson talk was okay, although it didn't tell me anything new. I found the speaker, Ivor Davis, who's 81, more interesting. He actually lives in Ventura and had when he was a London Times reporter fifty years ago. He reported on the murders then and earlier, had gone on tour with The Beatles for several months.
Davis vehemently refuted the Manson idea that the Beatles song, "Helter-Skelter" was some kind of call for a race war. He showed stills and film clips, then took questions from the audience. Interestingly,he writes for The Ventura Reporter, a monthly devoted to arts and entertainment. Think I'll ask Jeff if he may have contacted Davis for a piece on our American Roadhouse.
Bought the book, Manson Exposed/A Fifty-Year Journey Into Murder And Madness, but didn't wait around to have him sign it; it was a full house and I wanted to get home while it was still light.
I didn't, however. Although it was only 7:45 when I left, the bus was late and I didn't get home until after 9:00. Settled into the usual and slept well.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Stella And Others

Early on, I emailed my three cohorts that I was going to skip Happy Hour at Lemon y sal because I had rehearsal at 6:00. This generated much confusion by our youngest member, whom I''m convinced has early-onset Alzheimer's.
Got a color wash done; I think I'll do a whites and sheets today. Called Jim C. to tell him I haven't yet heard back from Anne, at The Townshouse about the wine and music Friday, so that's out today. Stella called about 11:00 to ask if I could go with her to the botanic garden to walk and I immediately accepted. She picked me up and we drove to town, first stopping at a new thrift store, where I bought two books and slacks, for a total of seven dollars. We drove the City Hall, parked there, then walked up, up, up to the gardens and further up to top. What a magnificent view! The harbor, the Pacific Ocean, and a lot of Ventura were spread out below us. The walk was good and strenuous, too, which was fine by me.
Went to lunch at a Mexican place I've passed many times, but never went went into. I had three small tacos, refried beans, and rice, plus a refreshing Corona; that took care of dinner, of course. I told Stella I'd take the bus home, as we were closer to Oakview than my place and it was a nice day, anyway. Got home about 3:30, jumped in the shower, washed my hair, dressed, and went to rehearsal at 6:00.
For the first time, we were with the cast of one of the other short plays, including Jannelle and Erica, who play my granddaughters in our Welcome Home. Our director, Jeff, is married to Shannon, who directed the other play.* We acted as audience while they went on as they did for us.**
Home while still daylight, which was great, and I settled down to my blueberries and Frasier.  Got a text from Stella, asking if I wanted to go to a talk at the museum tonight. It's by Ivor Davis on his new book on the Manson killings and sure, why not, I'll go.
Off to T.O.P.S. now.
* I told them I just knew she got where she is because she's sleeping with the director. They must hear this a lot--they're married and have two kids.
**They did pretty well, but need some work, particularly a thirtyish woman who has a very short comedic part. She displayed little energy, which, it seems to me, is the paramount quality for any actor. Anyway, it was wonderful to see and we applauded happily and there was nowhere else I'd rather be...I'M A POET--HA!

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Gail And Rehearsal

Ran out-actually, drove out--to Smart 'n' Final for my daily does of blueberries; I bought two 19- ounce cartons.
Left at 11:00 for the bus to town, but barely made it to the Aloha to meet Gail at noon. We started walkeing and boy, this gal is a champion. We took The Promenade all the way to Main, then looped around and back to the Aloha. Gail noted that we had walked for one hour--pretty briskly,  too. I was pleased about that.
Had a good lunch at the Aloha and got to know Gail a bit better. She's much younger than I am--69, so less than a decade older than my older son. I knew she was divorced and has two daughters and one granddaughter. I also knew she and her ex-husband lived together.
Romantically? No, it just suits both of them, as they're still "friendly," she said. However, from what she said, he seems a little odd, or even paranoid. She has some assets, but is concerned about having enough for her senior years, which is why she doesn't try getting a place of her own. Interestingly, she and her husband married, divorced, then married again, then divorced again.
Anyway, we were very open with each other. What's peculiar, maybe, is that I keep thinking of her as a contemporary, but hardly. Although the 13-year age gap isn't huge, we actually are from different generations and eras. For instance, she was brought up Protestant (in a perfunctory way), but sent her daughters to Catholic grammar school.  Why? Because Gail's mother was the secretary at the school and they got free tuition. Gail liked the idea of them wearing uniforms to eliminate the rivalry and one up man ship that often surfaces in kids' dress. She was surprised to hear we didn't wear uniforms at St. James. She isn't religious at all.
Anyway, I like her and find her interesting. She's a kind of conventional liberal. When I said something vaguely political--can't remember what it was--she said, "Oh, you're a democrat." "Absolutely not," I said, which she found befuddling until I added, "nor a republican, either." Anyway, she gets her "news" exclusively from television; that was disappointing, but she does show interest in exploring other venues, which is promising in a friend.
Anyway, a fun day. After we parted, I stopped at the library to get Andrew Yang's book, The War On Normal People/The Truth about America's disappearing Jobs and Why Universal Basic Income Is Our Future.  Just read a few pages on the bus home, but it looks interesting.
Rehearsal last night went well and we worked out some rough spots. We go again today at 6:00 tonight, so reluctantly, I'm going to have to tell my gang I'll skip Happy Hour.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Santa Barbara

Full day, as always. Did the Santa Barbara run, during which I called Nancy and we discussed Happy Hour and other weighty topics. The Coastal Express was hung up in a humongous traffic jam on the Pacific Coast Highway, which made me a half-hour late to Betty's. However, no prob.
My sister was dressed in a khaki-colored culottes, good-looking sandals, and an electric blue top with sparkles on it. Boy, she looked like a million bucks, which I told her. She usually wears awful bag-lady-big-wide polyester pants, which went out with World War II, plus busily printed tops. This was a great improvement.
We went down the street to the dreary Natural Cafe.  All right, it's not dreary, but I resent standing at a counter to order, then getting my own utensils--geez, like McDonald's, but ten times as pricey. Actually, the sandwich and salad were pretty good.
Went back to Betty's and had cherry Popsicles on her patio. Mookie called and I talked to her, too.  Jersey is sweltering, of course, but she has central air and rarely goes out.
I left about 2:30 and got the 3.37 home. Called Diane, who's just back from Chicago and we had a nice chat. Ellen called and I was delighted to hear her voice; they had a ball in NM and we made a date for Saturday. Later, I saw a message from Jeff that we have "work day" for the show from 10 to 4:00 then, so I may have to ask if we can meet for dinner instead of lunch. Blew in about 5:45 and stopped at Von's for butter spray (I know it's loaded with chemicals, but I'll die happy), picked up the mail, then home.
Activity coming up: The Promenade walk and lunch with Gail today, plus rehearsal at 6:30; Happy Hour tomorrow; T.O.P.S. on Friday; and either Ellen or "work day," or both on Saturday. Somewhere in there, I have to do a wash or I'll be keeping these dates in the nude.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ojai And Daughter Duties

My last day of Daughter Duties was full, but enjoyable. Drove to Ojai after breakfast, fed kitty, watered the outside flowers, and cleaned up paw prints that Sebastian somehow tracked on the wood floor. (I think they were from the kitty litter gravelly stuff.)  Locked up and left.
Parked the car at the museum in town and walked to the library, as I used to do. I had requested Girl On A Train, which Nancy has recommended, although I'm still in the Sally Field memoir.  I was emailed that the book was being held for me, but when I got there, I found the audio version. Talked to the librarian and he found the print one. I had also wanted Andrew Yang's new book* and the on-line catalog said it was checked in, but I couldn't find it. The same librarian looked, but he couldn't find it, either, so I reserved it. (Yang is one of the many democrat presidential candidates.)
Back to the car, then home for lunch, stopping to get Romaine first. Ate, then did some computer stuff, then called Betty to tell her I'd come to Santa Barbara today.  Called Nancy and caught her in the doctor's office for a shot in her knee. She had had a cough and said she still didn't feel up to par; asked me to call her while on the bus today.
I revised my program bio for the show; Jeff wants them no more than 150 words and no wonder, as it's a huge cast (four different plays, plus band). He wants it by Sunday. I had asked about head shots, but he isn't using them--fine by me.
Went to WinCo for chicken fajitas and fresh spinach. By this time, it was after 4:00, and I called Ellen to see when she and Greg would be home. I caught her in the Albuquerque Airport; she said probably not until midnight, so I went over to Ojai again.
Fed S., tidied up a bit, and found some nice Birdseye frozen Asian vegetables with sauce in the freezer. I appropriated them (I knew El would be find with that) and microwaved them for dinner. Left El some notes and drove home. Stopped at Dollar Tree to buy low socks (I wear men's, as they fit better on my big feet), and that was my here-and-there day.**

*The War on Normal People: The Truth About America's Disappearing Jobs and Why Universal Basic Income Is Our Future 

**Of course, throughout the day, over and over, I repeated my lines. And repeated. And repeated. I think I know them well enough now to add some nuances to my characterization.  

Monday, July 22, 2019

Ojai And Rehearsal

Still in Ojai, I got up at my usual time and fed S., then myself. Did this and that on the laptop, and tidied up a bit. When I went out on the porch to water the plants, Sebastian came out. I thought Ellen had said he doesn't try to get outside the fence, but I was nervous. He immediately went over to some grassy weeds and proceeded to eat some--for about five minutes, I guess. He then settled down in the sun to take a snooze. I decided to join him--not to take a snooze, but to continue reading Sally Field's bio. Sat down and did so for 45 or so. At that point, S. walked to the door to go in and so did I.
I spent some time sweeping the porch and part of the drive, then packed up and went home.
Stopped to get lettuce and broccoli, at which point, Stella called to see when I was free for lunch or dinner at her house. She has a friend coming from Riverside and wants me to meet her. I told her I probably wouldn't be free until after Wednesday, and she'll call back after that.
Right after that, my new friend, Gail, called to see when we could walk or whatever. We decided to meet at the Aloha on Wednesday, walk The Promenade, then lunch back at the restaurant. Had lunch, showered, dressed, then drove back to Ojai to again feed Sebastian. Went directly from there to 6:00 pm rehearsal.
As virtually all rehearsals are at this stage, it was a mix of wonderfully stimulating and tedious waiting around. I like Jeff's directing style more and more. Last night, he first had us sit in chairs lined up and simply run our lines without blocking, props, or other embellishments. He stood at the other end of the room to listen. This was to check our projection; if the audience can't hear you, it doesn't matter how good the play is.
Got home before 9:00, which I appreciated. I'll drive back to Ojai after breakfast and do my chores; El and Greg are due home today, although I'm not sure when. Must do a wash, get groceries, and  otherwise catch up.     

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Ojai And Walking

I was determined to get some walking in yesterday, so after breakfast (for Sebastian and me), I set off. Arrived at the bus stop on Ojai Ave and called Nancy to see if she could meet for lunch. Unfortunately, she has a cough and doesn't feel up to it. She suggested maybe we could do that today, so we'll see. I do have rehearsal tonight at 6:00 and will stay home overnight. Not sure if I want to wait around at El's until lunch, but maybe; I'll still have to go back to feed S in the late afternoon.
Walked to the Ojai bus stop, took a bus to Ventura, got off at the post office, walked to the library, and then to the museum, where I got a bus for home.
I picked up the paper, watered my patio, went next door to Suzanne's patio, and picked some yummy grape tomatoes she asked me to take. I actually had some, too, as I had bought a potted tomato plant, and it's bearing. Yummy, yum.
Had lunch, then took a bus to the transit center, and another to Ojai. I stopped in Von's to get a made-up sandwich for dinner, then walked to Ellen's. I figure I did about four miles and I'm satisfied with that. I saw that Greg had put a number of pictures from New Mexico on Instagram and I enjoyed seeing them. They'll be home tomorrow--can't wait to see them.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Ojai, Insurance, And Ice Cream

I debated with myself whether to go to T.O.P.S. or not, but finally decided I would. Fed S. and left for Ventura about 8:00. Weighed in at 129.6, which is more than a pound up from last time (128.5). However, I'm fine with that, as it's still within my window. Only eight of us were at the meeting, if you can dignify such a disorganized, lackadaisical gathering as a meeting. This one was mainly a kind of "Me, Too" therapy session.
We have a book that gets passed around so each member can record her exercise for the week in miles; I usually just make something up. Headquarters has now devised a new promotion: "a million minutes" in exercise and is urging chapters to strive for that (oh, Zeus, spare me this). They sent out  new record sheets, one for each, and the cretins now want us to use minutes when we record our exercise. Ho-kay, I'll just fabricate that, also.
Went home for breakfast and to get a bit done around the place. I was happy to get a call from New Mexico; Ellen and Greg are having a fabulous time, which I was thrilled to hear. They both love the place and especially Santa Fe, where they went directly from the airport in Albuquerque and stayed for two days. Spent tedious time on the phone with my homeowners insurance agent about one of those bureaucratic mix-ups. I'm pretty sure it's resolved now, but so annoying...
I gathered up some things to take back to El's, as I decided to stay over last night, too. I thought I might bus to town before I went back to Ojai, but instead, lay down and took a nap. I'm not sure if I actually slept, but I did get a two-hour lie-down. After that, I didn't know what to do with myself, my laptop still being at El's, so I did something I haven't done for literally years: I turned on the television in the daytime. Watched two episodes of Forensic Files, then had enough. Ate a sketchy dinner of mostly broccoli and the last of the carrots, then packed up and left.
Instead of going directly to El's, I drove further to downtown Ojai to see if the peace demonstrators were there. They were, and I joined them. They do this every Friday from 5:00 to 6:00 and have since 2004. My tribe. 
Back to El's to feed S. and to indulge my sinful pleasure: rocky road ice cream, of which I had two bowls. I understand this contains no calories, as I didn't buy it myself, right?

Friday, July 19, 2019

Ojai And SeaFresh

Here I am at El's in Ojai, where I spent the night.
Got here yesterday morning a bit later than usual--9:30 or so--fed S., then put my overnight things away and hung out until 11:15, when I walked the short distance to the "Lunch and Learn" program, presented by the still being build Artisan Assisted Living/Memory Care. Their motto is "Just Like Home," which I'm sure it will be, if one's home is inhabited by the halt and the lame.
The lunch was pretty standard--cheese and lunch meat on croissants, several salads, coffee, and water. This was followed by a mega-million-calorie cake with about a foot of icing on it. I was tempted, but abstained and had just a sandwich, salad, and fruit.
The info part was also pretty standard: a slide presentation of The Artisan conducted by one of the owners and the soon-to-be director. The place will have a few innovations, but otherwise seemed predictable. I found it more depressing than not, as I contemplated the category into which I seem to be relegated: old, useless, uninteresting, and looking forward only to that long, dark night.
However, I soon giggled inwardly at that--hell, no, I won't go! After, I spoke to the director about my "Acting for Amateurs" and gave her my card. She said she'd be interested in discussing it after they open. Possibly, she was being polite, but so what? When the place is closer to opening, I'll get back in touch.
Nancy picked me up early, about 3:30 and off we went to Sea Fresh for Happy Hour. Carolyn joined us shortly and we had our usual fun gabfest ("gabfest"--gawd, I must have gotten that out of a movie magazine!). The food was good (we each had shrimp sliders and salad), but the service was abysmal. Our server was about as surly and discourteous as it's possible to be and I vowed inwardly to put a negative review on Yelp.* Just one instance: I had asked, as I always do, not to get my beer until I got my food. Juan, our supposed server (I think he murdered the real one, stowed his body in the freezer, and took his place so he could get the tips) brought it immediately anyway. When I--mildly, I swear--protested, he grabbed it angrily without a word and charged off. I'm willing to bet he brought the same one back with the food, but I wasn't going to make an issue of it.
Anyway, aside from that jerk, we had a good time. Said goodbye a bit after 5:00 and Nance and I stopped at Von's before she dropped me off back at Ellen's. I'm thinking about the possibility of staying over another night; if so, I'll see if Nancy is available for an outing.
On the afternoon shift, I fed Sebastian, cleaned the litter box, and watered the plants. I gave the rose bushes a good soak with the hose, and dead-headed them. Both the white and the red are gorgeous at this point.
Slept in the guest room, as it got much cooler later in the day and I turned off the air. I'm not sure why, but I didn't sleep well. I'm chalking it up to not getting my walks in, and I'm going to remedy that.
*Here's my--I hope, scathing--review of Sea Fresh:

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Ojai And Sally Field

Drove to Ojai after breakfast to perform my motherly duties. Sebastian had left a little--uh, a little something on the floor in the living room, but luckily, it was on a hard surface. Cleaned that up, but decided to wait for the litter box and other chores until my later shift.
Home and exchanged emails with Nancy and Carolyn re Happy Hour. Nancy later called and we had a good chat. We decided on SeaFresh in Ojai at 4:00 today, since it's closer to all of us (I'm going to sleep over at El's tonight and possibly tomorrow). Got next week's rehearsal schedule from Jeff, plus a request to provide a short bio for the program.
Instead of driving, I opted for the bus--rather, buses. After lunch, I hopped on the number 6, got off at the library and took back a book I had gotten out only a few days ago. It was about unsolved crimes, which interest me, but it was both dull and dated, so back it went. Checked the new book section and found Sally Field's memoir, In Pieces, and took it out.*
Walked to Thompson Ave and got the number 16 to Ojai. Instead of walking the mile and some (it was hot as hell), I took the trolley, which is actually like a jitney gussied up. That got me to Lomita and I just had a short walk to El's. Fed S., watered the outside plants, put fresh in the vases, tidied up a bit, and left in an hour or so. Took another "trolley" to the major bus stop. That got me to the transit center and I hopped a opposite direction number 6 home. By the way, all these conveyances, including the "trolley" are free for me--lucky me, to be over 75!
All through the day, of course, whether aloud or silently, I was running my lines.
*Started it at El's and oh, yes, this is a goody.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Ojai And Fruit

Set the alarm for 5:30 and got up then. I don't like to get up much later; of course, that means I go to bed earlier than most people, usually at 9:00.
Had breakfast at 7:30, a half hour early, then set off for Ojai in the car. I was pleasantly surprised that the traffic wasn't bad. Got to E.'s, fed S., cleaned his poopy box, then followed the suggestion (El had written out some things) that I take the veggies and fruit in the fridge.
Back in Ventura, I stopped and parked at the museum, then walked to the library to get at least a mile-and-some in. Took out a book on unsolved murders and walked back. Got home about  11:15 and spent 45 or so on food prep: Trimmed and par-cooked the broccoli, sliced the strawberries for the freezer, cut up the sweet peppers and combined them with onions to have for stir-fry tonight.
Suzanne left me five little grape tomatoes--damn, her crop is already coming in and my plants are still green! Could it be because she's a better farmer/gardener than I am? Nah. I didn't put the tomatoes in my lunch salad, but just ate them out of hand--better than candy.
I ran into Suzanne at our parking spaces and we chatted for some time. She leaves tomorrow for a two-week vacation (family reunion, plus religious retreat) and I'll pick up her mail. Since I might stay in Ojai both tonight and tomorrow night, I might not see her until she gets back.
Went to Smart 'n' Final and a few other places for grapes and berries. Drove back to El's and did my chores, plus fed kitty about 5:00. I took grapes and cherries from her fridge, as she had suggested. There's also a nice baby watermelon in there; think I'll have it or part of  it when I stay over.

Ojai And Dinner

After breakfast, I drove out to get lettuce and other necessities. Did a lot of computer stuff, as well as chores. Recorded my monologues and went over and over them. Had lunch, then took off to get the 3:05 bus to Ojai. I always have to get off on Route 33, the main drag, then walk the mile or so to Ellen's.
Boy, was it hot--up to 85, but it wasn't unbearable, as I don't think the humility is anything close to what you get in Jersey. Stella had asked me to remind her about the widder dinner, so I did. Since she lives in Oak View, near Ojai, I suggested she pick me up near El's and we'd go together.
Got to El's, turned on the air, picked up her mail, cleaned the kitty litter, brought her three trash containers up from the street, and fed Sebastian. I stayed reading one of Greg's nutrition books--I was gratified to see the recommendations were close to what I follow. Stayed until about 5:30, then walked to the cross street where Stella picked me up.
As ever, I enjoyed dinner with my tribe. I guess there were about fifteen of us there, including Stella's friend, Carol, who has horses and whom I like a lot. Much fun with Gayle and Vera, plus Greg and a newbie and nice-bie, Shannon. Hmm...I think she and Greg are close in age--middle fifties, maybe--and they sure seemed to be deep in conversation. Maybe there's a match  there. Stella took me home and I got in before 8:00. Today, it's back to Ojai after breakfast, but I'll drive, as I won't be indulging in any booze.
Here's the poster Jeff sent for our show. Since I've so far rehearsed only with the case in my own play, I had forgotten it includes music, also. I think the other particulars--admission charge, showtimes, and so on-- will be out today.
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, text

Monday, July 15, 2019

Down And Detergent

Caught up on my sleep and got up at 6:00, which is a good time for me. Followed the usual routine in the morning, then did a load of wash. While it was "doing," I completed some computer items, mostly just the blog, e-mail, and Facebook, and recited my lines, of course. Ellen called and we discussed my Sebastian duties while she and Greg are  in NM.
I often feel a little down on Sundays and yesterday was no exception. It's not that I'm terribly sad, but unless I have something scheduled, I get somewhat melancholy and out-of-sorts. It always seems that everybody else has things to do and people to be with; I think the fact that I didn't walk exacerbates that feeling.
However, I snapped out of it pretty well. Went to WinCo (salmon, lettuce and blueberries) and the Dollar Tree (dish detergent and body wash). As I went up my front walk, I felt something dripping on my ankle. That was odd, as I didn't have any liquid, except--damn, the detergent! Wouldn't you know, I had put it in a cloth bag and it somehow opened. I set the bag down before I realized, but soon saw I had liquid detergent on the table, a place-mat, the bag itself, and the floor. What a chore to clean up, but I finally got it done.
Had a sumptuous dinner of--ta da!--the carrots and oranges wedges I had done in the slow cooker on Friday. I didn't want anything else and since rehearsal was at 5:30, it was too early for me to eat, anyway.
Rehearsal was satisfying, as ever, although Gwen, one of six in the cast, was absent again. She has the smallest part, so that shouldn't be a problem. We went until 7:15, then broke up. This coming week will be dark, then we'll meet again next Sunday at 6, until 8:30 (well, that's better than later).
I've decided to drive to El's in the late afternoon today; will feed kitty, then drive home and get the bus to the widder dinner. Why? Because I want to enjoy a beer with my meal and I made that promise not to drink and drive. No prob.   

Sunday, July 14, 2019

A Full, Fun, Family Day

Yes, it was:
The Access Van picked me up early, so I was at Ellen's shortly after 8:00. Hung out until it was time to go to Vivian's and Violet's "Girls Rock!" camp, at Ojai Valley School. We went to the lower site first to get Violet's friend, Roxanne,* who's following the equestrianism "track," as they call it. Mike, El, she, and I then to the auditorium for the show.
It was very informal (and pretty hot, as the AC was broken and it was 92 in Ojai). Here's Viv, who was in the photography and art "track." The girls read short talks and their pics were projected to the audience.
Violet was in the music track and she played the guitar--not at all badly, either--with two other girls. 
For some strange reason, they were wearing tutus. They had composed their own song and music, although I found it hard to understand. (Having my ears cleaned didn't seem to help my hearing.) 
The show lasted an hour and a half, which was 'way long enough, but it was fun to see. After, we drove up, up, up--practically straight up, it seemed, but oddly, I wasn't as terrified as I thought I'd be--to the dorms to collect possessions. 
The girls said goodbye to their bosom buddies/lifelong friends whom they had met seven days ago (they tend to be dramatic) and off we went to El's. She served us a delicious rice dish from the InstaPot, along with tacos and all the fixings. For dessert, she brought out a cake with candles for a mini-birthday for Vivian, who turns 15 on the 29th. We sang the song and gave Viv her little presents.
Clothes were taken out of the dryer, packed, and loaded into the humongous RV Mike had rented; he's now taking the girls on a road trip for a week,  Here they are shortly before they left:
That was a bit after 4:00 and they were going to drop Roxanne off at her camp, which has another week to go. 
El  and I just chilled (see that: I know all the trendy jargon!) after that and I actually took a short nap, as I hadn't gotten my usual quota of sleep the night before. We had thought about going out to eat, but decided to just have the lunch leftovers, which were yummy heated up.
The Access Van came a little late--about 8:15 and had to pick up another fare in Ojai, so I didn't get home until almost 9:00. Watched a little T.V., had my blueberries, went to bed, and slept well.
*Roxanne and Violet, both 11, became best friends in school in Singpore, which Roxanne attended for six years. She and her parents recently moved back to their native France. Roxanne's mother is a judge in Paris and her father has his own jet; I'm not sure what he does, but I have an idea it isn't cleaning up after the elephants. 
Mike mentioned that they have a number of horses on their large property near Paris in Maisons-Laffitte. Here's how it's described on a tourist site:
Wealthy and classy, Maisons-Laffitte is a northwestern suburb of Paris where you’ll almost be tripping over mansions and châteaux. True to this image of old money, the commune is a centre for equestrianism, with the largest horse training facility in the Paris region.
However, Roxanne is anything but a spoiled little rich girl. She's well-spoken (perfectly fluent in English, of course, with no accent at all) and very courteous and sweet-natured. Violet tends to be somewhat brusque and impatient, but very vulnerable (she reminds me so much of myself at that awkward age, it's uncanny), but Roxanne was always pleasant and cheerful.  It occurred to me that I, as a chubby eleven-year-old, growing up in that provincial south Jersey town, was utterly oblivious of the big world out there. The idea that I would have granddaughters who would so casually enter, and be comfortable in, the milieu they inhabit, wasn't in my wildest dreams. It's a wonderfully interesting life and I want more of it.  

Saturday, July 13, 2019


Went to T.O.P.S. and was okay with 128.4; stayed the same from the last time I weighed in two weeks ago. Left early because I wanted to stop at the podiatrist's and get more sponge pads for my toes.
After breakfast, I did an hour or so of food prep: sliced two pounds of tomatoes, cut up two large onions, added oil, vinegar, and seasonings and popped them in the oven. At the same time, I put an onion in and basted it with soy sauce and oil.
Walked to Von's for blueberries* Ellen called to say she'd have a little birthday party today for Vivian's fifteenth, although that isn't until the 29th. She asked if I wanted to get her something now, or wait to send it to Singapore. Decided to give it now.
After lunch, I took the bus to town, then walked to the Promenade, which felt good. I decided to call the Access van to pick me up and take me to El's this morning, also to take me home this evening. Did so and it should be here at 7:44.
Took the bus back and got off at the transit center, then walked to Target for Vivian's gift. Bused home, then drove to Smart 'n' Final for eggs and cherries. Had dinner, then showered, and wrapped Vivian's gift; also got a little additional gift for Violet.
All day, I've been practicing my lines, both out loud when I'm home and silently when I'm not. We have rehearsal at 5:30 tomorrow.
*Somebody told me the blueberry crop was particularly plentiful this year and I believe it: The price has gone 'way down most places.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Ears, Ellen, And--Damn, I Can't Think Of Another "E"

Followed my usual morning routine: blog, email, Facebook with coffee, then breakfast with more. I re-typed my part of the script, with cues, and will keep it with me.
Scrubbed, trimmed, and seasoned two pounds of carrots, cut into eighths two oranges, and put both into the slow cooker. I'll have that with dinner tomorrow. Nancy called and we had a long talk; will meet for lunch sometime next week. Ellen called to firm up our plans for an early dinner.
Went to the doc's office for my 11:00 appointment to get my ears dredged--ugh, how I hate that sensation; it's not really painful, just horribly uncomfortable. Anyway, it didn't take too long and I hope my hearing has improved a bit. I was weighed with clothes on, including shoes, and was at 129.4. I'll be interested to see what I weigh at the T.O.P.S. meeting, where I'll be shortly.
Stopped at the store on the way home and was happy to see they finally got in the Forelli rice cakes; bought five packages, along with onions, tomatoes, and blueberries. I'll roast the first two today and have it for salad.
El got here at 5:00 after her hair appointment and I suggested a fairly new restaurant called "2686," which is its address on Loma Vista Road.  (That sounds like a good name for a business, but I don't think it is; it's too easy to forget the exact numbers and their sequence.)  We enjoyed it, of course--I could dine in Upper Japip and have a good time with my D.D.--but it because it was so early, we both ordered only appetizers with our drinks (El a soda, her mum a Chief Peak). I was pleased when I was charged only at the Happy Hour price, so the tab was less than ten bucks.
Home and got ready for 7:30 rehearsal. That was, as ever, fun, but very intense. Jeff changed some  blocking and we pretty much followed a stop-and-start mode to work out some glitches. Although that's necessary, it's always tedious for the performers. Didn't finish until 9:30, so didn't get home until almost 10, or to bed until--yoicks!--almost 11. However, I slept like a stone and feel good this morning.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

H.H. And Rehearsal

Good grief--yesterday, I slept until almost 8:00. I think I know why--because I was wearing a sleep mask. Any light at all bothers me, and I usually wake up at the dawning of it. When I wear the mask, it doesn't. This morning, I didn't wear it; set the alarm for 7:00, but awoke a 6:00. I'm going to see if I can take a nap today, as rehearsal starts at 7:30 and it's going to be a long evening.
Stripped and re-made the bed, then did a load of bleached clothes with the sheets. Attended to making some routine doctor appointments, including one for my annual physical (ugh!) and to have my ears dredged; I was able to get one for today at 11:00. Handled yet more financial crapola and, of course, rehearsed and rehearsed my lines.
After lunch, I showered, washed my hair, and set off for Happy Hour. Diane is in Chicago and Nancy is either under the weather or didn't want to come--not sure why, so I'll call her tomorrow. That meant it was just Carolyn B. and me at Rumfish.
We had a good time, just the two of us, as Carolyn looks forward to H.H. as much as I do. Talked and talked, of course; Carolyn and her daughter are leaving for San Diego early today, to attend "Camp Widow." We were there at Rumfish for more than two hours, but it was pleasant on the sun-lit patio.
I walked C. to the museum, where she had parked her car, then hopped the bus home. Got in about 5:30, cleaned up a bit, then drove to rehearsal.
It was a good session and Jeff is a strong, innovative director. Last night, he spoke to us privately, and asked that we add something foreign to our characters. In my case, instead of my character being a warm, benign, loving grandmother who's being ignored by the young people, he asked me to make her angry and stern. We went through the whole play with these changes; after, we revealed what they were.  For instance, the young mother, Jennifer, played by Janelle, said that the young husband, Justin, really wasn't the baby's father; Justin, Ben's character, said he had gambled all their money away; Ariela, who's character is presumably heterosexual, said she actually pinned after Amanda--and so on, These were not, of course, permanent changes to characterization, but going through the play in these new modes made us stretch and think.  Even when we reverted back to the original, it helped to make our characters less one-denominational, plus we might be able to use some aspects of the differences.
Ellen called during rehearsal; I called back afterward and was pleased to be asked if I wanted to meet for lunch or dinner today. Yes, of course, I'd love to. We'll talk later about when and where. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Santa Barbara, Gail, And Panic

A pretty full day. I took the usual bus/bus/bus. At the transit center, I fell into conversation with a nice woman and impulsively, sat with her on the way to SB. We chatted and found we're compatible. Her name is Gail, she lives with her ex-husband (these arrangements are common now, I believe), and has two daughters, one in SB, and one granddaughter. I thought she was my age and was startled when I found she's only 69. (I never thought I'd see the day when I'd precede "sixty-nine" with "only.") Anyway, we found we're both enthusiastic walkers, exchanged information, and I said I'll contact her and we'll get together.
Got to Betty's door, as usual, at 11:28 and was pleased to see Carolyn and Finn there, too--they were cleaning the apartment. I had told Betty I didn't want to go to the monthly birthday party at 2:00, so wanted to leave after lunch. However, Carolyn had to pick her husband, Dana, up at work at 1:30, so we went to lunch at a place in town, then she dropped me at the library (the Coastal Express stops there, as well as at other places).
I viewed the art in the Faulkner Room--I think he lived in Santa Barbara at one time--then read for a bit. Decided to walk to where I usually get the CE back to Ventura, as it's the first one and I'd have my choice of seats. Did so, and we took off at 2:20.
As I usually do,  I got off the first stop in town an walked up Main a mile or so. I then discovered I couldn't find my drivers license, which I need to drive and oh, yes--to ride the bus home. When I told the bus driver, though, he just asked what year I was born and I got on.
I was in a panic because I have rehearsal tonight and while I could get there on the bus, it's scheduled  to go on until 9:00, at least, and I didn't want to get on the bus that late. I called the Access van and arranged to be picked up and driven home. However, when I got home--after 5:00--I emptied my purse and found my license stuck in some out-of-the-way place--whew! 
At that point, Suzanne stopped in to give me an update on her painful right side. She called her brother, who's an internist in San Diego and he said to go to an orthopedic doc who is familiar with shoulders. She did and found that the problem isn't her fibromyalgia,* but bursitis. Luckily, the doc gave her good advice, which includes therapy and exercise. Steroids are an option at some point, but they're considered a last resort.
* Those illiterate techies at Spellcheck don't know how to spell this. Of course, neither do I--had to look it up.

Tuesday, July 09, 2019


Happily, I slept soundly all night until I got up to use what was sometimes genteelly called "the necessity." Stayed up, as it was almost 5:00 and I felt fine.
After coffee, I took about a mile walk around the neighborhood--I had been neglecting that early session and want to get back to it.
I've been having a busy summer and I love it that way, especially being with Ellen and the girls. At the same time, that means a lot of everyday stuff is neglected and yesterday, I was able to attend to  most of it. Had to sign and send something certified to my home insurance company and look into the new AAA contract. There's an office nearby and I think I'll stop in to firm it up.
After lunch, I drove to the P.O., then to WinCo and two small stores for fresh spinach, blueberries, and other goodies. I somehow managed to lose eight dollars, which annoyed me no end; I think I dropped the wad in the 99-Cent store.
Called Betty to tell her I'd be there today and we'll go to lunch. I was glad to hear she wanted to go to the monthly birthday party they hold at her place, as I don't want to go, That means I can leave early enough to get the 2:20 bus back to Ventura.
Went to town on the bus and dropped my book off at the library, then walked Main up and back. I stopped back into the library to take out a huge and heavy book on Fellini films. Am I interested in Fellini or, for that matter, Italian films? No, but my character in the play is a devotee of foreign films and even says, early on, "I just love Italian films." Since Director Jeff decided I'm not going to be knitting (yay!), but will be reading a book, I thought that would be appropriate. Possibly, Jeff will want me to hold it so the audience can see it.
I had bought a nice piece of tilapia and had that for dinner with acorn squash and the rest of the zucchini/onion casserole I put together the other day. Yum.

Monday, July 08, 2019

Dudley House And The Mentally Ill

Eight o-clock is my usual time for breakfast, but having slept past that, I pushed it back to 10:00. I suppose I could have had it earlier, but I like to deal with the Internet beforehand. Since I was due at Dudley House at 1:00, I would have eaten at 11:45 or so, but wasn't hungry then, so just skipped lunch.
Got out my Victorian outfit, which is so cumbersome and heavy, I was glad the weather was fairly cool. As it always does, it took me about a half hour to dress and pull on my wig. Left early and got there early, as always. I helped docent director Lynne, get ready for the visitors and, sure enough, there was a family group of six coming up the porch stairs just at 1:00.  I hadn't had a chance to study my "script"--it's been months since I had done this last--but most of it came back to me as I led people from one room to another, telling them the history and the and the Dudleys. Actually, we had quite a few come in; Lynne keeps count of how many. Besides my groups, there was an entire cub scout troop; luckily, Connie did that one, as children are often not the most attentive visitors.
We did have a little time to chat on the porch; I met "Fefe Chuy," who was born in China, but came here when she was very young. She's been all over Europe and Asia, including Singapore and Tokyo, and we had a good time talking about that. It was over at 4:00, of course, and I'm not "on" again until October, which is fine by me. I sped home to take off the outfit and get into comfortable clothes, then went to get bathroom cups and grapes.
As I approached Victoria and Telephone Roads, I saw a man in a wheelchair in the right-hand traffic lane. He looked vaguely Asian--something like Yul Brynner--and he had only on leg. He was dressed in what looked like black pajamas, but it may have been a karate outfit. He was gesticulating wildly and yelling at cars. As soon as I got to the store parking lot, I called 911 to report this and was told officers were already being dispatched to the scene.
I want to stop into the police department tomorrow and find out what happened to the man. But will I?  I don't know; it's so easy to forget the mentally ill, whom we treat as if they're wild animals.

Sunday, July 07, 2019

Violet's B.Day

Aagh, I just woke up at 8:15; had a terrible time sleeping last night. This happens every few months and I have no idea why.
I did have a pleasant day, but didn't get a lot of walking in. Possibly, that was the reason for my insomnia. Typed up my part of the script and practiced a bit, beside attending to a few other matters on-line. Bused to the mall in the morning to get Violet's presents, then back to shower, lunch, and pack up the car. Stopped at Von's to pick up an ice cream cake, as I had told Ellen I would.
Arrived at Ellen's at 3:00. She had already picked up the girls in Santa Barbara and I was so pleased to see them again. They were in their room (El's guest room) and El and I hung out. She said the girls had been watching re-runs of Stranger Things (on Viv's phone) and did I want to? No, so she tried me on Bird Box, with Sandra Bullock. Wow, I loved it! I watched intermittently before and after dinner. Since I don't have NetFlix or the other fancy stuff, this was a treat. (BTW, I guess I could get it, but some time ago, I consciously decided I don't want to sit in front of the television long enough to watch movies end-to-end. I think that was a good decision for me.) I called Lynne W. to check on my docent duties for today; yes, I'm scheduled and I'll be there at 1:00 to lead the tours on the first floor of Dudley House.
El served up artichokes, which she had bought raw and cooked herself. Why? Because Violet had been asking for them for ages. I can't remember ever having them before, but I put them in the same category as seeded grapes: I like them, but not enough to go to all the trouble of eating them. I buy seedless grapes, of course, and I like artichoke hearts, which come by themselves in a jar, packed in olive oil.
Anyhow, it was fun to draw the leaves through our teeth, harvesting on the tiny bottom, but it took some time. The heart at the bottom, though, but a bit more substantial and El had provided a nice dipping sauce of mayo, maple syrup, and spices.
The entree was a yummy pasta dish El made in the Insta-pot. We then sang happy birthday to the eleven-year-old (actually, her birthday isn't until Wednesday, but the girls will be at camp then) and she opened her presents.
Suzanne had given me the little hats and not only the girls, but Sebastian put them on:
El will take the girls to camp today and I'll at least see them before they go home. Violet is going to meet a former school friend of hers named "Roxanne." She now lives in France and her mother is a superior court judge there. She doesn't want her to lose her English language ability, hence the kid is going to camp in Ojai, California.

Saturday, July 06, 2019


After breakfast at Ellen's, I left for home. As I walked up to my door, I saw Suzanne sitting on a chair in our mutual walkway. She asked if I'd pick up her mail while she's away from July 18 to August 5--why, sure, of course, I'll be glad to. She came in for awhile to chat. I was sorry to hear she's still suffering from the fibromaralgia (damn, I can't spell it and neither can idiot SpellCheck), especially along her right arm and shoulder.  She also gave me several little plastic hats in red, white, and blue for the fourth--I'll give them to V. and V. tomorrow and see if we can get a pic with them and Sebastian wearing them.
Spent a fair amount of time on financial stuff and there are more such mundane chores to do. Drove to the 99-cent store for some small items, then to Wal-Mart to see what I could get for Violet. Not a damn thing, as it turned out; it was all crap. I think I'll go to the mall this morning. El asked me to pick up an ice cream cake, so I'll get that, too. She called later to ask if I had a small suitcase Greg could borrow, as they're going to New Mexico for a vacation next week. I'll bring two over today.
I forgot to mention in my entry for Thursday that I had called Cheryl, my co-T.O.P.S. member, who often takes me to the meeting, to tell her I was going to skip it yesterday (Friday). Earlier, Ellen had asked me if I had felt the 6.4 earthquake. It had occurred while I was marking in the parade and no, I hadn't. She had and said her house had been "rolling." When I chatted with Cheryl, she mentioned the same thing. She and her husband were just coming back from vacation and had stopped at a gas station--yoicks, near the epicenter! She said the station was shaking violently and people were running outside screaming. Well, that was interesting, but no concern of mine...
I sat down at 8:00 to watch my daily television--two half-hours of Frazier, then it's bedtime--when my chair began to shake. And shake. And tremble. This went on for 45 seconds or so, which seemed an eternity, of course. The earth had finally decided to rid itself of those troublesome humans and all their works and I was going to die!
I had no idea what to do. The only thing that stuck in my head was to stand in a door frame--or something. I opened the front door just as Suzanne did. I stepped into her living room; she had the television on and we found it was a 7.1--gawd!  I went back in a few minutes to turn on the news myself and got the lowdown on the quake. I'll have to read up further on it, but all I fervently wish is that Ma Nature fixes herself a nice Margarita and gets more mellow after this.

Friday, July 05, 2019

Fourth of July

Note: This is late because I just got back from Ojai and had left the laptop home.
Headed to Ojai for the Fourth parade before 9:00. Ellen and I had talked about me leaving my car at the end of the route, then she'd picked me up and take me to the beginning, after which I'd drive back to her place. Good plan, except the road was already blocked off when I got there. I drove around looking for a parking spot and found not a one. Finally, I went about a half-mile away and parked in the Von's lot.
I met up with the Ojai peace group and marched happily with them. It's a two-mile route and, same as last year, it was gratifying to hear the applause and see the two-finger peace signs from the crowd. Also, as before, it was a little tricky, but kind of fun to avoid the horse dung in the street.  (This is California, so there were lots of high-stepping horses preceding us in the parade.)  When it was over, we posed for this--that's me right in the middle behind the banner:
I then walked back to the car, so before lunch I had walked five miles, which pleased me. Got back to El's for a great lunch of green  salad with chicken salad and an icy Blue Moon. After, we spent some quality time together, talking and laughing. A few hours later, my girl proposed Margaritas under the shaded backyard portico. Would I refuse--ha! 
Greg was working until 8:00, so El made us a wonderful summertime dinner: hamburgers in an onion bun, greens and tomatoes, corn in the cob, and iced tea, followed by chocolate chip ice cream. Because I don't ordinarily eat any of those things, aside from the greens, I found the meal incredibly  delicious.
At 8:30 or so, we took our chairs and blankets and walked down the street to see the fireworks. I whined and complained about it, but in fact, once we got there, I enjoyed it immensely. Most of it was pretty standard, but it was the best finale I ever saw; not just a lot of the same set off at once, but a kind of floral work of art, with white "leaves" behind multi-colored "flowers" (or at least, I could imagine they were) hundreds of feet up in the sky.
Home, we chatted with Greg for a bit, then I turned in. I would have slept well, except for the annoying number of fire crackers that seemed to go off right under my window. Up at 7:30, got my coffee, then El made me eggs and toast. I said goodbye after that, after a wonderful day with Darling Daughter, the Younger.  
This Tuesday, the tenth, is Violet's eleventh birthday, but since the girls will be at camp (in Ojai) then, we'll celebrate it tomorrow. El will pick them up at Carolyn's and I'll come over and bring an ice cream cake and gift. Mike left gifts for her already.

Thursday, July 04, 2019

The Pace

Keeping up the pace--and I might collapse when the week is over.
Slept until almost 7:00 and left for Ojai after coffee, but before breakfast because I just wasn't hungry. Fed Sebastian and left. By the time I got in, after 10, I was ready to eat, so did.
Did this and that--I don't remember what, aside from lots of computer stuff, including exchanging a number of emails with Nancy, Diane, and Carolyn.  Had lunch late, then Stella texted and called. She had an appointment in Ventura and asked if I wanted her to drop me off on Main. I thanked her, but no, I was driving myself and didn't want to stay too long.
Went back to Ojai at 3:00, read for a bit at El's and called her, then fed Sebastian about 4:15, and left.
Got to rehearsal early and we had a long session. We did a lot of stops-and-starts and blocking changes, which are necessary, but require concentration. I'm getting to know Gwen who's in her middle sixties and plays my daughter and the grandmother of the baby. During break, we walked outside and chatted; I think I'll ask her out to lunch. Jeff wants us off-book after the next session; I've been diligently studying my lines and think that's a reasonable assumption. I like his directing style--very diligent, but very encouraging; he acts himself and understands a player's fragile ego. He asked us to come in next time with our perception of what's going on in our character's mind and emotions--something I also ask my acting students to do.  I'll add a little back story to mine.
Rehearsal ran late, so I didn't get home until close to 10 and to bed after that. I'll be leaving for Ojai shortly, as I want to walk with the peace group in the parade. Will stay over at Ellen's; after their trip to San Luis Obispo, she dropped the girls off at Carolyn's in Santa Barbara, where they'll visit for a few days. They then return and go to camp in Ojai--active summer!

Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Long, Long Day

Warning: This is a long one, because it was a long and interesting day.
Out all day. Since I knew I was going over to Ojai to feed Sebastian, I called Nancy to see if she could meet for lunch. She could and we did, at Sea Fresh. Had a delightful time, then she dropped me at the hospital (a very small, local one), as she had to get x-rays of her knee. I started walking to Ellen's when Stella called. Just back from Ireland and Spain, she asked where I was and did I want to walk?
By then, it had gotten very warm--probably over 80--so I begged off.  Stella lives in Oak View, as Nancy does, (it neighbors Ojai), so I suggested she come pick me up, we'd go to Ellen's and have a glass of iced tea. That's what we did. By then, it was about 3:00 and after I fed Sebastian, Stella started showing me pictures of her month-long trip. And showing me. And continuing to show me. And--damn! 
It's seems unbelievable, but we didn't leave until 5:00 and almost all that time, Stella was showing me --very slowly and with long explanatory monologues for each--roughly six trillion pictures on her phone. I consider myself eligible for sainthood because I didn't jam the lousy phone down her throat.
It was finally over, I fed Sebastian again, and we left. Stella had asked if I'd come over to her place and I was curious to see it, so we did.
Now, Nancy lives in a very attractively renovated, but rather modest and very small, building on her son's property, on one side of the highway running through Oak View. Stella? She lives on the other side where I've never been, way, way up in the hills in a large house that's clearly worth plenty. It's includes a lot  of acreage and why in the world a single woman in her seventies would want to continue living there is beyond me. She has only one child--her son, Joshua, who lives in Spain--who is 42, so it seems unlikely she'll have grandchildren.
The house looks historic--or what passes for historic in California--maybe built in the teens or twenties. The outside is rather carelessly maintained; Stella has a gardener, but I'm not sure why she doesn't have him remove some of the bushes and plant new.
As we approached, I was surprised to see Christmas wreaths hanging on the double doors. Odd, but what was odder is when we walked in: There are two Christmas trees, both of which reach to the ceiling (ten feet or so) in the living room. They are both fully decorated, plus all around the room, there are other Christmas decorations; Santas, Madonnas, toy trains, dolls, gingerbread men, candy canes, and all the other trappings of the season.
Okay, whatever gets you through the day.
Stella showed  me around--huge house, but pretty clearly, she doesn't do a lot of tidying up--and we went out to to the deck, which stretches across the house on three different levels. The backyard is very large, as are the side yards, and you can't see any neighbors, but there are lovely views of the mountains and forest everywhere you look. The property is, however, also pretty neglected. Joshua's car sits out there under a tarp (he's lived in Spain for five or so years, so what's up with that?) and the various areas have gone wild.  Stella pulled out cuttings (well, "pullings," I guess) from several plants that I admired and said I could just stick them in the ground and they'd grow.
By the time we had finished the tour, it was after 6:00 and I was hungry. I foolishly suggested we go out for dinner and Stella suggested Lure, one of my favorites, so we drove back to Ventura and went there.
It was jammed, we sat at a high table, which I dislike, I regretted not simply going home, because I didn't need to eat out twice in a day. However, I got a bowl of chowder and we had some fried shrimp, plus an IPA. By the time we left, it was after 8:00 and getting dark.
Stella has a problem driving in the dark (I don't like to myself), so I insisted she go home and I'd take the bus. She agreed, we said goodbye, and I got home with no problem. However, it was 9:30 by the time I walked in and I stayed up until 10. Darn, I wish I hadn't suggested dinner because I now have to back to Ojai twice and I have rehearsal tonight until 9:00. I also want to march with the Ojai peace group tomorrow. Okay, I'll get through it all.

Tuesday, July 02, 2019


Still chuggin' along pretty busy.
I was all set to have fits and conniptions when the store where I got the bead kit refused to refund my money, but--surprise! The manager was as courteous and conciliatory as can be and gave me full credit for it. I bought blueberries, grapes, and a few other things, and the tab, because of the refund, came to two bucks and change. Home to put stuff away, then walked to the bus stop.
I rode the bus down Victoria, then walked the mile or so to Stone Fire grill, and got there at noon. Only seven of us showed (Nancy wasn't feeling well, but Carolyn was there), but I had a fine time. Talked in depth to Deidre and Susan, with Carolyn, as usual, listening.
We broke up about 1:30 and, rather than take the bus, I opted to walk to WinCo, maybe a half mile away. Got a few things--always mindful of the weight when I'm not driving--then hopped the two buses home. Put the things away and decided to skip town in favor of washing clothes. I put them in and when I got back, Suzanne rang my bell.
She presented me with a beautiful zucchini one of her diabetes students gave her, but also wanted to talk about her fibromyalgia. She said her arm and shoulder have been very painful for several weeks and she isn't sure if she can continue in her present job. Knowing my background in HR, she asked me for some ideas to possibly present to her boss. I mentioned something I had recommended for an professional employee: a hiatus of six months, during which we hired a temporary person. After that time, the person had gotten her life in order and was able  to continue in her regular job. We discussed a few other ideas and I think she appreciated talking to me. I sometimes forget that she must get lonely at times, as I do and I was glad to talk to her. I hope she isn't "offering it up," as I was encouraged to do when I was a kid. Of all the inanities of religion, it seems to me that takes the cake.
Called El, who's with the girls in San Luis Obispo (at the Madonna Inn--lucky them) to tell her I decided not to skip rehearsal tomorrow night. I thought I'd stay over her place tonight, instead, but I'm not sure if I want to do that, either. Actually, I think I might just drive there early on the fourth, Thursday, then stay over to Friday.

Monday, July 01, 2019

Fun With Family

Full, fun day with family and theatre.
My girl, my boy, and my grand-girls came over about 10:00 and we walked next door to Von's. They picked up lunch fixings, packed it up, then we drove to the beach. Here's Violet, looking like an old-fashioned beach beauty:
I, of course, didn't even wear a bathing suit, as it was too windy for me to dream of going in the frigid Pacific. Violet, Daddy, and El though, had lots of active fun. Viv, slender as a reed, put her feet in, but not otherwise, for which I didn't blame her. We ate our lunch (I had a Von's salad--not nearly as good as mine), then I said I needed to get home to clean up for rehearsal. Viv suggested we go to the pool(and hot tub!) at my place, so we left about 1:00. While they enjoyed the amenities, I showered, washed my hair, and changed, then joined them to watch for an hour or so. They finally packed it in and came back to my place to shower (Mike) or rinse (V. and V.) or just to dry off (El). We found a turtle in the grass and V. and V. argued over whether to leave it or take it to my place. We did the latter, put it on my patio, and gave it water and lettuce. It later wandered off.
I had bought the girls a bead bracelet-making kit and when Viv and El tried to use it, it simply didn't come together, even though they consulted instructions on the Internet--I'm taking the damn thing back. They stayed until about 5:00, then left. Mike won't be back until July 13.
I told El I'd go over to her place and feed Sebastian while she takes the girls to San Luis Obispo tomorrow. I have the widder group lunch today, then we have to sort out who goes where when. I want to join the peace group in the Ojai Fourth of July parade, so we'll see how that goes.
Rehearsal (6 to 8 pm) went well, although I have to buckle down and get off-book before too long. We changed a fair amount of blocking and I want to get that down pat, of course. I think, but am not sure, we have rehearsal on Wednesday from 6:30 to 9:00; must check on that.
Betty called during rehearsal to tell me something about Carolyn's visit to New Orleans. I'm not sure if what she said--that my SIL's niece actually works there at Pat's great-niece's restaurant--is accurate or not. Must text her.
Note: I have no idea why the text went to the middle as it did. I think it has something to do with the picture, but I'll just let it stand.



Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...