Saturday, April 13, 2024

Friday A Picture From The Past

Miniscule gain at home (up .04 to 125.4) and miniscule loss at T.O.P.S. (down .02 to 125.9), no prob. Neither Lora nor Sharon were there, so there were only five of up, including the new member, Mary Ann. When we were almost finished the meeting, a woman named Maria came in, who wants to join our group. We talked with her a bit and I gave her my card; if she wants more info, she can call me.

Home, late breakfast, then I walked the mile and half to Ralph's. I was happy to find "roasting vegetables," all prepared, as I had some "beef roast au jus and savory sauce" in the freezer. I decided to serve that for Jim's lunch today, but didn't feel like doing a stir fry. This should be pretty good. For dessert, I'll just give each of us a baked apple, which I make often. Also got jumbo blueberries, my current snack craze.

Bused home and didn't have lunch until almost 3:00. I then--I should be ashamed to admit it!--sank further into the pit of decadence and watched Prime Video while I ate. I saw a documentary on murder and royal families, and I enjoyed it. The first episode was on the Romanovs, a topic about which I know a fair amount. It laid out their murder by the Bolsheviks, plus the Anna Anderson hoax; very absorbing. Next is on Jack the Ripper. After, I took an hour nap and felt refreshed when I got up.

Julie, back from South America, called me and we had a nice chat. She mentioned that Lora is running a tour to Portugal in June and I'll alert Diane to that as she had expressed an interest.   

Called Noreen and we made date for lunch tomorrow at Immigrant Son. However, shortly thereafter, my out-of-town friend, Susan R., texted me to say her daughter and SIL are going to a Dodgers game tomorrow and could we meet for dinner? I was sure Noreen wouldn't mind, so I called her back and we switched to Wednesday.   

Keith Williams, a guy I "met" on Facebook* colorizers old photos and he posted this yesterday: I find it strangely fascinating and shared it. Imagine a world like this:

But look more closely: Is the child on the path contemplating the future? Are any on the stairs destined to die young? What about the two Black boys who just happened to be walking by on the promenade in the background? Would they ever be asked to join the privileged? 

*It drives me crazy that "Facebook" is always abbreviated as "FB." It's one word, damnit, so what's with that? (The old English major dies hard.) 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...