Friday, April 26, 2024


Note: I cannot understand this: I modified this, then published and got the message it would revert to a publishing date of April 26th. Why and how that happened, I can't understand, but I'm actually "publishing" this on Saturday, 6:18 am, on April 27th.

Weight: home, 125.4, so no change; T.O.P.S., 125.5, so I lost a pound. I did the program and it was well received. However, the unrelated chatter--mostly from Sharon, of course, went on so long before I started that we ran out of time and I'll present the rest next week.

Didn't get home and breakfast until 10:30 and I skipped the citrus and just had the oatmeal. Got over to the Thai restaurant at noon to meet Susan and Eliot (or Elliot) and we had a good time reminiscing about our teenage years. (Actually, Elly didn't say much). Susan is 74, so of a generation later than mine, but we've had similar experiences. They included bar-hopping--yes, while in high school--so we were pretty naughty. We ate and chatted until after 2:00, then said goodbye. I won't see her again for several months, as she leaves today to go back to Westchester, NY, until the next time she's here to baby-sit. Unfortunately, a lock of hair fell over Susan's mouth, making her look weird; she's actually more attractive than this picture shows: 

As I was crossing the middle area, I saw Lorraine at her usual spot and stopped to chat for a bit. Got home and took a nap, as I've done several times recently. I don't want to make this a habit, though, as I think it's unhealthy--for me, anyway. I then made a batch of cabbage fritters, again using cornmeal instead of flour. This takes awhile, especially to thinly slice the cabbage, but I like them a lot. I froze several in individual containers, reserving three for my dinner. 

Today, I plan to finally take that friggin' box to FedEx and send it off to Verizon. I fervently hope that will be my last interaction with that company, which I consider Satan's cohort.


Anonymous said...

Curious asks…what bars were you able to get into when you were in high school? We didn’t start Tony Marts, Bay Shores, Steele’s etc until I was in nursing school with fake ID cards. Maloney’s. Gables in Margate much later.

HSHS ‘57

Mimi said...

We went to the Beach Club in Margate, Tony Mart's, and several bars in AC I don't remember. I never had a fake ID card, but was served anyway!

Mimi said...

Also, Maloney's and there was one on Atlantic Avenue before the Knife & Fork Inn, that I remember visiting. One place we never went is the Sailfish, in Margate. Why not? Because my parents met friends there, once in a while.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...