Sunday, December 16, 2007

Triumphantly, I got several more boxes of discarded Christmas items dropped off at the SOCH thrift store. Of course, I still have much too much left, but at least I pared it down some more. Now I even have a dream on a par with Martin Luther King's: To get both cars in the garage at once! I know that's audacious, but I'm thinking if I give Alison the empty containers and shift some stuff at the back wall to where the Xmas things were... Yes, I have a dream...
How dare I--even in fun--compare MLK's dream to mine of getting the garage cleared out? My eyes always fill with tears when I hear that speech. Sometimes I'm too flip for my own good. (Well, Rosemary, you can always delete; but I'll let it stand.)
Got about half the Christmas cards written, stamped, and sent. In my box of seasonal stickers I keep from year to year, I was charmed to find decorative stamps from the American Lung Association celebrating 80 years of its existence--in 1987! I stuck them on the back of my cards, hoping recipients will notice the 20-year-old commemoration.
Impulsively called Muckie and we had a good long chat. She's going to son, Matt's, in Virginia, in a few days and will enjoy Christmas with her two little grandsons.
Made Pat an unusually elaborate dinner of pork roast, baked apples, and scalloped potatoes and even had a tiny portion myself. It was delicious, as I was pleased to hear him remark. I sliced down the rest of the small roast and will give him hot pork sandwiches tonight.


Dee's Blog said...

Isn't it a good feeling to get rid of things you no longer have use for.
Roast Pork is one of my favorite dinners with mashed potatoes and baby peas. Is Pat a fussy eater? Bob rarely tells me that his dinner is good but when he empties his plate I know he liked it. Come to think of it Bob has never left anything on his plate that I can remember.
Bob has always commented on people who have garages but keep their cars in the driveway. I remind him that everyone does not have a cellar. If I ever attempt to clean out our cellar it will take me weeks. Everything I don't use goes down there. I'd do it tomorrow but I'd get a sermon from Bob that we may need the stuff someday. Like Heloise use to say "if you haven't used it in the past two year then you don't need it. Amen to that!!!!

Mimi said...

Is Pat fussy? Ha, you don't know what fussy is. Pat just has a few things he'll eat--almost exclusively what his mother used to make in 1942--and won't try anything new. He's the exact opposite of a gourmand. Most nights, I make him something and have my WW meal. He does compliment me if if something's particularly good.
In our other house, we had a full basement and I also had it practically full. Later, Pat made a work-out room when he was exercising for his lung volume reduction surgery. However, we had no garage; now we have a garage, but no basement. Just as well, I guess.


 Did a color wash when I got up, had breakfast, then dressed and waited outside for the Lyft to take  me to the dentist. Annoyingly, when I ...