Friday, April 26, 2024


Left for the mall and Target a bit after 10:00. Returned the two large towels, picked up two packages of blueberries, then walked to The Market. Unfortunately, they're going out of business, as is the other store on Victoria where I go often. However, the store was poorly stocked and there were no read bargains. The only thing I bought was kabocha squash--two of them. I've always liked that variety and you don't find them in regular supermarkets. 

Diane, who had had a dentist appointment nearby, was next door on the patio of a small restaurant and we had lunch. Our usual far-ranging talk was enjoyable and we stayed for more than two hours. She and I then walked back to the transit center and, on the way, who did we run into but Jim. Stopped to chat with him--he has met Diane before--then continued on. She took the 11 and I the 21 bus home.

I spent an hour or so figuring what in the world I was going to do for the T.O.P.S. program I had promised to run today at the meeting. I should have prepared long before this, but what with my Verizon programs and house-rental obligations, I just didn't have time. My printer was acting up, too, but I pulled together a program.

When I finished, I made a turkey stir-fry for dinner. To the ground turkey, I added julianned onions, slivered orange and yellow sweet peppers, and roasted tomatoes. I had enough for two dinners, so ate one and stowed the other in the freezer for later.   

Later, Susan texted me to ask I was available to meet for lunch today, so we'll got to the Thai restaurent across at the shopping center. She goes back to New York tomorrow. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...