Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Tangling With The Law Yet Again

Walked Kimball a little later than usual, but saw Irene, Diane, Carolyn, Bob, and Hazel (woof!).  After breakfast, I was determined to finally settle down to the on-line Traffic School thing I have to do. Spent two hours on that, then had lunch and left for town.
While on the bus, I checked my e-mail and saw the Informed Delivery notice I get from the post office. But what was this? Oh, no--a communication from the police department and one from Superior Court! I was pretty sure they concerned--again--going through a red light and I was positive my license had been suspended, as this was the second such violation in less than a month.
I was tempted to get off at the next stop and immediately board a bus for home, but I forced myself to stay on. Got off at my usual, walked to The Promenade, then did the shorter loop, and got a bus home.
Got in at 4:00, and, with fear and trembling, picked up my mail. Yes, damn it, it was a citation for going through a red light, the fine now $541 dollars--that's a hundred and one more than the last one. I don't know if that's because it's a second violation or the fine just want up. Yes, I'll go to court and hope to get it reduced, but it's still going to be a bundle. Also, I'm not sure how that complicates matters when it comes to that damn traffic school.
However--oddly enough, I'm not nearly as upset as I had been. Not knowing what the court letter said until I opened, I was sure I wouldn't be allowed to drive, but that isn't the case. The money part is bad enough, but this just makes my decision to sell the car easier--I'm going to do it.
After absorbing this news, I went out in the garden to relax. Suzanne looked over our mutual wall and I invited her to come over and see my plantings. She did, oohed and aahed, then we sat for a chat. I then went over to see her garden, which is so beautiful. She has hydrangeas, geraniums, gorgeous roses, and other flowering plants, plus a number of herbs.
Here's my trellis and red parasol, which Ellen planted for me. Soon, I hope it will climb up, then onto the wall.
I'm off to Santa Barbara in a few hours to lunch with Betty.

Monday, April 29, 2019


I didn't get up until 6:00, having decided not to set the alarm. I knew the park on Kimball didn't open until 7:00 on Sunday, so walked late, but that was okay. I had breakfast late, too, and sat for an hour or so after, contentedly doing the Sunday crossword.
I then spent an incredible amount of time on the Von's Monopoly game. You can win lots, including a million dollars in cash, a vacation home, and college tuition. Hmm, after an hour of opening, separating, and putting in order a billion tiny pieces of cardboard, I found I had won---zilch. I didn't even get the five dollars in groceries prize. Humph!
Went to WinCo for fajitas, spinach, and yogurt. Home and had lunch--late--and mused about whether to bus to town or not.
Not. The weather was just as chilly, damp, and overcast as it's been the last few days, so I nixed it. Instead, I went to the Hill Street branch of the library. Brought back a book and took out two, including one by a woman who used to teach in a university and now has dementia.
Speaking of which--Betty called, quite upset because she said she didn't know the furniture wasn't sold with the house. I didn't, either, actually, but no biggie. Unfortunately, it is for her; she said she "has to" go back to Jersey to deal with the furniture. Of course, she doesn't, and wouldn't be able to, anyway. Well, I'll see her tomorrow at my regular visit.
The sun came out--happy day!--so I tackled the garden. I transplanted one plant to behind my little girl (Al-El, she's Arabic, and named for my two girls) finally, and I think it looks better. I also moved some of the potted things around and finally put in two of the new painted ladies. I'm just not sure what I want to do with the other. Watered and cleaned up a bit, swept the patio, and it looks pretty good.
I did go out about 4:00 and walked the neighborhood, a mile or so. Stopped at Von's to examine the 180 a pint "ice cream." Not sure if I want to risk buying and eating it, though. I decided against it.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Gardening And Sneezes

Walked Kimball. After breakfast, I tidied up a bit in anticipation of Ellen coming over, which she did, about 11:30. She brought me a nice jar of cream cheese stuffed olives as a thank-you for feeding Sebastian. She then put up the new trellis, transplanted my two tomato plants (they were too close to the new installation), dug a deep hole, and installed the red parasol. Soon it will be enhancing my garden by climbing up the trellis--it looks so pretty!
I still haven't planted the three new "painted ladies," but will soon. I either want to get another one or put them somewhere in the back. I also want to move two small plants from one side of the patio to the other.
After Ellen's labor, I suggested we go to Rincon for lunch. We drove there and it was so packed, we decided on Two Trees, instead. That was also busy--it always is--but the wait was only a few minutes. We had a good lunch and good talk, which included the topic of quantum physics.
El drove me home, then I left her with many thanks. When I got in, for some reason, I felt sleepy. As I do very seldom, I lay down and took a nap. When I got up, I was surprised to see it was after five, so I had slept for two hours.
Oddly, I then realized I had a runny nose and I started sneezing constantly. I thought I must have a cold, but for it to come on so suddenly seemed unlikely. An allergy? Dunno.
I had missed my town walk, I took one then, around the block, more or less, about a mile.  Still full from lunch, I had just carrots for dinner. Took Thera-flu before I went to bed, slept soundly, and now, at 6:45, my nose seems to have dried up and I'm no longer sneezing. Weird. 

Saturday, April 27, 2019

T.O.P.S. And Not Much Else

Walked Kimball. Home, dressed, and went to T.O.P.S. I was up a pound and an ounce--to 130.6--but I'm not concerned about it. I didn't stay for the meeting. I just could not face another aimless, boring session, so I fibbed a bit and said I had to meet someone at 10. Okay, I lied in my teeth, so shoot me. After breakfast, I headed out for provisions. I was horrified that I had to resort to canned string beans to go with my salmon on Thursday. I don't even like string beans--and canned? Ugh! I'm not sure why I had them in the cupboard, but any port in a storm...
Went out and got blueberries, lettuce, mushrooms, mango mash, and three pounds of carrots. I then prepared the latter and two large zucchini I already had, added some seasoning and other items, and set them to simmer in my two slow cookers.
Betty called to say she had talked to our brother, Jim, and they agreed they should have done with their houses what I did with mine--rent it out, instead of selling. I told her the circumstances were entirely different: mine is in an over-55 community, is not near the beach, and is fifty years newer than hers, plus there are other factors. Anyhow, we did have a nice enough chat. I told her I'd see her Tuesday and asked her if she remembered what time I get there. She promptly said, "11:30"; it's a good sign that she remembered.
Had lunch and did this and that on the laptop. I actually considered skipping my town walk, but didn't--went about 3:15, later than usual. It was chilly, damp, and overcast, my least favorite weather, so I just did an abbreviated walk. Called Ellen while I was waiting for the bus home and was delighted when she offered to come over and dig the hole for my new plant. We'll go to lunch, too--what a treat.
Had a yummy dinner of raw (well, I cooked them) jumbo shrimp, the carrots, and the zucchini.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Various And My Picture

Did the Kimball walkity-walk.  After breakfast, I drove to town and picked up the picture I had bought at good ol' Goodwill. I then drove directly to Silvercrest, where Diane was waiting, and we joined the exercise class.
This week, leader Camille brought different-colored balls and, besides the stretchy stuff and weights, we used them. It was a pretty good workout. After, Diane and I walked down to Grocery Outlet. I didn't really need anything, but I saw the kind of umbrella that you attach to a chair. I thought that would be perfect for my patio--better, actually, then the regular sun umbrella I was planning to buy, because the patio is small and I think this will suffice.
Diane invited me to stay for lunch, but I begged off.  Stopped to get tomatoes and onions on the way home. I put two fresh tomatoes in my salad, then sliced and chopped the rest and put in the oven with oil, vinegar, garlic, and basil. Lunched, then headed off to town.
I had told Stella I'd call her and I left a message telling her I'd be at the Crown Plaza on The Promenade at 3:00. She called back and said she was already home. This time, I tried to be firm when I told her I thought it would be better to make a date a day or a week ahead. I wouldn't mind meeting her for lunch or happy hour, but this last-minute stuff is annoying. In truth, she's pretty annoying herself.
Walked the short loop, then stopped in the Santa Paula Animal Rescue thrift store and bought a (brand new) corkscrew. Diane doesn't have one and I'll keep this and give her my other. Wrote Carolyn B. a message thanking her for the invitation to the Toastmaster thing, but declining. I hope her feelings don't get hurt.
Hung my new picture over the sink and it looks very nice, indeed. Now, I MUST turn my attention to that traffic school thing. I've been ignoring it and the time is getting close when it has to be done.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

H.H. And C.B.

Walked Kimball.  After breakfast, as planned, I stripped the bed, took the sheets and virtually all my whites to the laundry place, and set them to wash with bleach. While they were drying (takes 45 minutes), I walked over to Von's for Rhomaine.
When I got home, Suzanne rang my bell and came in to chat. She showed me a picture of a church in Red Rock, Arizona, that's actually hewed out of the rock. We discussed Frank and Betty and I voiced my outrageous "the zombie and Little Miss Mental." She howled and so did I. After all, what's the alternative? Screaming in agony at what my siblings are becoming? Vowing you'll do anything to change it when there's nothing to be done? Contemplating the future when I may be there myself?
Anyway, we moved on to my garden and other topics. She left, I got my clothes from the dryer, had lunch, then jumped in the shower and dressed to go to Happy Hour with Carolyn B. (Carolyn G. is my niece and there are several others in my life.)
We went to Casa Bella and had an enjoyable time. I was taken aback when she asked if I'd consider going to the west coast Toastmasters Contest the weekend after next. It's usually held in Vegas, but this time is in Oxnard, just fifteen minutes from here. I actually did consider it, although I'm not much interested in Toastmasters now. If it wasn't for Fern, I'd probably drop Humor & Drama, as I did the Poinsettia chapter.
I considered it, that is, until she said it would be $140 for registration, plus $180 for half of the hotel room. We're talking three hundred twenty bucks for something I'm not enthusiastic about in the first place. I said I'd let her know, but I'm sure it won't be in the affirmative.
We did have some good talk, although she still seems just "off" somehow, in so many very subtle ways. We stayed until 5:30, then she walked me the few blocks to the library; I had seen a book on the media and Trump--Media Madness--I wanted to pick up after Happy Hour, and I did.
After, I walked back along Main. Stopped into a shop and saw a great, framed picture I had to have for my kitchen. Bought it and I'll pick it up today.
Diane had asked if I wanted to go to exercise today, then walk. Yes, indeed, and I'll get there at 10. Stella called, once again at the last minute; I said I'd call her today to see if we could meet to walk, but frankly, she's getting to be a pain in the ass. El called, back from San Luis Obispo, to thank me for feeding Sebastian. Gregg has a doctor's appointment, so she dropped him off in SB; will pick him up today.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Wash And My Walk

Walked Kimball. After breakfast, I gathered up my clothing and carted it to the laundry place. I put in the two new jeans, one black, one dark blue, hoping that what the former said on the label--that the color might run during first washing--wasn't meant to be serious.
It was. I had put everything in, including several pairs of white socks, underwear, and two white tops, all of which turned an interesting light gray. Okay, I'll do sheets today, add bleach, and re-wash.
I started digging a hole for my flowering vine and got a few inches down before I realized the ground is like concrete. Also, I don't have a shovel, just a trowel. Hmm...think I'll ask Suzanne is she has a small spade; if not, Ellen might.
Went back and forth with the laundry thing and in the lulls, got financial stuff and other paperwork out of the way. Had lunch, swept the hard floors, then left via car. Stopped at Sprouts for grapes, at Target for blueberries (they must have cornered the market on them; I can't find them anywhere else), then took off for Ellen's in Ojai. Fed Sebastian, got the mail, and that was all I really to do.  El called and I assured her all was okay. As for Sebastian, the vet said he has a kidney problem, which they just treat with diet.  I'll go back there this morning after breakfast to feed him and El and Greg will return in the evening.
Nancy won't be at Happy Hour today because of the knitting challenge and Diane isn't feeling well, so it'll just be Carolyn and me. That's okay, as I hope I can spot a conversational opening about her emotional/mental health, but it won't be easy.
As for my afternoon walk, I didn't. Somehow, I just frittered time away and never got to it. I'll go to town early today and get it in.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Here And There

Walked Kimball. After breakfast, I pondered the errands and chores I wanted to get done. Decided to go out and hunt for blueberries (found them again at Target), got cottage cheese and Dave's Killer Bread (the only kind I eat), then headed to Lowe's.
There I found a beautiful flowering vine called "Red Parasol." I see it growing a lot around here and I love the bright pinkish-red, trumpet-shaped blossoms. I also found a perfectly lovely trellis at Lowe's. I had thought I'd get a wooden one, but this is metal and has dragonflies on it. Besides that, I picked up three more "painted lady" (not sure if that's what they're called) plants and will add them to the five others that line the front of the patio. They're the last annuals I want to buy--I definitely want mostly perennials, so I don't have to plant every year. (Of course, that statement is anything but firm.)
After lunch, I bussed to town. Walked what I consider the medium loop: not as long as the major one (four miles), but longer than the minor (about one and a half). El called while I was there to confirm that she and Greg are going to San Luis Obispo overnight, so could I feed Sebastian? Sure, although I may or may not stay over.
Stopped at one of the thrift stores and found a terrific small wooden cabinet that may be meant as a jewel box, but I'll use on my desk for paper clips, pens, and so on. Paid a big $5.38 for it and happily took it on the bus. Called Nancy to say I couldn't go to the movie and wine today because of the kitty care. That was okay, as she's working on one of the knitting challenges from this knitting club she's in. Boy, I'd rather knit than hang by my thumbs for three days, but otherwise...
While riding home, I felt a little down and a lot bewildered, as I always do when I contemplate my poor brother and sister--The Zombie and Little Miss Mental. I still can't really grasp that they're gone and won't be back. Some strangers have taken their places and I don't like them much. Damn, why them and why this? But...why not?

Monday, April 22, 2019


Because I got in late and to bed late, I decided to sleep in late and set the alarm for 7:00; awoke at 6:30, though. I just had time to pour my coffee, edit my blog entry, dress, and have an abbreviated breakfast before I left for Ojai and Ellen's.
Greg had to work, but I chatted with him for a bit before we left for Santa Barbara. The two of them are considering going to San Luis Obispo overnight, as El is off for Spring Break this week. They'll be going to New Mexico in the summer; I will, too, but presumably not at the same time.
Got to SB about 10 to find the gang all there: Carolyn, Dana, and Claire; Steve, Robyn, and Dex; Francine, Charlie, Dillon and Rowan, plus Betty, Frank, and Calvin (woof!).
As we did on Saturday, we had a fine time. El and I missed the (raw) egg toss in the backyard and the (hard-boiled) egg hunt, but sat down to talk, kibitz at those who were playing some strange board game--can't remember what it's called--and otherwise enjoy ourselves.
After lunch (two kinds of quiche, pasta salad, mixed fruit, and cherry pie), Frank and the rest of the Alameda contingent left.  Robyn said she was going to take twelve-year-old Claire to the newly-opened Target, and I decided to tag along. But horrors, it was closed, presumably because it was Easter--what a bummer!  Went back and watched Robyn teach Claire some sewing-machine basics, which she (Claire) got for Christmas. (Robyn is a costumer.)   In the meantime, Ellen took Betty over to her apartment to look it over.
Steve, Robyn, and Dex left, then El and I said goodbye.  We dropped Betty off at her place, as it was on our way, and off we drove to Ojai. I kissed El goodbye, hopped in my car, and was home by 4:30.
It was a good day and a fun weekend, but now I'm ready for some catching-up-with-this-and-that time.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter Saturday

It was drizzling when I got up, so I didn't walk Kimball. Showered and dressed, had breakfast, then left to get the 10:04 bus to Santa Barbara. Carolyn and Betty picked me up at the County Courthouse and whisked me to Lyric Lane. Niece Francine, her Charlie, two of their three boys, and brother Frank got there shortly after.
It was a pretty good--if sometimes sobering--day. For a time, Betty, Frank, and I sat in the living room chatting, while the kids gathered here and there and the other adults were in the family room. Maybe it couldn't be called "chatting," though; it was more like trying to carry on a conversation with two strangers.
Frank is sadly diminished. Because I hadn't seen him in a year, only chatting with him for short periods on the phone, that came as a sad surprise.  After some initial animation, he tended to sit silently, staring into space. He did respond to questions and even offered some comments without prompting, but with a kind of zombie deadpan-ness. Betty was the exact opposite. If Frank was often silent and seemingly uninterested, she talked on and on, always with some anecdote that featured her as the star.   
I sat with them for about twenty minutes, then excused myself and left for the family room, telling  Carolyn and the others that I wanted to switch to the adult area. They understood and we talked over my siblings' situations, especially Frank's. He still lives alone in his own house and I'm not sure how feasible that is.
At lunchtime, Carolyn took orders for burritos and we all ate. After, she suggested a walk at the shore area, where a street fair was going on. I was dying to get up and walk and enthusiastically agreed to go. So did Francine, the rest declined, and off we went.
This was great fun. We parked and took off at a brisk pace through downtown Santa Barbara. No matter what else it is, SB is a beautiful city. The buildings are wonderfully well-built and well-kept and, it seems to me, are evocative of an earlier, maybe more elegant time. State Street were roped off for blocks and there were lots of activities going on. Virtually all the restaurants and stores were full of people. I love strolling through street fairs--not sure why, maybe because it's a thrill to walk in the street--and went about a mile down to the harbor and the pier. Here, Carolyn took us to an upstairs, outdoor wine place. I've been there before and like it a lot; the views of the harbor and ocean beyond are breathtaking.
Francine bought a bottle of red and we had our wine and talked and talked. I continue to marvel at the intelligence and vigor of these woman; we're quite a family. Stayed about an hour, I guess, then strolled back.
We all mixed and mingled, then it was time for me to get back to town for the Ventura bus. Carolyn took me to the transit center and I boarded, got to Ventura, then took the city bus home. Didn't get in until 8:30, but that was okay.
I had intended to call the Access Van to go to Ellen's this morning, but I was too late when I did, so I'll drive over. That means I won't have anything to drink, but that's okay. 

Saturday, April 20, 2019

T.O.P.S. And Oxnard

Walked Kimball (low clouds). Home, changed, hung around a bit, then left for T.O.P.S.*
I went up just a trifle, from 129.3 to 129.9; being a math moron, I don't know if that's six ounces or what. Anyway, I'm fine with it. The meeting went okay; Sharon read something about vegetables and what they do and we discussed.
Home, breakfast, then I did some food prep. I had a big head of cauliflower and chopped it, combined with oil and Italian seasoning, and put it in the slow cooker. Chopped up a big onion and two sweet peppers for my dinner stir-fry. Drove to Target and WinCo for two more 16-ounce blueberries containers (I eat one each evening), plain yogurt, strawberries, and frozen mango mash and sweet cherries. 
Called Ellen, who said she and Greg had plans for tonight, so we'd go to Carolyn's on Sunday.  Fine, but it occurred to me I could go today, too, in the bus I take to Betty's. No reason why I can't see Frank on both days, so I'll leave shortly. Called Carolyn and she said somebody will pick me up at the courthouse, then take me there again for the 6:55 bus back.
All that taken care of, I decided to take the bus to the Oxnard Transit Center to get a free pass for the Access Van. That's a pleasant enough ride, but it was very windy and anything but warm. Finally got there--it took almost an hour--only to find the free pass thing applies only to the regular bus, not the van. Damn, that web site is misleading, but three bucks for door-to-door is still a bargain.
The stir-fry and cauliflower were delicious and so were my fruit goodies after.  And shortly, I'll be off to Santa Barbara to see my big bro--yay!
*One of the several annoying things about this chapter is that it doesn't start until 9:45. That's practically the middle of the afternoon for me and I don't eat breakfast before I go, so I cool my heels hungry every Friday. Oh, I have a tragic life!**
**So why, pray tell, to I continue there? I could easily attend another chapter at a more convenient time. I just like the people--it's like a sorority house or something, very convivial and much fun a lot of the time.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Humour & Drama Toastmasters

As I mentioned, I purposely didn't set the alarm and didn't walk, Kimball or otherwise. I needed to concentrate on my Toastmasters talk, as I hadn't even started to write it, let alone memorize it.
Stayed in until after lunch and got it done ("What Not To Say When You Don't Know What To Say"), pegging it in the 3-to-5 minute range.
Got two calls from Betty, one from Carolyn, and placed a call to Ellen to firm up plans for the weekend. Frank and company will be there on Saturday, so we can go either day--I'm leaning toward Saturday, but either is okay. Send an email to Jim about the Access Van, which I've discovered is free for those over 75. Wow, that's great news and another tilt in the direction of giving up my car.
I had to finally get out after finishing my talk, so took the bus to town and walked a slightly expanded loop, probably two miles, then stopped back at the library to pick up BTK, Unholy Messenger, about serial killer Dennis Rader, of Wichita. Home, had dinner (a mediocre Lean Cuisine; didn't have time for more), changed, and set off for Toastmasters at The Lexington.
As usual, Humor & Drama was sparsely attended--there are only nine members, according to Fern; seven were there--but it was reasonably entertaining. My talk went over well (it was timed at five minutes, 27 seconds) and was evaluated highly. (Since John C. was the evaluator, that was probably inflated; he tends to "over appreciate," you might say.) The other speaker was Karen R., a guest from Poinsettia Toastmasters whom I've met before. She's an artist and was a United Airlines flight attendant.
A break for refreshments (I had crackers and hummus--very tasty), then it ended at 8:30. I'm not crazy about being out late two nights in a row, but I'm glad that's over with. I walked out with Joy, a new member, who's working on her doctorate and is very anxious to get employment in academia. She knows I was manager of employment at Rider and we talked about her strategy for achieving her aim. It was fun to step back into career counseling and I'll see if I can pull together some effective guidelines.
Am now looking forward to Easter at Carolyn's and seeing brother Frank.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

HH, AD, And Jim

Due to sun, I walked the neighborhood. Went out for produce after breakfast and finally found blueberries at Target, of all places. Stopped into Cricket and was happy to find Amanda; I consulted her charging questions (let it get down to 15 percent).
Betty called to tell me her house has sold--already, though it's been on the market only two weeks--for $375,000, close to the asking price. She has a small mortgage, but will realize a nice piece of change. I congratulated her and texted Carolyn, who promptly called me and we had a long talk. Betty called again to ask if I had picked up her credit cards, but as we spoke, she saw them on the table.
Here's something that worrys me: I had forgotten that I had the widder group dinner on Monday and yesterday, I emailed Nancy, Carolyn, and Diane to see if they could go to Happy Hour earlier because I had the advance directive program at 5:30 and would have to leave early to take the bus. After they agreed to 3:30 instead of 4:00, I found the info I had cut out of the paper: The program was not at the hospital, but the museum, only a short walk away--damn! As it turned out, I was late, as I had gotten a bus which stopped for most of the student body of Ventura, so double damn.
However, we had a great time at Cafe Fiore. I ordered only a beer and nibbled the pretzels set out, as I knew there'd be food at the museum. We talked happily and decided on the Crown Plaza for next week's H.H.
I left about 4:45 and strolled to the museum. Lots of people there and I was pleased to see a catering truck in the parking lot and serving tables in the courtyard.  As I was picking up brochures, I was even more pleased to run into Jim Crowley there.  Poor guy, he always seems so lost--doomed to stand forever to stare hungrily at life's banquet and never partake.   
Anyway, we sat together and, as it turned out, spent the evening together. The talk was excellent and I'm going to fill out the AD form, although I already have the ten-year-old one from Jersey. A lot of that info has changed, so I think it's better to have a newer one.
After, we had some good food in the courtyard and sat chatting for a bit. I had just about decided to skip the the Dudley House potluck, but it then occurred to me to ask Jim if he wanted to go. He did and so we did.
When we walked in, I was surprised that it was sparsely attended; I'm not sure why, as all the others I've attended were much more crowded. Anyway, we were greeted enthusiastically by Shari, her husband, Ken, Jan, Diana, Lynne, and several others, delighted to see us. The food was still out and I had some pasta, plus a nice glass of Chardonnay. Jim, I was pleased to see, filled his plate, then did the same at the dessert table.
The program was nice and short, but rambling--I'm not even sure exactly the topic, but it was done by an aging actor:
What's funny is, I'll bet my fellow docents think Jim and I are an item--ha! I have no idea even if he's gay or straight--he seems simply unsexual to me, although that's unlikely. Anyway, I enjoy being with him and we had a fine time yesterday and I got a ride home to boot. Didn't get in until almost 9:00 and shockingly, didn't set the alarm and slept until 6:30. What's more, I didn't even make an attempt to walk Kimball or anywhere else--so there! 

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Santa Barbara

Walked Kimball under light clouds. After breakfast, I left for Santa Barbara, arriving, as usual  at 11:30. Betty called Carolyn to see if she wanted to join us, but she was busy with work. She invited Ellen, Greg, and me for Easter and I said I'd ask El. I was pleased to hear that brother Frank will come from Alameda (with his daughter, Francine and her three boys), too. I'm looking forward to seeing him.
Betty and I walked down to State Street, then another, say three-quarters or half-mile, looking for a likely restaurant. It certainly wasn't far, but Betty said she was short of breath. We stopped at The Farmer's Boy, a kind of retro-diner and had a good lunch.
Back at Betty's, we actually watched television--Judge Judy, may my eyes fall out--and this was during the day! I couldn't take too much of it, especially when a game show came on, so I said goodbye. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the day--I always do if I don't have to stay too long. I know Betty likes having me, too, and once a week is fine.
Got the 3:37 SB to Ventura, but we ran into a lot of traffic, so it was pretty slow. While riding, I called El, who said she'd like to go to C.'s for Easter, although Greg is working. I suggested she ask Roz, Greg's mother, who lives in Santa Barbara, if she'd like to go, too. (I knew Carolyn wouldn't mind.) El called me back to say Roz wasn't sure if her other son, Frank, might be coming in from Minnesota (he's with the Mayo Clinic), so she'd have to let us know.
My friend, Marie M., got on the Ventura bus home, saw me, and we had a nice chat. She dances, although she's close to my age, specializing in Macedonian (Czech) dances, and was on her way to meet a friend and go to a rehearsal.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Mundane Monday

It wasn't overcast, but downright foggy yesterday morning, when I walked Kimball. Didn't do much of note and it was sort of a pokey day. Stripped the bed, made fresh, and washed the linens. Went here and there for this and that, including the Green Thumb Nursery and Lowe's. I want to plant a quick-growing flowering vine and train it on a trellis, but can't decide which kind.
Betty called and I'll see her today. I called brother Frank and we had a nice--if a little whifty--chat.
At the library book sale, I had bought a large, showy book on "The Best Hotels In the World." Since son Mike and his family stay at some of the best, I thought they'd like to check it out. I wrapped it with another picture-filled book on California, hoping to entice them to come here.
Walked to the post office, but did I send it? Hell, no--I asked to be told the postage first and it added up to sixty-seven bucks and change! Well, they'll have to look at them when I see them, whenever that will be.
Suzanne stopped in when I got home. She's going to a Road Scholar outing in Santa Fe next month and asked if I'd take her to the Sheraton to catch the shuttle, then pick her up there on the way back. Of course, I'll be glad to; it leaves at 6 am, so we should probably get there by 5:30, which is no prob. She gets back in the afternoon, so that's fine, too.
Betty called twice more, first, to tell me her phone had died, but then was fixed.  The next call was to give me the news that her house in Ventnor, which been on the market just a week or so, was shown four times and got an offer of $340,000 (she's asking three-ninety). That seems a good sign.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Various And Sunday*

I never thought I'd be glad the sky was overcast, but I was yesterday; I was able to get to Kimball and walk without risking blindness. An added bonus was that I saw four stately herons--they must have been three feet high--in the grassy middle of the park.
Home, breakfast, then I settled into the Sunday crossword, as usual. After that, I finally got some hanging  done, such as little chores done. I can be a terrible procrastinator and my staging area for what I need to do is, of necessity, the kitchen table. I had so much spread out on it, I hardly had room to eat and I was glad to clean it up.
I got an e-mail from my friend, Aline, in Jersey, with her picture of her niece, Penny, now 16. She was adopted as an infant from China by Aline's brother, who's Jewish and teaches at the New School in NYC, and his ex, Regina, who's Italian. Hey, there's a nice ethnic mix there. In return, I sent Aline a pic of adorable Mr. K., 5, playing the piano at his recital.
Went out for lettuce, cling wrap, and stuff. Had lunch, then called Stella, as I had promised to do. I told her I'd be at the Crown Plaza on The Promenade at 3:00 and she said she might meet me there. As it turned out, she didn't; called to say she had to "read something." That was fine by me, as it was downright chilly next to the ocean and I didn't want to linger.
Hopped the bus home, stopped at Von's for several items, and was in for the night.
*I thought of that pun the other day and couldn't wait to use it!

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Big Sun And Books

Big hot sun again, so I walked the long block. After breakfast, I walked to the post office, and that totalled more than around Kimball. On the way home, I noticed that Friends of the Library was having its semi-annual used book sale at Von's. Went over and saw Carole. Chatted with her and was sorry to hear that her eyes (I can't quite remember what the problem is) have worsened and that Vane's dog died. We chatted a bit and I bought "a bag of books" for three bucks. Good grief, I have a bookcase full I haven't read yet, plus I'm constantly at the library. I did subtract some of the ones I already had and will donate them to the library.
Put in a load of wash and occupied myself with that in the morning. I finally logged back into the idiotic "ORIGINAL $5.00 TRAFFIC SCHOOL!" site, which is simply a scam that gets the county money. Now I'll have to actually start studying the crapola ("Why are there traffic laws?"--AAGH!) because I have to complete it before May 8.
After lunch, I took off for town. Walked from Main to The Promenade, then did what I call "the large loop," meaning walked from the Crown Plaza to Surfers' Point, then followed the bike path back up to Main and the library. I calculate that's four miles, so combined with the morning trek, I'm in good shape. Stopped into the library and picked up a small book by Stephen King. (Yes, that's all I need--another book, after buying--!)
On the bus home, I got a call from Stella--this was after five o'clock, for Pete's sake. She had gone to mass at the Mission (which I had passed less than an hour before), so we missed each other again. I said I'd call her today and maybe we'd meet if Ellen didn't have anything in mind.
Home and I cut up Brussels sprouts and mushrooms to get them ready for dinner. I had a nice piece of fresh salmon, too, and all together, it was a good dinner.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

A Blazing Ball And Blueberries

Again, the sun was like a blazing ball of--well, a blazing ball, and I didn't want to chance driving to Kimball. I simply walked around the rather long block and let it go at that. I needed time to finish up  my little "Dolly Dimple" skit, anyway.
At T.O.P.S., I was surprised and pleased to see I had lost two pounds--am now at 129.3--so I was the biggest loser. That meant I won the biggest loser jackpot, quarters which everyone contributes to and which I think is the stupidest idiocy ever. The skit went over very big. I was surprised that our leader, Lennie (the retired minister's wife) actually exhibited a spark when she read her lines. Anyway, they loved it and, because it took only a short time, I instituted a discussion after on the various points in the skit.
Finally got breakfast at 10:30. I then went on a grocery run to four different stores and got everything I needed and wanted, including--yay!--blueberries. That took almost until lunchtime, but before then, I cut up tomatoes and onions, oiled and seasoned them, and popped them in the oven. After lunch, I rode the bus to town, during which I got a call from a loved one and had an enjoyable talk.
Dropped the CD (on JFK's sister, Kathleen) off at the library, walked to The Promenade, did the loop to Main, rode home, and stopped at Vons's to get rotisserie chicken, eggs, and salmon.
What I must do now is concentrate on that damned Traffic School thing.

Friday, April 12, 2019

An Argument And Oxnard

Walked Kimball. Went to Rob's Remedies after breakfast. Rob drove me home, then drove my car back. I had told him I didn't have anything pressing yesterday, so I didn't need it quickly. Actually, I wanted to sit down and compose my little "Dolly  Dimple" playlet for T.O.P.S. this morning, so it was just as well. I got D.D. done and I think it's pretty cute. I wrote it in verse and will have each member say a stanza. I also had time to prep--slice and season--some nice yellow squash and onions and put them in the slow cooker.
Rob called at noon to say the car was done. He drove it back and presented me with the bill. WHAT?! $67.43 for an oil change? I couldn't believe it and I was very vocal in telling Rob that. He pointed out he had done other things (I hadn't asked for them) and that he uses special oil. That oil alone came to thirty bucks! He finally said to give him fifty. I said, "Fifty? Why should I give you fifty? I complained to Pep Boys about $39.95!" We settled on forty and I wrote him a check.
I guess it was partly my fault for not asking how much it would  be in the first place, but it was his for not volunteering the information. He told me he was actually a repair shop, he doesn't usually just do oil changes. Really? Then why did he give me an appointment in the first place? Anyway, I drove him back and by the time we got to his place, we were more or less okay and on a friendly footing.
After that, I needed peace and quiet, as well as lunch. Ate, then set off for the bus to town, but instead, I impulsively got on the one to Oxnard. Did the trek to The Collection to see Greg at Whole Foods, darn, he was off again.  Waiting for yet another bus to take me to the bus to get back to Ventura, I called El to tell her. One of these days, I'll find out ahead of time when he's working. I didn't really mind, though--my whole reason for taking busses, whether to town or Oxnard, is to get my necessary walking in, which I did.
By the time I got home at 5:00, it had gotten very warm and I changed into shorts and a tee shirt. I'd never wear that getup outside, but I was comfortably cool.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Bargains And The Victorian Pub

Walked Kimball, had breakfast, then drove to town at 9:00 to take advantage at the 50 % off sale at Goodwill.
HA! I can hardly believe I do this. I'm far from destitute and I could easily shell out $4.99 for a blouse, instead of waiting to get it for two fifty, but there's something in me that won't permit that. It's the thrill of the hunt or something and I enjoy it, so shoot me. I picked up a purse and an attractive wooden wall hanging for a total of two bucks. Later, in another store, I bought a blouse, a basket, and three small containers, which, incredibly, cost me all together $3.50.
I had an 11:00 appointment at Pep Boys to get my oil changed. Got there a few minutes early and asked how long it would take. An hour and a half--why so long? Well, they rotate the tires, too, and blah, blah, blah. I grumpily left the keys, shopped around the neighborhood and came back at precisely 11; 50---to find my car sitting in the spot where I had left it. Damn, I was mad--if they didn't get to it until noon, did that mean it wouldn't be finished for another hour and a half? I demanded my keys back and drove off after voicing my annoyance. When I got home, I made an appointment for the oil change this morning at 9:00 with Rob, of Rob's Remedies. He's kind of a character, a very fundamentalist Christian who wants to convert me, but not a bad guy.
Changed and set off for the Victorian Pub at 2:30--early, but I decided to walk. It's close to two miles and I was glad to do it; got there early, of course. Shortly, Diane came, then Nancy and Carolyn. We had a good Happy Hour and far-reaching discussions, political and otherwise.
Diane and Nancy both like to call themselves "progressives,"  which they think is progressive, but isn't. Diane favors Sanders and Warren--oh, preserve me--Nancy was cagey about it, and Carolyn said nothing, as usual. Diane then went into her supernatural stuff, which just drives me nuts; this time, it was the remarkable predictive powers of tarot cards.  I was able to keep my mouth shut, but barely.
Anyway, we were there almost two hours. I walked Diane to the bus, then walked home, pleased to put a total of about six miles on the day's total.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Santa Barbara And Betty

(Darn, I experienced one of my infrequent restless nights. Tossed and turned and slept only fitfully. I'll try to nap this afternoon.)
Walked Kimball, had breakfast, then did the three-bus routine: Ventura city bus at 9:10; Santa Barbara bus at 9:45; SB city bus at whenever, which arrives at Betty's place at 11:30. Usually. But Hitchcock Road was being torn up for repairs, so was closed to traffic. I alit a block and a bit away and walked there, to find Betty waiting outside.
We didn't want to walk up the messy, dusty road, so just went, as we often do, to the Natural Cafe a short distance away. After, we went back to Betty's to play gin rummy.  Betty wanted me to stay for the monthly "birthday party" at the rec room, but I just didn't want to.  It's a long enough day as it is and, frankly, I'm not crazy about the people there. Oh, I know if I tried to get to know them, I might change my mind, but they seem like upper-middle-class bores to me and I don't want to make the effort.
After our card game, I told Betty I had to go to catch the 2.20 bus back to Ventura. She walked me part of the way and I did the reverse of the three-bus routine, arriving back in Ventura about 4:00. While I was riding, I noticed a text message from my tenant back in Jersey, Eileen. I was so sorry to be told that my Sweetwater Drive neighbor, Judy K., has died. I knew she had a very aggressive cancer, but wasn't aware she was so close to death. Called neighbor, Susan, who said she was about to let me know and we talked for some time. Darn, I wish I had had time to see Judy and Roman when I was visiting in November. I'll send Roman a note.
I got off at one end of Main and walked to the library, then hopped on yet another bus and got home about 5:00.  Niece Carolyn called me and we had a long, long talk, about her mother and my sister. Carolyn is an incredibly warm and loving daughter and does so much. I'm afraid that's always the way: the daughters are the major--sometimes the exclusive--caregivers and the sons--? That varies, but usually not by much.
I told Carolyn I think the most profound--and heart-breaking--thing is a kind of fundamental change in Betty's emotional state. It's very hard to define, but she seems to have grown a kind of ice shield around them; she still gets annoyed, but it passes quickly (she used to be able to hold a grudge for years) and still can be pleased, but only mildly. All the essential her just seems to be dwindling into something vague and less tangible. She's fading away, but to where? 

Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Here And There And Variegated Plants

Walked Kimball in surprisingly mild weather. After breakfast, I went to Wal-Mart, thinking I might exchange one of the jeans I had bought for the next larger size. I had gotten an 13 which, as always happens with me, fit perfectly in the  legs and were just a little snug at the waist. However, they didn't have a 15, so I decided to keep the other.
Got a call from Jordana, who had conducted the Alzheimer's program at the hospital. She had responded to the questionnaire I filled out and we had a good talk. I asked where I could volunteer for a research study; she told me Dr. Sutton, of Oxnard, and gave me his number. However, when I talked to one of the research staff, she said it was restricted to those 65 to 75. Well, screw them.
Went for blueberries, got them,  and saw some darling little plants. I don't remember what they're called, but they're pink, variegated with black markings.  I've always liked them and bought six for the patio. Planted them after lunch and they look so pretty.
Since I'm going to an advance directive workshop soon, I dug out my already-done one which I did when Pat was ill. I'll take it with me and ask if it's valid in California, too.
Hopped the bus, stopped at the library, then walked to The Promenade. This time, instead of the shorter loop, I did the longer one, which meant my walk totaled about four miles. I was pleased about that.
Leaving for Santa Barbara shortly for lunch with Betty.

Monday, April 08, 2019

Phone And Dudley

Well, I didn't get any walking in yesterday, but if stress counts for anything, I probably burned a thousand calories. I got up at my usual, 5:30, and did my thing. I remembered that the park gates aren't open until 7:00 on Sundays, so waited while computing. When I realized what time it was, it was almost 8:00 and I thought the hell with it, I'll skip it.
Picked up my phone and saw it wasn't turning on. A message came up to the effect that the battery was too low to turn it on. What? I had been charging it overnight, as usual. After my customary wailing and gnashing of teeth, I went to Cricket when it opened at 10 to buy a new battery.
Amanda, who has helped in the past, wasn't there; instead there was another young woman. She said they don't sell batteries. Then where can I buy one? She didn't know, but said I must have overcharged it. (It's always my fault, you see, no matter what goes wrong with a product.) She said I'd probably have to upgrade. Initial cost? A hundred smackers, plus, I'd be willing to bet, a much higher monthly charge. I left and went to Wal-mart to buy a battery. They didn't  have one. The guy there suggested I got to a battery shop nearby. I did. The young man there, very courteous, took the phone apart (you can't tell what battery it has unless you do), looked at his stock and said they didn't cell that kind--maybe I could get one on-line. I rushed out and home, now having to have lunch, then get ready for my docent stint at Dudley House. Before that, I sent Ellen a PM via Facebook to tell her about the phone. She suggested I get a tracfone in the interim.
Laboriously put on my Victorian outfit (long-sleeved blouse with hard to close little tiny buttons; heavy black underskirt; even heavier black overskirt; black lacy shawl-type thing; cameo pin and docent pin; and velvet buttoned belt. Most problematic was my wig, with hair holder thing under. Boy, is that tight and uncomfortable. Of course, so is the wig.
Got to Dudley House before 1:00 and conducted several tours. I hadn't really boned up enough on my presentation, but it came back pretty easily. Lynne and Darlene were there, as were Richard and Shari; Jan stopped in, also.
The day went well and I left at the end at 4:00.  I had planned to go home, change (I was roasting in the Victorian outfit), then go get a tracfone. However, I remembered a place call Ubreakifix was in the Von's shopping center; not expecting much, I stopped there. The young man there asked several questions, including--this is key--"did you use the (charging) wire that came with the phone?" Actually, I hadn't; I had had another one plugged in next to the bed, and used that. He advised me to use the one that came with the phone.* I went home, go that one, plugged it in, and within a few hours, my phone was fully charged and usable. Now, why couldn't the person at Cricket have done that? Something tells me she works on commission.
However, all is well now--until my next crisis. 

Sunday, April 07, 2019

WinCo And Wine

The sun was blazing away again, so I drove in the opposite direction and went to WinDo (they're open 24 hours) to get spinach, fajitas, cauliflower, and cocktail sauce. By the time I got out, it was close to 8:00, but I drove back to Kimball and did the circuit.
Breakfast was a little late, but that was okay. After, I prepped the cauliflower by chopping it and using the mandolin to thinly slice some onions. I combined them with seasonings, a little oil, and the "juice" I had saved from the asparagus the night before, then put it in the slow cooker.
Betty called to ask when I was coming to Santa Barbara. As we had discussed two days ago and what is my regular day to visit her, it's Tuesday. Planted my three new miniature rose bushes; I fervently hope they grow and prosper.
After lunch, I caught the bus for town, forgetting it was a festival day. That meant the bus didn't continue down Main, but turned onto Thompson. That was fine by me; I just walked to Main from there.
The place was buzzing--Main Street was closed to traffic in favor of vendors, kiddie rides, and so on. It was a perfect day: sunny, but not too warm, and there were lots and lots of people there, which was so festive. There had their usual "wine walk." This is a fenced off area of a small park. The idea is to buy a ticket (I'm not sure what they cost), then sample all kinds of wines from booths set up. I've never done this because I've always been alone when I've been at this festival and it would be no fun by myself. Stopped in The Coalition thrift store and bought an artificial mum in a vase that looks very real. It was a whopping 90 cents, so could I leave it on the shelf?
I meandered down to The Promenade, walked to the Crown Plaza, and got the bus on Thompson. Home about 5:15 to find my cauliflower done to perfection. I'm afraid the smell from it is probably permeating the apartment complex, but hey, it's good stuff and I can't help it.

Saturday, April 06, 2019

T.O.P.S. And My Toes

Again, the sun was too bright to allow me to drive to Kimball, but I wasn't about to give myself another pass. I drove to town to the museum and walked from there the library, the same distance (a mile and a half) as around the park.
Home, changed, and went to T.O.P.S. I was chagrined to have gained 1.8 pounds, so am at 131.3. Now, probably nobody would notice this (except me), but I want to stay between 125 and 130. I think the fact that I've had to curtail some--not all--of my walking contributed. My foot really hurt at times and I had to stay off it. Anyway, the meeting meandered, as usual. Next week, I do the program and I'm thinking of some possible topics--all having to do with weight loss, isn't that odd for a weight loss group?
I didn't get breakfast until 10;30 and boy, that makes me grouchy. Luckily for the rest of the world, I didn't have anybody to be grouchy to. Ate and did a few chores, computer and otherwise. Betty called and we made a date for me to go to SB on Tuesday.  Showered and got ready for the podiatrist appointment at 2:00.
That proved to be pretty good. Not only did Dr. R. NOT suggest surgery (AAGH!), but he identified the strange "growths" between my first two toes as calluses (who knew?) and he proceeded to take a scalpel and scrape them off.  Sounds painful, but it wasn't. He said I should make another appointment for 10 weeks from now, because most likely, they'd come back. He also said insurance won't cover subsequent scrapings, and the charge was fifty dollars. However, he said, the ten dollar co-pay wouldn't be charged at that time.  Further, he told me it was possible they wouldn't bother me in ten weeks; if that was the case, I could simply call and make a later appointment and so on. (I'm recording this here only because I use this blog as a handy reference.)
I liked the guy. For openers, he's damned good-looking; maybe late fifties, tall and well-built, with thick white hair. He has a warm, friendly manner, plus a real sense of humor, which is often missing in doctors, it seems to me. And now, Allah be praised, my foot is no longer bothering me, at least for now.
As I was leaving the office, my niece, Joan, called from Manhattan. She wanted to call me on Facetime, but I think my phone, an android, isn't able to do it. We talked for fifteen minutes or so, though. She was baby-sitting for her only grandchild, two-year-old Cora and I was stunned to learn she's 67--I never dreamed she was that old. It occurred to me that her two older brothers--sadly, both died in accidents years ago--would have been over 70 now.
I went from there on another blueberry quest. Visited five stores and either they didn't have any or they were charging a huge sum for six ounces, which I wasn't about to pay.  I did get some wonderful fresh asparagus--two pounds, in fact, which I cooked for dinner. I actually ate a whole pound of it  (after all, you have to cut off the tough ends) and, with fresh swordfish and the carrots I made the other day, dinner was heavenly.

Friday, April 05, 2019

Over In Oxnard

Walked Kimball and was about to make breakfast when Nancy called. She's very much concerned about a mutual friend of ours (as am I), and told me about the latest alarm. The friend has driven certain places in Ventura many times in the last year or so, but still doesn't remember turns and so on. Her comments are invariably negative and she seems to have a kind of paranoia, very much like people I know with beginning dementia. That would be lamentable enough at Nancy's and my ages, but this person is in her fifties. We're very concerned and discussed how we might be able to help. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, that is going to be very difficult.
After breakfast, I scrubbed and cut up two pounds of carrots, added some tangerines, and installed them in the slow cooker. Finally looked into "Traffic School" and signed up for an on-line course. This is a scam, pure and simple, designed to put more money into the county coffers.
I was pleased to get an e-mail from Jim C., associate provost at Rider, whom I saw when I was in Jersey in November. He will retire in June and he and his wife will eventually move to California; I'm not sure where. Anyway, he wrote to see if we could get together in July. I immediately wrote back and suggested we meet in L.A. for lunch, as I do with Susan. Yes, indeed, he responded, so we'll do that. Jim is a lawyer and also has a doctorate. His daughter is a poet and I'll send for her book I'm Not Your Final Girl.  Stopped at Barnes & Noble to see if they had it, but it's self-published, so no. I was able to see her first poem called, believe it or not, "Rosemary" on Amazon. Went from B & N to Sprouts and got fresh swordfish and salmon, plus grapes.
It was overcast and chilly all day, with a little rain here and there; that alone is enough to make me unhappy.  At loose ends,  I decided to skip going in to town in favor taking the three buses to Oxnard. Went to The Collection, to see Ellen's fiancee, Greg, but wouldn't you know? He was off yesterday. However, I strolled around and stopped in Target for kitchen sponges, then sat at the bus stop for a good 45 minutes. Called Ellen and we had a nice chat.
I had considered finally going to the Open Mic Poetry Group last night, but decided to wait until the weather warms up. Got home about 5:30 and had the salmon for din-din.

Thursday, April 04, 2019

Happy Hour At Aloha

Walked Kimball, as luckily, there was a light cloud cover.  Stripped the bed, re-made, and took the linens and other wash to the place and did my thing with it.
Drove out to get lettuce and Stella called while I was there. She wanted to know if I was in town, I wasn't and wouldn't be until I met my pals for Happy Hour, so once again, we didn't get together.  I asked if she might be free for lunch on Monday, but she's going to some class that shows you how to use the energy of everybody else in the world.
Showered, washed my hair, and dressed. Got to town and the library about 3:00; took a book back and looked at a new bio of Rock Hudson. Left it for later.
Walked down to The Promenade and I was a bit early, so sat in the sun for awhile and took a few pictures.  Went over to the Aloha* at 4:00 to find Carolyn and Nancy there. The three of us sat and chatted, waiting to order until Diane arrived. She was late; I called her and was told she had texted me (I hadn't looked) to tell us the Access van had picked her up late. She finally arrived about 4:20 and we settled into a pleasant Happy Hour. Diane had her usual, Chardonnay, and I mine, craft beer (in this case, a Stella Artois). Nancy had a Bloody Mary, Carolyn a Virgin one; here, they're loaded with spikes sticking out holding bacon strips, chicken satay, shrimp, and even a small hamburger. This goes for sixteen smackers and personally, I'd sooner have an appetizer. I had veggie wraps and they were very good.
C. and N. left about 5:30 and I stayed with Diane until the van came, a few minutes after 6:00. I walked back to the library, got the Rock Hudson book, and took the bus home after an enjoyable day.
*Ventura shore opposite the Aloha Restaurant yesterday:

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Hard Floors And Blueberries

Set out for Kimball, but again the sun was so blinding, I turned back. To compensate, I joined Diane for exercise at Silvercrest--that's a good workout.  However, since Kimball is on my way home, I walked it then anyway, after exercise.  Stopped at Grocery Outlet, but they didn't have any fresh blueberries, either. I did buy three pounds of frozen there (but see later).
I had been meaning to do the hard floors and area rugs and finally got around to it. It really doesn't take that long and isn't terribly difficult, but I'm such a slug, I always have to talk myself into it. It entails first going over the floors with the dusting/sweeping cloth which velcrosed onto the mop head, then spraying with the Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner and, with the scrubbing pad, also velcroed on, going over it again. I then put the pads (specially made for this) with all the bath and kitchen area rugs and haul them to the laundry place to wash.  I don't put any of that in the dryer, but spread them out on the patio in the sun to dry them. I leave them overnight so they're thoroughly dry.
After lunch, I went to the podiatrist's office (my appointment's on Friday) to leave off my paperwork. After, I had the car washed at Five Points. Stopped at a store to look for blueberries and happy day, they had them, so I bought four containers. Also picked up mango slush and some small yogurts. Thought I'd vary my usual formula and have frozen fruit and yogurt last night. I did and it was delish.

Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Widder Lunch

Walked Kimball. Back at my complex, I passed the recycle place and was pleased to notice that most of the flower pots and other things were gone. After breakfast, I busied myself with various, including putting some of my pendents on new chains.  Also rearranged, re-packaged, and cleared out the stuff on the shelf in the--well, I guess it's supposed to be a coat closet, as it;s in the hall, but I have my full-sized filing cabinet in it, instead. Left for the Stone Fire Grille and the widder lunch at 11:00, getting the bus down Victoria to Telephone, but walked from there, a bit more than a mile.
There were only nine of us yesterday; leader Vera is in the Dominican Republic with her church missionary group and others were working. I was surprised not to see Nancy.  Carolyn said she had called to say she wasn't going, but Carolyn didn't ask why. I sat at the end with her, Anne, Gayle, and Pam, all favorites of mine and, interestingly, all about the same age--upper fifties.  I often forget how old I actually am, especially with these gals.
Had a Cobb salary and my usual Chief Peak IPA and lots of laughs. Left about 1:45 and got a bus to the mall and Target. Looked for jeans, but didn't see any I liked or that I thought would fit properly. I did buy gardening gloves and a cute little stone with "tomatoes" painted on it.
Home and put shorts on, as it was very warm. I toyed with the idea of going to the pool, but it was comfortable in the apartment and I didn't feel like putting on my suit.
After dinner, I drove out to get blueberries. Went to two stores, my usuals, and neither had blueberries! This was a disaster, as I have to have at least 12 (but preferably 18) ounces of blueberries while I watch Frazier. Luckily, I had some in the freezer (as well as cherries). I also had grapes and  baked apples, so made do with those.

Monday, April 01, 2019


I set out to walk Kimball at my usual 7am. Unfortunately, the sun was so strong in going east, as I have to in order to get to the park, I was afraid to continue. I turned back, figuring I'd go later, but I  didn't get there until 4:00.
After breakfast, I sliced up tomatoes and added onions, plus the leftover onion marinade and Italian spice. Cored and otherwise prepared five apples and put both batches in the oven. Boy, did they turn out great; I think the roasted tomatoes were about the best I've made.
I then did what I've been meaning to for a few months: get the garden in shape. (Okay, it's actually a patio, but plenty big enough for me.) I took all the pots and other containers off the shelving thing and out of the large containers I had and separated out which I wanted to take. I washed the shelving and the other things I'll keep, and put all the "to go" items in my smaller cart. Along with a large picnic basket I had used as a container and the big square basket my ficus had come in, plus other items, I trundled them all down to the trash/recycle area. Threw some away and lined the others up on the ledge. Residents use this as a place to put usable items, in case others might want them, a very sensible system.
Had lunch, then drove to town. I was feeling a little low and at loose ends, although it was a lovely sunny day in the upper seventies. Sundays seem to effect me that way, I don't know why.  I meant to park at the museum and walk, but just drove around a bit, then went to Wal-Mart, and picked up some trifling items. Took my BP there and it was 103/65 with a pulse rate (?) of 74, which I'm pretty sure is okay.
I had had a problem with the television before I went to bed on Saturday night, so rang Suzanne's bell when I got home from the park. She came over, tried to fix it, couldn't, and I called Yandoo, the service we have. I was on the phone for almost an hour, trying this and that the guy suggested. It turned out that Suzanne had exactly the same problem. After this, that, and the other crapola, the guy said to unplug, then re-plug; we each did, and that did the trick.
Had some good salmon for dinner, along with several vegetables. Betty called and we had a chat. She gets her new glasses today.


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...