Thursday, April 04, 2024


A trying day in the morning, but better later. For openers, I received an email from the zoning office of Little Egg Harbor Township telling me that my application for a mercantile license (required when you have a house to rent) was denied. Why? Because I failed to submit 1. proof of $500,000 homeowners insurance; 2.) a trust documentation and 3.) the $50 application fee. Okay, I had forgotten to enclose the fee, so I sent it off. Contacted Groendyke Insurance and yes, of course, I'm covered, but she has to send me something or other. As for the "trust documentation," I have no idea what that means and am still waiting to hear back from the township for an answer.

That was trying enough, but then I had to go to Primary Medical. I was picked up by Uber--this time, by a neat guy named Tim, who owns a sound studio and business and is also in acting. He has acted and sung in several musicals in Port Humene and Camarillo and also produces theatre. He's no matinee idol (old expression)--probably in his early sixties and quite portly (or porky 😄), but of course, we had great fun comparing notes. 

As for Primary Medical, yeah, it's most likely Basel cell and I'll get sent the referral. While I was waiting to see Natalie, the P.A., a woman and I struck up a lively conversation. She was called in before I was and when I came out of my appointment, I found a note from her on my coat, with her name and phone number, asking me to call. I liked her, so I'll do that and maybe invite her to meet for lunch.

Took the bus and went directly to the library in town. I had watched a Prime Video piece on Scotty Bowers, a procurer in old-time Hollywood and wanted to read his book, Full Service. Darn, the book is being held at the Ventura Avenue branch and I didn't want to go that far, so asked if it could be sent to the Hill Street branch. Yes,but it won't get there until Monday or Tuesday.

Home and I finished my cousin, Marifran's, book, which is essentially about her husband's depression and the problems in their marriage because of it. I called her and we had a long talk. We agreed that our fathers, two of the nine children our grandparents had, probably both suffered from depression, as well as other members of that family. I'm not talking, of course, about being a little down now and then, but of a deep, unlying sadness; in her husband's case, it manifested itself in anger. (In my opinion, the fact that we were all brought up in a insane cult exacerbated it.) Happily, Ed is now on effective medication and has been for years. I'm going to write a review of the book on Amazon.

Actually, it wasn't such a bad day. It's just that I get frantic and overreact to problems. I also get angry too often and too quickly. Am I depressed? No, I'm pretty sure not, but if I ever think I am, I'll look for help right away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know about Clinical Depression as opposed to a brief time of feeling low. Sometimes we don’t know we have depression…we just don’t care about things anymore. We give up activities we loved. We don’t go out.
It’s experienced in various ways. Losing/gaining weight…sleep problems etc. I started Celexa (anti depressant) five years ago. Nothing in my life changed I just see things differently and I’m grateful Celexa works for me. I don’t know about depression manifesting itself as anger…I have read that anger is guilt turned inward. We’re all so different.

/Me from AC


 Down a tad (.02) to 127.2 at home and a tad more at T.O.P.S. (.07) to 128. Meeting was so-so, consisting of each of us reading a paragraph ...