Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Four more days to showtime, counting today. On Sunday I was a bit perturbed when Tara announced that yesterday was an off day, but now I think it was a good thing. I was able to get some chores and errands done and move a step away from the all-consuming show--I feel refreshed.
Went to Manahawkin in the morning and bought a small flashlight for backstage, plus a recorder. I had heard somebody recommend this, as you can record yourself acting, then play it back--helps with memory and concentration. I should be embarrassed--but I'm not--that I gave it to Frank before I even opened it and asked him to put together. I'm just so inept with that kind of thing, I didn't even want to try. Stopped at two thrift shops to possibly pick up something more appropriate to wear than what I have, but both were closed--not sure why.
After lunch, I went to the cemetery to water and dead-head the pansies. Also stopped at Jay's grave and planted some of the small white plants I had gotten at Bob's. I hope they grow. Went to Macy's and Penney's and tried on sixteen thousand blouses, to try to get the right one for the opening scene, but no luck.
Frank gave me back the recorder, carefully instructing me on its use. Recorded some of my problem lines--the ones I have a tendency to forget--and listened back to them.
We can't get in the Community Center tonight, as voting is going on there today, so will just read lines at Barbara's. That means we have only one more rehearsal before dress rehearsal on Thursday--yoicks! It also means that, even counting dress rehearsal (and we're going to have a fair number of people there, mostly LETCO members), we will have staged the full run only four times.
Okay, we can do it.

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 Nothing much going on in the morning. Later, I walked to the P.O. to send some of the overseas Thanksgiving cards and check the weight of a...