Monday, April 01, 2024


Didn't get to bed until after 10:00 yesterday; got up just now at 6:00.  I had a wonderful time at Ellen's yesterday, but I'll make this just a quick once-over because I have a lot of business-type things to do and it's already almost 10:00 on the left coast. 

Walked into El's and was greeted with a lovely bouquet of flowers, but I'm having a problem with my phone, so can't seem to bring up the picture. However, here is the basket from the Easter bunny, who dyed them and left messages on them:

(Ignore the one at the top that says, "Rotten egg/do not eat"!)
Here's one to me from my grand-kitties:
Later, here I am finishing off lunch with an Easter brew:
Since it rained off and on all day, we didn't go out, but instead, spent the afternoon playing Bonkers (I lost miserably, but only because the other two cheated) and gin rummy (was ahead at the beginning, but lost only because Ellen doctored the cards). I haven't laughed so hard in years. 

Later, El and I enjoyed, respectively, a Margarita and a daquiri, from the frozen cocktails I had bought at Von's months ago. They were okay, but pretty tame. After that, Easter dinner was served: a luscious ham; broccoli and cauliflower; wonderful scalloped potatoes, which I haven't had for years;  and probably the best Irish soda bread I've ever eaten. 

I didn't leave until after close to eight and didn't get home until almost nine, as there was an accident on Route 33 and we had to detour. Watched TV for a bit, then just fell into bed and slept soundly.

All this is just the bare bones of the wonderful, fun-filled Easter we had and one that I'll cherish, as I do all the days I spend with my family.    

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...