Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Tuesday At Ellen's

Yesterday was another of the recent fun ones: at Ellen's in Ojai. I took the bus that got  me to Ojai a few minutes after noon and Ellen picked me up. The heat was phenomenal; I think the lowest was 89 and from there it went up to the nineties and stayed there. However, she has central air, of course, so no prob.

When we walked into the gated side yard, Greg was just finishing the salmon on the outside grill. He accompanied that with roasted zucchini spears--both dishes, seasoned with his own combinations of spices and a light touch of oil.  Here's Greg with one of the plates:

The picture really doesn't due either Greg or the meal justice: It was superb. The salmon was wonderfully tender and, of course, perfectly seasoned with just the right amount of--I think--oregano, basil, rosemary (😄), and other herbs and spices. Greg never overdoes the seasoning; we talked about some dishes that are just too overloaded. Seasoning is supposed to be subtle and to enhance the food, not to stand alone on the taste buds. Anyway, it was scrumptious.

After we ate, Greg went to Java Joe's for coffee and to read, asking us to meet him there at 3:00, after  El and I went to Rain's Department Store and browsed. I impulsively bought a "decorating bulb" for cake icing. I'm thinking of having a little dinner party--possibly with Suzanne, El, and Greg--and will use it then. We then went back to El's and she went through the many grooming items she has and we filled two large bags with some she gave me. 

Met Greg and sat outside, although it was mighty hot. I had the counter person make me up a mocha/hazelnut concoction to my specifications and boy, did that taste good, albeit I was inhaling six million calories. We sat and chatted over our various coffees until it was time to go back to El's and wait for the Access Van. It got there, as promised at 4:45, I kissed my dear girl goodbye, and was ferried back to Ventura.   

What a neat day after a series of good ones and now I'm going to buckle down and address my various financial, business, clutter-clearing and other concerns. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...