Tuesday, April 23, 2024


 I slept pretty well, I'm happy to say: got up once, but went back until after 6:00.  Got a call from Zak Dental to see if I could come in today, instead of Friday. Nope, and I was going to call them to say I wanted to cancel Friday and ocme next Tuesday. No prob and that's what I'll do. 

After breakfast, I walked to CVS for their decently-priced paper product (I'm being coy). On the way home, I stopped in to Great Clips and found Maria there. I could have gotten my hair trimmed then, but just didn't feel like it. She's off on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, so I'll have her do it another time. 

Got my lunch ingredients out, set the table, and otherwise prepared for Jim.  He came at his usual 12:30 and we had an enjoyable time. He seemed to be in better spirits and talked more than usual. I told him I wanted to take him out for his birthday (on April 29th, he'll' be 81) and we'll make arrangements for that. He ate most of the Bertolli's Chicken Parm and liked the baked apple dessert. After, we did the crossword puzzle thing and actually chatted a bit, Jim staying until almost 5:00.

Incredibly, I got a call from Verizon, saying I owe them two hundred bucks for the set-up box. This was from six months ago and I never did switch to Verizon. I had changed my mind about switching carriers and was never able to get them to send me the information about how to return. I then found they had "apartment six" listed on my address. All apartment numbers here have three or four digits and besides.  Called Verizon and was on hold so long, I hung up. I'll have to pursue this further, damnit. 

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