Sunday, April 28, 2024

Satisfying Saturday

 I did it, I did it, I did it;                                                                                                                                 Got rid of it, rid of it, rid of it!

All right, that doesn't scan properly, but I don't care--I finally got to FedEz and sent the devil box off to Verizon hell! 

I had walked to Telephone and taken the 11 to the Office Max shopping center, just across the street from Cricket, so I stopped there next. I doubled my data coverage for $1.33 and I'll pay only $5.00 more a month because I have it on automatic payment. That adds up to $35,00 per month total to cover my phone. No, I don't understand it, but I'll take it.

I then went to the bigger Target, which is so much better than the one at the mall. Bought another bath rug and a tub mat, plus blueberries, tangerines, and plant milk. I was pleased to find a nice bench in the shade, where I ate lunch and enjoyed watching passerbys. From there, I bused to the mall, caught the 10 home and got in at 3:00, having accomplished what I set out to do, and more. I did, however, sit and watch T.V. for an hour or so, then, even worse, took an hour nap. 

Don't quite remember what else I did until dinner, which was vegan, consisting of half the kabocha squash and the leftover lima beans. Got the mail, which included some kind of retirement package for Mike; took a pic and will ask if he needs it.

Other than that, it was pretty slow most of the day, but I feel better emotionally and that's good. Looking forward to being with my Ellen today. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...