Tuesday, April 02, 2024


I had every intention of going to the regular monthly Soaring Spirits lunch yesterday. However, I was so caught up in the business/financial crapola to which I'm a slave, I just wasn't able to fit it in. Along with other chores, I called Atlantic City Electric to get the bill back in my name (when the new tenants come in, I'll transfer over); the gas company to get that back on; agent Kim to discuss some other house-related info; and the Little Egg Township zoning office. That last was and is so infuriating. For one thing, the number on their website has been disconnected--why don't they correct it?  For another, you call the zoning officer and have to leave a message; you call the office itself and you also have to leave a message. I called them both twice and haven't heard back. Called Susan, my present tenant, whose move-out date was yesterday; sent an email to former neighbors to tell them the new people could come in May 1, and did several other things of that ilk. When I came up for air, it was after 1:00 pm and too late for lunch with the S.S. gang (I'll see them in two weeks for dinner), so I just made a ham sandwich and had that.   

Gayle B. called me in the middle of all this. She was driving back from Easter at her son's house in Bakersfield and wanted to talk about missing Anne, whose funeral we attended together. We did and she said she felt a little better. Jim called me about 3:30, which he does only occasionally. I think he was hoping for a lunch invite, but I'm just too jammed up right now. However, we had a pretty good chat and I'll see him next Tuesday, when he picks me up for the Dudley House Covered Dish. I'm conducting the downstairs tour on Sunday and I must try on my costume to be sure it all comes together.

Regina S. called. She has to take a drivers test again, not because of her age, but she has an eye condition and can't see out of one eye. I hope the other is still working. I had mentioned I had taken the test one line and she wanted info on that. She's a good friend of Julie's and said J. is still on an extended tour of Europe.

I was so pleased to receive a warm response to my welcome note to my new tenants. Her  name is Laura, but she uses "Lori"; she and her mother will move in on May 1. Emailed my former neighbors about Lori and Mom coming in on May 1 and got a nice note back from Susan G. 

I called SCAN Transportation to pick me up for my1:00 HEAR+USA appointment today. I told them I'd take the bus home, which I will after stopping at TARGET. They'll also take me tomorrow to my 2:00 appointment with Primary Medical so I can get a referral for the dermatologist. Damn, is there no end to this medical stuff?

Happily, though, I was able to get my phone on the right track, so I found the pic of the flowers I got on Easter:

Because we had so much else to carry, I didn't take the vase, but when we got to my place, I found I didn't have a vase big enough, so I separated them into two:
Now, it seems, I have some kind of eye infection on the right eye. Miramar is right next to the hearing aid place, so I think I'll stop there and ask for a recommendation for drops. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...