Friday, June 17, 2022


What a day. I'm not going to chronicle most of it here, but am keeping a record on a Word document of what I've been going through with SO-FI, the huge organization that owns this place. It involved a notice at my front door yesterday morning, an immediate trip to the office, a walk to the bank, phone calls and emails that chronicle the idiotic and amusing--if it wasn't so incredibly infuriating--situation with the apartment managers from Hell.

So speaking of: I went to the office early on to rant and rave, then walked to the bank and Wal-Mart. Had a quick lunch, showered and re-dressed, and took off for town and Happy Hour with LaVonne at 4:00. At LaVonne's suggestion, she and I met at a newish place on Main called Bank of Italy (I can't seem to get away from banks), which is actually a bar/restaurant. We sat outside, of course, as it was a pleasantly warm, although overcast, day. She had a Shirley Temple, which they didn't have on the menu, but made up for her and I a beer; we both just had appetizers of "mushroom toast."   

I was surprised to hear LaVonne hadn't been in town for months. She's a bus person, too (we're a breed apart), and I go there so frequently, I just assumed she did. Anyway, we had a pleasant time chatting, but I left at 5:00, since I had rehearsal at 7:00. Walked to the bus stop and rode home.

Had just a bite, then was picked up by Paula at 6:45. Rehearsal went well--Paula and I were both thrilled that it was just us and our playlet, not the full cast of the full show--and we rehearsed for two hours. Shannon, writer and director, gave us various tips and pointers, and it went well. So far, we're without a set, but that will come soon. Since my part is so small (but, as they say, "meaty") and I come on at the end, I had time to observe who's good--most of them--and who isn't (shall be nameless). 

I chatted with Ben, who played the young husband of my granddaughter in Welcome Home, in the last Fractured Actors production three years ago. Ben is a terrific actor and an truly interesting person. He's only 22 and is engaged in walking across America--literally; he walked to Texas most recently. He identities as "homeless," although he's nothing like the sad, mostly older people we ignore on the street. He said his parents now live in Mexico (although he isn't Latino) How does he eat? He'll take temp jobs here and there and may--or may not--have some money stashed away. Where does he sleep? Sometimes on the beach, sometimes in paid accommodations. Ben is obviously very bright and articulate, and he's a pleasure to know. 

Home at 9:00 and I just watched a bit more of a documentary on Dominick Dunne. I always like him as a writer and he had an interesting life, filled with celebrities, money, high-living, and tragedy. He died several years ago. I finally bit the bullet and signed up for NetFlix, as I want to see Anthony in Web of Make-Believe

Note: I had phone calls yesterday with Ellen, Olivia, Carolyn (we discussed my visit to Betty, of course), and my co-resident friends, David W., and Michelle.  It's just too long and involved to elaborate on them here, so I won't. I also called Primary Medical twice and both times, was put on hold so long, I hung up. (Dr. L. had said she wanted to look at my low platelet count, but I wasn't given a lab request for that.) Will call again today, damnit. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...