Monday, April 15, 2024


Set off for the mall and Target at 10:30. I got some staples (plant milk, blueberries, grapefruit, etc.), but decided to hold off buying the bathroom stuff.  I'll again be in the neighborhood today when I go to my Miramar (eye) appointment and will do it then. Called SCAN Transportation to take me there today. 

I went from Target to the post office to send off my DIL's mail, then stopped at Von's on the way home for lunchmeat. Ate my lunch in front of the television, a habit I've gotten into lately.  I'm watching a Prime series on murder in royal families. It's by Brits, of course, although it includes Mad King Ludwig of Bavaria.  As with so many of these shows, it fearfully over-written. I think so often there simply isn't enough material to sustain an hour, so they have to beef it up. Makes it boring, it seems to me.

Took an hour nap after, then putzed around on this laptop. Left at 4:30 for dinner with the Soaring Spirits gang. I decided to take the overpass and bus from Telephone Road and actually ran into Susan on my way. She was pushing her little granddaughter, Eliot, so accompanied me part way. 

At the Stone Fire Grille, the Soaring Spirts gang had a good time, as ever. Gayle held forth interminably about her ever-so-boring escapades and future cruise plans, Susan looked incredibly young and attractive, and Vera bound us all together in her warm and lovely way. She always takes me home after the dinner meeting and I got in at 7:30.  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...