Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Spring and Getting Things Done

"Spring is here/The grass is riz/I wonder where/The flowers is."  My husband got a kick out of that goofy verse and would invariably recite it when the weather warmed.  I guess he can be forgiven for that--barely.
Yesterday really was heavenly, probably 70 and brilliantly sunny. Nevertheless, I kept my focus and continued my lifetime task.  To free up space in the garage, I loaded up the car with thrift store donations and dropped them at Lighthouse Alliance. That allowed me to get two big boxes out of the dining room.
I was hoping that Jim, at Unshredded Nostalgia in Barnagat, would buy some of my antique paper stuff, but it wasn't to be.  Put what I had in mind in the car, including newspapers and magazines reporting major twentieth century events, a stock certificate from 1911, a number of 78 record albums (Jim said nobody's buying those), and a bunch of other memorabilia.  He rejected all, but regretfully, and I'll reserve them  for the May 30th flea market and forge ahead.
On the way to Jim's, I stopped at Sea Cure Moving Co. (agent for Bekins Van Lines) and got an estimate for moving my things to the left coast.  I was pleasantly surprised that it was less than half of what I expected.
The guy who owns Sea Cure is the father of Tara C., who's been active in the theatre company for years.  She directed me in my debut in Steel Magnolias five years ago, and is often involved otherwise in LETCO and has a masters degree in theater arts.
Ellen Skyped me in the evening and we had a great talk, much of which centered on my move.  At Apartments.com, I had been confining myself to a certain level of rent and she reminded me that--assuming I get the house rented--I can afford to go higher. True, and that gave me a lift.  
Hey, Mimi, now we're cookin'!  

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