Thursday, April 25, 2024


Busy, but not in a good way. I'm sure nobody else would want to read it, but I've elaborated on my entry a few spots down entitled "The Nightmare Named Verizon." I consider I wasted four hours of my life on it yesterday and I want to keep a chronicle of my problems with them--another company right from hell along with BOA.

Other than that horror story, once I got home, I ate my lunch with O.J., then took a nap. I had Messaged my nephew, David, suggesting he consider presenting about his book at senior-living facilities. Many people of older ages lived through WWII and remember much of the information. As I suspected he had, he already has a list of facilities in New England (he lives in New Hampshire) and will be speaking at some of them.

After my nap--I wasn't tired, just bored to death--I went over to Von's for IPA, tomatoes, and so on.  I'm meeting Diane today for lunch after her dentist appointment, so at least,, that's something to look forward to. Darn, I wish I hadn't told Lennie I'd do the T.O.P.S. program tomorrow; I'll have to come up with something today.

I texted Greg to ask how he was adjusting to his new digs. He wrote back it "was and is a big adjustment," which doesn't seem too promising. Told him that one of these days, I'd pop into The Rainbow Bridge where he works. 

AAGH! I got a message that this machine  "unresponsive" because the battery is very low. Maybe I'll have to take it over to Office Max for first aid. Everything seems to happen at once! 

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