Friday, April 05, 2024


A dreary one. The few bright spots included Sally E., the woman who left me her number at the doctor's office on Wednesday. I called her and we had a very enjoyable chat. I was charmed when she told me she was of Irish descent and we started talking about what could be called "the Irish personality." She actually noted the bogus idea that the Irish tend to be light-hearted and fey; not true for my antecedents or for hers. Anyway, we had a good talk, then made a date to meet for lunch at Dargan's next Wednesday.

Aside from that pleasant encounter, not much went on. I finally found the "trust documentation" the township wants and have to decide how to get it to the zoning office--electronically or via a hard copy. I did two loads of wash--color and a small white--and prepared the T.O.P.S. program for today on the health dangers of ultra-processed foods. 

It was one of those partly cloudy and too-cool (low sixties and windy) days I dislike and, aside from getting the mail, I didn't go out all day. I took a nap--from sheer boredom, I'm afraid, did a few inconsequential chores and otherwise lazed around.

And to top it off, I just went out to get the paper and it's raining! Well, at least I slept okay, even though I had taken a nap.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...